
This section was put up cause I thought it would be a neat idea!
If you have a dream about Domi that you would like to share with everyone, e-mail me!
Be sure to include the title!
Remember, stories that are unsuitible for the public will NOT be posted and are NOT tolerated... and be sure it has something to do with Domi!
Well this is my dream:
  I was at a baseball park, and I was sitting in the outfield beside
shannon miller, and we were talking.  Dominique comes up to bat and I
yelled "GO DOMINIQUE" she looked at me and smiled, (shannon told me to
shut up) then she hit the ball hard, won a home run, and came over to me
and said "Thanx for the good luck, would you like to hang around with me
and get my autograph and personal phone# and we could become friends"  I
said "ok".  Then when I was just about to meet her family my stupid
brother (lil) woke me up to find something for him.  He made me mad. 
well hope you enjoyed my dream.  

here's another dream:
I was at bush gardens w/my family when all of a sudden I saw Dominique
signing autographs.  So I yelled at her name and she looked at me, and
she said "what?".  She walked over to me, gave me a pic, signed it, then
I asked her to hang out w/her for the rest of the day.  She said "NO,
I'm too busy to hang out now" 

Nique at Canada's Wonderland
It was really weird but here goes anyway.. I was at Canada's Wonderland and
I waiting in line for the new ride DROP ZONE and there she was.. just
2 people ahead of me and she was w/ another girl. Anyway I got really
hyper and when it was my turn, since it was 4 to a cart, I got to ride
w/ her! I sat beside her and I said, "You're Dominique Moceanu!!" She
replied, "Yup!".. thats when the ride began to move up. We we're at the
top of the ride and after 7 seconds they dropped us 24 stories!! I was
screaming my head off and so was Dom.. the ride lasted for about 6 sec.
When I got off, she smiled and said "See ya!" and that was it.

Dreamt by Terry Biss  tbis@iname.com 

To Dream the Impossible Dream I was chasing a guy, for some reason, and I had my two guns strapped to the side of my chest, like on Last Man Standing with Bruce Willis, and I took the guy down without a shot fired. All of a sudden a girl walks up to me (Lady Luck? You might say that, but it was Domi) and gives me a hug I saw who it was a had the biggest smile on my face. She said thank you, and then I had to wake up and go to drivers ed. But I'm glad to say that I do have my licence at age 15. Dreamt by Zach Smith ssmith@bigsky.net

A Dream Come True? This really wasn't a real dream where I wake up right at the best part, but more of a day-dream where I'm completely awake! I've had this fantasy of talking to Domi, and have thought of all the different things to ask her. I thought about us getting to know each other, and talking constantly! Her sending me personal pics and inviting me to go with her to the mall, or the beach or something like that. But more realistically, I dream about her letting me run a website that is about her (like there aren't enough already) but has an e-mail address. I would read all the mail addressed to her, and then call her on the phone (or e-mail her Personally) and answer EVERYONE'S Questions! I've wanted to talk to her for a long time now. I've written her but I keep getting the same response about the fan club. I guess that's why they call it a dream, right? Dreamt by Jeff Nelson jdnelson34@earthlink.net

Air Nique! My best friend and I were at the local park playing basketball, when we saw a car pull up and stop right by the side of the court. It looked kinda like a limo, but not THAT long.. the door opened, and out came Dominique!! I was stunned.. I couldn't move or talk.. my friend barely touched me and I almost fell over :) Anyway, she started walking over and said "Hey guys, can me and my friend play?" And we said "Sure, let's go!" So she got her friend (I think her name was Julie or something) and they shot around for a little bit, then we started to play... I got the ball first.. and since it was my dream, I was guarded by Dominique :) I tried to dribble around her, but I couldn't! Dominique was incredible at basketball! So I just went out to the 3-point line and shot. Anyway, we played 3 games.. We won 1 and Domi and Julie won 2.. they only won by 3 points both times tho :) Anywayz, after that, me and Domi got to be really good friends.. I got front row and "backstage" tickets to all the competitions and Tours and stuff.. I got to sit right by Domi out on the floor, so when she came back from doing her routine, I sat right by her.. it was VERY cool. We became best friends and were best friends for the rest of our lives.. I don't know if we ever got married, though, because I woke up.. hehe.. :) Anyway, thats my dream! Dreamt by Ryan Sanders ILuuvDomiM@aol.com

Domi was at the pool! I was at the pool and guess who I spotted... Domi! So I ran over, but I slipped on the side of the pool and fell in! Everyone was laughing at me including Domi..but then she came over and helped me out of the pool and asked if I was okay! She kept giggling though.. oh well! That's all I remember! Dreamt by Darren mak@hotmail.com

Over Here Dom!! It was at John Hancock Tour and I got there pretty early along with a whole bunch of people. As soon as they let us in, I ran to find Domi... but so did everyone else. We found her on the beam and since everyone was yelling for her, she began to walk towards us. Then everyone started pushing and I got shoved to the back of the crowd!! I thought I would never be able to get a picture of her. All of a sudden Nique yelled "You guys will have to stop pushing or I'll leave! And will the girl (me!) in the blue and white shirt come here!" So everyone let me pass and she signed my Mag 7 book first because she saw I got shoved to the back! I even got a clear close-up pic of her! So I said "Thanx Nique", and she replyed "No prob! enjoy the show!" and that was it! Dreamt by Helen gymdm@geocities.com

I met Domi and the Mag 7! It was so cool! I don't remember where I was but I was with my buds on some street. My friend spotted someone wearing the national team jacket (possibly a coach) walking into a gym center, so we followed her to check it out. It turned out to be a USA gymnasics coach and she told us that the Mag 7 were working out upstairs! So we all freaked out and ran up about 3 flights of stairs (it seemed forever!), and when we opened a door, there they all were. Dominique was standing about 2 feet away! So I ran to her and we started chatting while my other friends were talking to Shannon. But there was one thing bad about this dream... no one had a camera (no pics), no pencil and paper (no autographs). I was so mad, but then I did get to meet the entire Mag 7..... Another bad thing about my dream was- **POOF!**..... I woke up. Dreamt by Lisa lisama@hotmail.com

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