The Mondo Links Page!!
The Mondo Links Page!!!
You have entered the land of perpetual updates...
So I don't get yelled at by my friends:
Fingertips! ~~ Steve "Beefcake" Ruiz's writings on death, Lincoln, and various aspects of the University of New Orleans sports scene.  Oh, and he's got some MiSTings too.

Inkblot Productions
~~ Gypsy Jr.'s everything-but-the-kitchen-sink site. Here you'll find her artwork, shrines to various pop culture icons, and whatever else she feels like putting up!

Wild Wankers
~~ Erin "Sandpaper" Gleeson's site. with essays and advice from Kitty van Buren.  It's um, interesting, to say the least! ;)
Some Sounds Pages:

~~ Wavs, Midi, and Video from movies, tv, etc.

~~  Well, gee, hmm, what's on this page? Oh yeah! Wavs from movies!! ;)

Wav Central
~~ More of the same

The Daily.wav
~~  Wavs in alphabetical order, with a new tasty treat offered every day.
Nifty Miscellaneous Pages The ultimate "anything you need is here" site.  They really do have just about everything, and it's user-friendly too!

Ask Jeeves
~~ A search engine.  It's better than most because all you have to do is type in a question, and it gives you options to narrow down the list.

~~ Possibly the best search engine. It actually brings up links you could use.

~~ Lots and lots of screensavers, many of them FREE!
~~ My friend Pete's site.  He's got lots and lots of stuff there, including original cartoons and...well, you have to see it to believe it...

HTML Color Chart
~~ A must-bookmark for web page builders

Dover Twp
~~ The official site for my hometown, Toms River, in Dover Township, New Jersey (FYI, I live in Baltimore now).

Java applets
~~ Some neat games and stuff

Whose Line is it Anyway?
~~ The popular British show is now on American TV.  This fan-made site is the definitive source for anything about the show.

The Hamster Dance - Must see!!

~~ Comics, comics, and more comics!
~~ My personal claim to fame (for the moment) is that I saw Weird Al in concert FIVE TIMES.  His site is really cool, definitely check it out! (1/27/01 ~~ now my claim to fame is getting first in 200 Fly at my swim meet!)

Al-oholics Anonymous
~~ The ultimate Weird Al site for the casual listener or die hard fan.  Full of sounds, pictures, and videos!

Reel Big Fish
~~ Reel Big Fish RULE!  And that's it, no complaining.

TimmyBigHands~~ From the folks who brought us MST3K, it's TimmyBigHands, the online humor magazine!  Here you can read reviews, watch cartoons, and kill people!  It's fun!

US Department of Monkeys~~  Also known as,  this is, as you may have guessed, Brad Sherwood's (of "Whose Line") page.  Please do your part for the monkeys!  Go to this site!

Christian and Scott's Top Ten List~~ This is an interactive list; you can submit suggestions for the it, and they pick the best ones.  It's pretty cool!

Space Ghost's Super Site~~ Obviously, this is the site for "Space Ghost Coast to Coast."  There's some cool stuff there, including an episode guide!

Where's George~~ If you've ever found a bill with a stamp, this is why.  Here you can enter serial numbers of bills and track where they go (assuming someone else who gets it enters it, see?). This site is run by a fork.  Really.  Contains a lot of funny stuff, though!  Definitely check this one out, and buy some Captain Honeydukes merchandise!

Frostburg State University
~~  My school [insert alma mater here]!  To see the sports page for my swim team, click here! My personal swim page is here!

Rustlemauser ~~  My brother Russ' site.  Basically just a mix of stuff he likes.  But hey, one good link deserves another, so to speak ;) He has cool links, which leads me too...

Guess the Dictator or Sit-com Star ~~  You pretend to be any sit-com character or dictator (past or present) and through yes or no questions it guesses who you are!  I stumped it three times!!
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