Hi all! Welcome to place that's all about me, Marisa, and the stuff I like. I know it's probably not too interesting to listen to me blather on about myself, but you can deal with it. ^_-

Name: Marisa
Nicknames:Willow, 'Rissa, Mariss
All Time Faves:
Albums: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy - Sarah McLachlan, The Swiss Army Romance - Dashboard Confessional, From the Choirgirl Hotel - Tori Amos, Moulin Rouge Soundtrack, Something to Write Home About - The Get Up Kids, Rufus Wainright - Poses, Incubus - Make Yourself.
Songs: Sarah McLachlan - "Fear", Delerium - "Terra Firma", Orbital - "Halycon& On & On", more that I can't think of because I'm really tired...
Author: Phillip Pullman (you've probably never heard of him, but he wrote the His Dark Materials and Sally Lockhart trilogies. He's completely amazing. Go here for more info)
Movie:Moulin Rouge
Hobbies:Drawing, choir, playing the guitar.
Music I Love:Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, The Get up Kids, Dashboard Confessional, Rufus Wainwright, At The Drive-In, Further Seems Forever, Saves the Day, Delerium, Jars of Clay, Incubus, Travis, Dido, BNL, Mediaeval Baebes & other choir-nerdy music.
Other great movies:Ferris Buller's Day Off, Fight Club, American Beauty, Bridget Jones' Diary, Trainspotting, All Kevin Smith movies, Sleepy Hollow, The Emperor's New Groove, From Hell, Donnie Darko, Tank Girl.

5/12/02- It's all OVER! Hahahaaa! No, really, I had a total blast this semester. It's just that that last week of classes nearly took my sanity. o_O But now I have a week with nothing to do but tear up Beantown, before heading back to boring CT. And you know what? As much as I love it here, I can't wait to go home. ^_^ This summer is gonna kick some serious tush.

This is where I put up all of the things I'm into, um, at the moment (master of the obvious). They change whenever I feel like it, becuase like I said, they're for the moment. ^_^ (talking in circles is fuuuun.)
Quote(s):(I love quotes, what can I say.)
"Placing my heart home to the west, where we'll watch the same sunsets. When I doubt, I'll look east. Lock my heart in a brass box, to Newfound, Mass, I'm heading out. This is my home!"
-The Get Up Kids
"Then along the bending path away, I smiled in knowing I'd be back one day"
-Rufus Wainwright
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that the moment one area of your life starts going okay, another part of it falls spectacularly to pieces."
-Bridget Jones' Diary
"It's hard to stay mad when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once... and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember... to relax, and not try to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life."
-American Beauty
CD:Further Seems Forever - The Moon is Down
Song:Further Seems Forever - Monechetti
Book I'm reading:Nothing right now, really.

Lenore TM & © Roman Dirge. http://www.spookyland.com