
This section will contain highlights from her competitions, including her scores, what she did on the apparatus, and how she did on the apparatus.

1998 Nationals - Day 2
1998 Nationals - All-Around Finals Dominique finishes 3rd Overall! Congrats Nique! That's a huge improvement from the 1997 Nationals in which she placed 9th. Good Job! We're proud of you Nique!! Rotation 1: Vault - Score 9.450 She a small hop on the first, and she did a beautiful handspring front layout half out for her second vault. Rotation 2: Uneven Bars - Score8.975 Dom had a few problems on this event w/ her Pak salto transition to the low bar. Her hand slipped off leaving her swinging w/ 1 arm out of control on the low bar...luckly, she regained her position and had a large step on her dismount. Rotation 3: Balance Beam - Score 9.550 Once again, she performs a nice solid routine. Nice wolf jump w/ a full turn and layout series. Rotation 4: Floor Exercise - Score9.750 She did great on this event! Nice triple twist, and execution. Results after Day 2 Finals - AA Score 38.787 Results after Day 1 Finals - AA Score 37.437 Final Total: 75.162 Senior Division All-Around Finals (scores combined with Thursday’s preliminaries, top 20 named to U.S. Senior National Team) 1, Kristen Maloney, Pen Argyl, Pa., 76.749. 2, Vanessa Atler, Canyon Country, Calif., 75.762. 3, Dominique Moceanu, Houston, Texas, 75.162. 4, Jennie Thompson, Cincinnati, Ohio, 74.837. 5, Elise Ray, Columbia, Md., 74.662. 6, Jeanette Antolin, Huntington Beach, Calif., 74.487. 7, Jeana Rice, Longwood, Fla., 73.212. 8, Alyssa Beckerman, Middletown, N.J., 73.187. 9, Jamie Dantzscher, San Dimas, Calif., 73.174. 10, Cory Fritzinger, Virginia Beach, Va., 72.200. 11, Kim Zmeskal, Cincinnati, Ohio, 71.899. 12, Erinn Dooley, Gaithersburg, Md., 71.837. 13, Marline Stephens, Houston, Texas, 71.162. 14, Brittany Smith, Fairfield, Ohio, 70.875. 15, Breanne Rutherford, Simsbury, Conn., 70.775. 16, Sheehan Lemley, Allentown, Pa., 70.475. 17, Chelsa Byrd, North Little Rock, Ark., 70.450. 18, Betsy Hamm, Waukesha, Wis., 70.137. 19, Katie McFarland, Virginia Beach, Va., 69.237. 20, Jennifer Carow, Waukesha, Wis., 68.850. For a press release, Click here For the results of Day 1, click here! For the Quick Hits, click here! Info provided by USAGO

1998 Nationals - Day 1
1998 Nationals - All-Around Prelims Nique is currently in 2nd place after the all-around prelims!! She's behind Kristen Maloney and Jennie Thompson is just behind Nique. She also won 2 GOLD individual event medals - Beam, Vault, (her first individual event gold medals at a U.S. championships) & a bronze medal - Floor Ex. (Event finals were based on the prelims and Nique had the highest scores in 2 events!!) Rotation 1: Floor Exercise - Score 9.425 Dominique, competing with a knee injury, dances to a nice Riverdance routine on floor. She hit all of her tumbling well, including a triple twist! Rotation 2: Vault - Score 9.537 Domi vaulted a handspring layout front and a half, that is very competitive internationally. She could take that vault anywhere in the world and medal. Rotation 3: Uneven Bars - Score 8.675 She started out with a real nice set, but after her pak salto, had a little too much swing and missed her toes on a toe-on shoot to handstand, causing her to take an extra swing. As for her dismount, she didn't have enough rotation to get her Healy to double front around, falling on her bottom. Rotation 4: Balance Beam - Score 9.800 Her beam routine was classic Moceanu: solid, real comfortable. Results after Day 1 Prelims - AA Score 37.437 - Currently in 2nd VAULT UBARS BEAM FLOOR 9.537 8.675 9.800 9.425 Senior Division Individual Event Champions Vault: 1, Dominique Moceanu, 9.537. 2, Vanessa Atler, 9.525. 3, Jennie Thompson, 9.437. Uneven Bars: 1, Elise Ray, 9.825. 2, Alyssa Beckerman, 9.750. 3, Jeanette Antolin, 9.675. Balance Beam: 1, Dominique Moceanu, 9.800. 2, Kristen Maloney, 9.725. 3, Jeana Rice, 9.425. Floor Exercise: 1, Vanessa Atler, 9.850. 2, Jamie Dantzscher, 9.600. 3, Dominique Moceanu, 9.425. For a press release, Click here For a picture, Click Here! For the results of Day 1, click here! For the Quick Hits, click here! Info provided by USAGO Nique has improved so much in a year.. check out the difference from the 1997 Nationals, - Click here!

~The 1998 Goodwill Games~

Dominique is the 1998 Goodwill Games All-Around Champion!! This was HER meet and I'm so proud of her and she should be too! She hit ALL her events w/ style and she even won by more than a full point. Way to go Nique, you were awesome!!
For press releases at USAGO Click here!
Click here for the Goodwill Games Site
Here are a few highlights incased you missed it-

Rotation 1: Bars - 9.625
This was the best bar routine I've ever seen her done. Her form has definatly improved and her skills have really sharpened up. Even though she had a little bobble on one of her handstands, she handled it like a pro and didn't even break form. Alright Nique! :)

Rotation 2: Beam - 9.70
They didn't broadcast this rotation, but I would imagine if she got a 9.70 she did pretty GOOD!

Rotation 3: Floor Exercise - 9.70
She danced to a Riverdance theme and WOW! She had clean leaps, jumps, turns, and landings on all tumbling passes (Just pulls around on a triple twist). She was awesome on this event!! I loved it! :)

Rotation 4: Vault - Average of 2 Vaults 5.587
Vault 1 - Yurchenko 1 1/2 twist (SV 9.80)
This was the same vault you saw Dom perform at the Olympics, and this time she landed on her feet! Go Dominique!! Score: 9.550
Vault 2 - Layout, half turn (SV 9.9)
She had a tiny hop, but it was still a NICE vault. Score: 9.625

That's it! But what can I say... Nique's Back!! :) Go for the Gold in Sydney!

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