Jim Siedow's Webpage



"The roar of a Chainsaw.
The aroma of barbecue sauce.
Always a thrill to this actor."

Jim Siedow



Jim Siedow played the cook in The Texas Chainsaw and the character of Drayton Sawer in The Texas Chainsaw Chainsaw Massacre II. Jim was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming of all places, in 1920. Place of conception is unknown. He began acting in the Cheyenne High School drama department and was even then known as a talented thespian and mischievous cad. Leaving the nest, he gravitated to New York City where he continued his stage acting in numerous productions around town and continued cavorting with the ladies. World War II called and Jim distinguished himself in the Army Air Corp. After the war, he landed in Chicago doing radio drama. There he met the lovely actress name Ruth with whom he fell in love with and married. They were chased out of Chicago for some rogue caper and ended up in Houston, Texas. Jim continued acting in Houston creating one of Houston's original local community theatres. In fact, he directed the first production of "Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf" by Edward Albee in Houston. Jim and Ruth had three children ;however, Jim swore he loved only two of them.  Jim past away November 20, 2003.  His is missed by his family and friends.

Stage Productions with Jim Siedow

Production Role Director
The Pleasure of His Company  Pogo Poole 
Suds in Your Eyes  Armand Hansen  Director
John Love Mary  Director
All My Sons  Dr. Bayless 
Born Yesterday  Ed Devery 
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof  Big Daddy  Director
The Reluctant Debutante  Director
Tchin-Tchin  Caesareo Grimaldi  Director
Critic's Choice  Parker Ballentine  Director
Visit to a Small Planet  Director
After the Fall  Director
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf  Director
The Lion in Winter  Henry II 
The Iceman Cometh  Hickey 
The Price  Walter  Director
Everything in the Garden  Director
And Mrs. Reardon Drinks a Little  Director
Curious in L.A.  Director
Happy Birthday Wanda June  Harold Ryan 
The Visit  Anton Shill  Director
The Mind with the Dirty Man  Wayne Stone  Director
The Oldest Living Graduate  Colonel Kinkaid 
Child's Play  Joe Dobbs  Director



The Windsplitter
Texas Chainsaw Massacre I
Texas Chainsaw Massacre II
Red Alert
Noon of the Third Day
Sunday Revel
Amazing Stories (Miss Stardust)

Jim's Gallery

Jim's Gallery


Mail inquiries or correspondence to
Jon Siedow   (jsiedow@yahoo.com)


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All Rights Reserved