Dominique's Mailing Addresses

Fan Club
6120 Louetta
Spring, TX

Dominique Moceanu
c/o Dominique Moceanu Fan Club
P.o. Box 90908
Houston, TX

*Dominque Moceanu
c/o USA Gymnastics
Pan American Plaza, Suite 300
201 S. Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46225

*This address can be used to write to any other gymnast too!!
*It has been confirmed that writing to Bela Karolyi's Gym no longer works since he sold the Gym.

Click here to see a letter that Yusaku got from Domi!! Lucky!!

Writing Tips

Dominique gets tons of letters everyday and it is very unlikely that she will even read your letter. The chances of a reply from Domi are very slim so don't be too dissapointed! But that still doesn't mean you can't write to her...make yours stand out from the rest! Be creative! Here are a few pointers you might consider-

1.) Write your letter on COLOURFUL writing paper with designs on it. (Make sure it isn't too flashy!!)
2.) DON'T tell her she is the greatest gymnast cause' she hears that all the time.. be ORIGINAL!!
3.) Put it in a large and COLOURFUL envelope, jam packed with stickers.
4.) If you only have a white envelope, draw designs on it using funky bright colours!!

The Dominique Moceanu Fan Club

Want to join the Official Dominique Moceanu Fan Club? When you join, you will get info sheets, article updates, handwritten letters from Dominique, periodicals, and new item listings. This is the ONLY Dominique Moceanu Fan Club authorized by the Moceanu family. For a 1 year membership, send $15 to:

Dominique Fan Club
P.O. Box 90908
Houston TX 77290-0908

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