Books With Info on Nique

Here are some book titles which contain info on Dominique!

Dominique Moceanu: An American Champion (Autobiography)
By: Dominique Moceanu (As told to Steve Woodward)
Price: US $14.95 / CAN $19.95
This book is highly recommended for those who don't know too much about Dominique. It was released just before the Olympics and it's filled with tons of info and awesome pictures. It was number 7 on the New York Times bestseller list for a while so get yours today at a local bookstore...I got mine at Cole's.
Click here for more info!
**There is a new epilogue to her autobiography (An American Champion) for the paperback edition, it's pretty short and it just says that the Mag 7 won the gold in Atlanta.

Dominique Moceanu: A Gymnastics Sensation (Biography)
By: Krista Quiner
Price: US $12.95 / CAN ?
I haven't got a hold of this book yet but I heard it's great!! It was released in November 1996 and it should be in bookstores. If you can't find it, you can order it directly from the publisher at-
The Bradford Book Company
P.O. Box 283
East Hanover, NJ 07936-0283

*NOTE: If you are ordering it from the publisher please add $2.00 for S&H.
You can click on the book cover to see what it looks like!!
For more info about what the book is about, click here!
Click here to see what the back of the book looks like!

The Magnificent Seven: The Authorized Story of American Gold
By: Nancy H. Kleinbaum
Price: US $19.95 / CAN $27.95
An excellent hardcover book filled with highlights of how the Mag 7 won the team Gold at the 1996 Summer Olympics. Each gymnast has her own section along with a biography and a few pictures. A good book to have to remember the moments.

The Story of America's 1996 Women's Gymnastics Team
By: Daniel and Susan Cohen
Price: US $3.99 / CAN $4.99
In my opinion, this book isn't as good as the actual Magnificent Seven book, it pretty much has the same stuff except it's a paperback, it doesn't have as much info, and the pictures are in black and white.

Great Women in Sports
By: Anne Janette Johnson
Price: US $17.95 / CAN $?
Great Book!! Not only can you find info on Domi, but you can also find info on any other female athelete! This includes the other Mag 7 team members, Rebecca Lobo, Lisa Leslie, and much more!! This book has a cool pic of Domi too!!

Little Girls in Pretty Boxes
By: Joan Ryan
Price: US $22.95 / CAN $29.95
As a gymnastics fan, you must read this book about the making and breaking of elite gymnasts and figure skaters. It talks about the mental & physical abuse that gymnasts have to take, eating disorders, stunted growth, debilitating injuries, and more right down to the last detail. If you read it, it may change your views about gymnastics forever. Note: It contains a small picture of Domi

Olympic Portraits
By: Annie Leibovitz (Photographer)
Price: $29.95, Hardcover - 177 pages (July 1996)
Grab this to see Nique in a photo shoot atmosphere. Thanx to Mike for the info!

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