Dominique's Favourite Things

Tired of reading the same thing over and over? Here is an updated list from IG Magazine! Thanx to Doug for the update! Last updated June 3, 1998.
TV Shows:  "Dawson's Creek" and "Friends"
Movie:  TItanic
Music:  Celine Dion, "My Heart Will Go On"
Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise
Dream Date:  Leonardo DiCaprio ("He just seems very fun, intelligent and
On Her Fans:  "I feel really happy and proud that people admire me.
It's really an honor for me."
On Her New Coach:  "She's the best thing that ever happened to me.  I
mean, she's picked me up and put me on my feet.  If it wasn't for her it
would have been tough for me; now I've got hope again.  She's one of the
best coaches I've ever had.  I really admire her a lot."
Advice to Olympic Hopefuls:  "Reach for your goals and be happy with who
you are."

Favourite Sports to Watch (Other than Gymnastics): Ice Skating and Baseball
Sports to Play (Other than Gymnastics): Basketball, in-line skating, and tennis
Athletes: Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon, Charles Barkley, Kristi Yamaguchi, and Scott Hamilton
Biggest Sports Thrill: Winning the all-around at the 1995 national championships and the team gold medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics
Colours: Red, white, blue, and purple
Food: Chocolate-chip cookies
Clothing: Jeans and casual shirts
Actresses Jennifer Aniston, Sally Field, and Kristian Alsonso
Actors: Brad Pitt and Mel Gibson
Movies: Aladdin, The Lion King, Grease, and Ransom
TV Shows: Friends, Seinfeld, and Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Book: Romeo and Juliet
Songs: Un-Break My Heart (Toni Braxton) and Strawberry Wine (Deana Carter)
Album: Evita Soundtrack
Animals: Dogs and cats
Singers: Toni Braxton, Reba McEntire, Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, and Deana Carter
Place to be When not Doing Gymnastics: At the beach or skiing
Hobby: In-line skating
The Athletes I Admired the most as a Kid: Michael Jordan and Scott Hamilton
Secret Talents: Singing, designing T-shirts
TV Soap: Days of Our Lives
Cars: BMW convertible, Ford Explorer
Cereals: Apple Jacks, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops,& Wheaties
Least Favourite Foods: Onions, garlic, mushrooms, liver,& squid
Drinks: Apple Juice, nonalcoholic strawberry daiquiris
Things She Couldn't Live Without: Her personal computer
Music: Country and western
Countries: Japan & Brazil
Pets: Her cat, Mitzy and her goldfish
Jewelry: Her lucky elephant necklace

Credits: All Information (Dominique's Favourite Things) are from the March 1997 Issue of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED FOR KIDS & Domi's autobiography: Dominique Moceanu: An American Champion

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