These are not in any sort of order. I have put what movie or show the sound is from. Otherwise, It woulda been confusing. So neway, here they are. The sounds!! They are all wavs unless otherwise marked.
Tommy Boy-What'd u do? One of the funniest lines in the movie (Thanks to Susan for suggesting this one)
Tommy Boy-Bees! Bees in the car!
Black Sheep-a phone call gone horribly wrong!
SNL-Benett Braurer-He's not "a heartbreaker"

SNL-Benett Braurer-He's not "hygenic"

SNL-Chris Farley Show-Talkin with Mr. McCartney

Billy Madison-one of the bus drivers rantings

Billy Madison-the bus driver trying to impress Billy

SNL-Matt Foley's motto

Tommy Boy-setting things on fire

SNL-Matt Foley en espanol

SNL-More Matt Foley en espanol

SNL-Even More Matt Foley en espanol

Tommy Boy-Tommy describing where it hurts

Tommy Boy-Fat guy in a little coat!

Tommy Boy-the guaruntee

SNL-Herihy Boy-What is the holdup!

Beverly Hills Ninja-I am one with the universe

SNL-Matt Foley-Ladeefreakinda

Tommy Boy-I'm retarded

SNL-Matt Foley-Couldn't enourage a whino

Tommy Boy-shove an oar

Tommy Boy-do ya think she goes out with one of the Yankees?

SNL-Chris fell through the ice and is not happy about it

Billy Madison-That is correct.
SNL-Matt Foley-Christmas down by the river
Tommy Boy-housekeeping
SNL-Live from New York it's Saturday Night!
Tommy Boy-I'm a maniac
Tommy Boy-Chris's zipper trouble
SNL-Todd o' Conner-a burp-au file
Almost Heroes-Lower me from these gallows...-au file
Almsot Heroes-I fear inebriation...-au file

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