
My favorite show has spawned. I want on the ground floor of Groening's new show

Groening has done it again. After the longest running cartoon and maybe the funniest show ever, Matt Groening is trying to do it for a new generation-a generation that won't live for 1000 years.

Futurama is a story of a delivery boy named fry who is sick of his pathetic life. Then he is cryogenically frozen and awakens on new years eve 3000, to a totally different world. The series premiered on March 28, 1999.

Cast of Characters

Fry. Our hero and destined to be the next Homer Simpson. Has an unspoken love of the moon, and tacky souveneirs. Voiced by Billy west of Ren and Stimpy fame.

Bender. The Homerish Robot companion sort of a Homer/Bart/Fox Mulder/Al Bundy/Barney Gumble Hybrid. Voiced by comedian John Dimaggio.

Professor Hubert Farnsworth. Fry's (many) greats nephew. Invented the rocket the crew travels in. Also voiced by Billy West.

Leela. Fry's ugly yet beautiful one eyed alien side kick. Voiced by Married with Children Star, Katey Sagal.

Episode guide

Episode #1

Introduction to Fry at pizza delivery. Transported to the future at a prank pizza call. In the future he begins to discover this new world and meets the gang. Fry finds out that fate is already decided here and police are strict on enforcing it.

The stuff you might have missed.

Among the heads in the gallery of heads are Dana Scully, Fox Mulder,Richard Nixon, Leonard Nimoy, and of course Matt Groening.

Richard Nixon has appeared in at least two Simpson episodes, as has Leonard Nimoy.

signs throughout the episode make reference to Mom, the sinister controller of the future.

Episode #2

Fry, Leela and Bender are sent to a delivery on the moon, which has become an amusement park and not the historic milestone of Fry's past. After making the delivery, they lose the keys, get lost and end up milking some space beetles. At the end they are saved by Amy Wong, an intern along to help them.

"I have made a commercial to air during the superbowl......on a different channel of course."

The stuff you may have missed

There are at least eight references to Disneyland.

Some of the parodied attractions are Pirates of the Caribbean (Whalers of the sea of Tranquility), The Country Bear Jamboree and Moon Street USA (Main Street Usa)

The commercial at the beginning also parodies the space mountain attraction at Disneyland, there is a similar commercial for Fed-Ex.

The term "fungineer" is a direct insult to me. The real word is Imagineer, the career I am pursuing. If you see this Matt, I'm not laughing.

This is an oppurtunity to figure out the untranslated code in the futurama universe, it appears several times throughout the episode. If you have any ideas as to what it says,e-mail to me and I will post them.

Break Through! The latest on the hidden code! Follow the arrow to find out more

In the future, popular cereal stars get promotions. Cap'n Crunch is now Admiral Crunch and Count Chockula is now Archduke Chockula.

Count Chockula also appeared in the Simpsons, they were mistaken for Burns O's.

Futurama is presented in hypno-vision

Episode #3 I,roomate

Fry is an unwanted nuisance back at the office, so He moves into Benders apartment, which is only 2 cubic meters wide. So he looks around and finds a new place to stay, but Bender makes the TV go out so Fry kicks him out. After Bender removes his antenae, Fry realizes a friend is more important than his house. At the end of the episode, Bender shows Fry his spacious closet in his apartment.

The Stuff you might have missed

There are references to 3 contemporary serrealist artists in the episode. The first is at the beginning when Bender smashes and bends the alarm clock, paroding Salvador Dali's Persistence of the Memory.

The second is in one of the apartments, is an M.C. Escher drawing, and Bender falls up stairs.

The third is when moving into the apartment Fry removes a painting of some cans of soda. This is a play on Andy Warhol's famous campbells soup painting.

The apartment numbers of Benders apartments, the Robot Arms, are written in binary, the language computers use.

One of the tennants at Fry's apartments looks eerily like Peg from Married with Children.

The slogan of the commercial airing before all my circuits is "Robo Fresh, designed by a robot, for a robot."

Episode #4

Leela and crew go out on a tax deductible mission of charity to Vergon 6. Along the way they meet up with Zap Brannigan. Although he refuses to help them he does help himself with Leela. In the end they rescue the animals on Vergon 6 only to have them eaten by a little black resident of the planet.

The things you might have missed

Futurama is presented in BC (brain control)

Leela's date has a lizard tongue.

The name of the night club they go to is the hip joint.

Quote: "You can never let your adversary see your pieces," - Zap Brannigan As he uncrosses his leg a la' Sharon Stone and Groundskeeper Willie.

Many elements of the plot, including Zap Brannigan himself and the uniforms parody Star Trek.

At the end of the episode Zap gives a stardate. The Stardate of April 13, is the day the episode aired.

The Demographic order of Planets, which Zap works for is on a banner in the background of the dinner scene as DOOP.

episode 5

They showed me a rerun Futurama in my part of the country so I will fill this in when I see the episode. All I know is Bender becomes leader of aa robot planet.

episode 6

Fox changed their Tuesday night lineup and I flat out missed this episode. Fry's income from this century had gained interest and he had over a billion dollars. He then bought the last can of anchovies at an auction. Although everyone tried them, Fry was the only one who liked them.

Episode 7

Planet Express has to deliver a package to the emporor of a planet in the forbidden zone. After a grueling journey, Fry is extremely tired and has a drink of something on a chair. It turns out the planet is made of liquid people and Fry is made the new emporer because he drank the emporer. Uncovering a plot to dethrone Fry, Leela finds a way for Fry to expel the emporer from his system. At the end of the episode the cast is beating Fry to make him cry the emporer out, including the emporer himself.

The items you might have missed

The 3 settings on the robot wash are regular, deluxe, sub-standard, which is the one Bender picks.

A sign aat the robot wash reads put self in neutral

Futurama is presented in double vision (where drunk)

The name of the planet they visit is Trisol

Trisol has three suns

One structure in the palace looks like Bender. (Top left side)

Benders apron says to serve man. It is a play on one of the very best Twilight Zone episodes, by the same name. If you've never seen it, go rent it.

There is some code on one of the pillars in the palace. I have translated it for you. Follow the link to see your prize.

Episode 8

A giant ball of garbage from our century is heading toward Earth.After discovering it with his smell-o-scope, The crew tries to blow it apart from the inside. They come up with a plan to knock the ball away using another ball of garbage. With New NY recycling everything, they have to resort to their old ways to get the garbage. AAt the end the ball is turned away and sent into the sun.

The stuff you didn't caatch

The news station from LA is called (square root) of 2 news

Mr. Benders wardrobe is provided by Robotany 500

Ogden's fish is named cinnamon.

Ron Popeil is the presenter at the award ceremony. CELEBRITY COUNT=3 (talking roles)

The name of the barge in the internet video is The fun in the sun.

Elements of the plot parody Armageddon and the "Bart's Comet" episode of the Simpsons.

This is the first time one of the Simpsons appears in Futurama. Bart appears and is voiced by Nancy Cartwright.

Links to other sites on the Web

the official website

Another great Futurama sight!

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