Thanks for signing! Come back soon!!!

08/23/00 08:43:32
Name: CygnusX-1 (Ajax) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: followed a bunch of links
Favorite Trek Series: hmmmmmmm Next Generation Favorite Trek Movie: They're all good

Hi Syl... I'm not sure that you remember me but I just thought I'd sign this guestbook just for fun... No hard feelings I hope...

10/23/99 03:00:50
Name: king arthur My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: surfin Favorite Trek Series: new generation Favorite Trek Movie: trek 2
Favorite Trek Character: picard Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: marina sirtiss Favorite Trek Quote: "ENGAGE"

Nice page. I have dropped by to invite you to join our web page competition. We are just starting it and need good pages like yours to get it started. There are prizes to be won but most of all if you win you will have the confidence to say, " my page is wesome ". Email me and let me know if you’re interested.

07/25/99 14:16:49
Name: BriaRohn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Syl ;0) Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: Wrath of Khan
Favorite Trek Character: Kirk Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Leonard Nemoy Favorite Trek Quote: somewhere.....out there

Hiya Syl and Ben!! WOW! Great site and enjoyed browsing through it again! You have really done a great job and can't wait to come back and see what else has been added!! See you in chat! Love, Bria

06/28/99 03:19:06
Name: CLIFF aka Etrigan aka Norman aka CptJester aka < insert nick here > My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: aw, c' know Favorite Trek Series: What's that one with the space ship and those people...? Favorite Trek Movie: oh yeah! I love that!
Favorite Trek Character: I like it's sense of people. Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Don't you just love 'em all? Favorite Trek Quote: It's....? It'

Well, I came back... :-) Where am I in the picture section? Oh, need one first, right? Love the site though. Hope it shows through regardless of my smartalec remarks. See you in chat!

05/25/99 00:57:06
Name: racziadax My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: st chat Favorite Trek Series: tng Favorite Trek Movie: voyage home
Favorite Trek Character: picard Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: brent spiner Favorite Trek Quote: "i'm a doctor not a bricklayer"

great page syl--thoroughly enjoyed it!

05/16/99 19:52:00
Name: Tahunie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: got the addy from the chat rooms Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: Star Trek 5
Favorite Trek Character: Spock Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Lenord Nimoy Favorite Trek Quote: That is illogical

Great site Ben and Syl!

05/07/99 02:33:20
Name: Steve (Q420) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Trek Series: DS9 Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact Favorite Trek Character: Worf
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Mmmmmmmm. Terry Farrell (Drool) Favorite Trek Quote: Assimilate this!

Hello lounge lizards!! Hey there, hi there ho there!

03/19/99 20:53:29
Name: Sirella Mistress of the House of Martok My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: I followed the latinum brick road!
Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: Generations Favorite Trek Character: Sirella (of course)
Favorite Trek Quote: You have no understanding about what it means to be Klingon!

Just thought I would pop in to check out the site again. Looks great..cant wait to see how many ppl come this fall!! Hope to be there of course.

03/11/99 06:27:49
Name: ECHO aka PapaSmurf... My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Somewhere in the Academy if I remember right... Moriarty... Favorite Trek Series: Voyager.. Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact
Favorite Trek Character: ME! lo er.. Geordi Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: anything by Q

Well well well...... Hey Syl Nice Site! I finaly arrived here....hehehe little ole me.... I lke this site and now have it bookmarked............ So I'm around somewhere.... terrorizing ppl but nowhere near like others lol.........

02/14/99 05:53:20
Name: Defiant My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: katers
Favorite Trek Series: see previous entry Favorite Trek Movie: see previous entry Favorite Trek Character: see previous entry
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: see previous entry Favorite Trek Quote: see previous entry

Great yearbook Syl!

02/10/99 23:12:04
Name: Defiant My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: katers
Favorite Trek Series: all Favorite Trek Movie: all Favorite Trek Character: alll
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: all Favorite Trek Quote: Saddle up, lock and load.


02/06/99 14:29:55
Name: jen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: you told me

hi aunt syl!!! byes

01/29/99 19:08:04
Name: Heather "Bev" Osborn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: A friend Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: All
Favorite Trek Character: Doctor Crusher Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis Favorite Trek Quote: "Live Long and Prosper"

Hey SYL Mom, how come my pic is not up there??? :o( See ya in chat love it so far!!!

01/29/99 04:25:51
Name: missy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: from you Favorite Trek Series: all Favorite Trek Movie: the new one
Favorite Trek Quote: yes captain

me love you bear .i liked it aot but were heather

01/29/99 00:40:11
Name: Gisele La Roche aka lilac My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: MrPink aka Michael sent an email with the addy Favorite Trek Series: DS9 Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact
Favorite Trek Character: Quark Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Jonathan Frakes, Kate Mulgrew

Hi, Love the site. So cool to see pics of the chatters. I have a slow modem so I appreciate the way the site comes in quickly. One problem though, couldn't get the pic of you Syl to download. Got all the others though. You did a great job !!!

01/28/99 23:50:41
Name: Kathy Raines My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Star Trek Chat Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: ST II
Favorite Trek Character: Spock


01/28/99 23:37:22
Name: Wildfire My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: ICQ URL
Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: Wrath Favorite Trek Character: Kirk
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: everyone remember where we parked

Great place you got here.

01/24/99 07:48:00
Name: BorgQueen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Bandit told me the url Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: gotta be IV
Favorite Trek Character: Data, Riker, Picard, Garak, Quark, EMH Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: mmmmPatrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: Scotty on IV saying "Hello Computer" roflmao

sniff, where is my pic?? I'm like in the lounge every night! sniff.

01/20/99 11:32:40
Name: Thomas Kirkland (Kirk) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: From a friend Favorite Trek Series: humm must be TNG Favorite Trek Movie: All of them!
Favorite Trek Character: Definately 7 of 9! Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: All of them Favorite Trek Quote: Live long

Good page. I see some people I chat to at last

01/20/99 11:27:49
Name: Thomas Kirkland (Kirk) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: From a friend Favorite Trek Series: humm must be TNG Favorite Trek Movie: All of them!
Favorite Trek Character: Definately 7 of 9!


01/20/99 11:20:27
Name: David Mott (Worf) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: technotrekkie Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: ST9
Favorite Trek Character: Guess!!!!!!!

Hey, what a cool page, keep up the good work!!

01/19/99 21:26:09
Name: Critt My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: via ST chatroom
Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: FC Favorite Trek Character: Data, Worf, Seven
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patric Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: But I am not a merry man!

Very good site! I will have to get with Kate, Seri and the others to be included in the yearbook! Critt

01/19/99 16:58:59
Name: Rache "Q4" My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: else--syl Favorite Trek Series: TNG!!! Favorite Trek Movie: Insurrection
Favorite Trek Character: comment Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: I'm not sure the exact quote, but it's the one in Insurrection where she talks about time standing still

Great page!! Still can't belive you called me a quiet one, lol. But, I guess everyone's quiet one time or another. Anyway, great page...Keep up da wonderful work on all your pages!

01/19/99 12:37:49
Name: Michael Saylor (Q`res) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Oddly enough my web browser just popped up and............ lol Favorite Trek Series: TNG or DS9 Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact
Favorite Trek Character: Worf Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: They invade our space and we fall back, they assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. The line must be drawn here, no further!!

Haven't got a good look at it yet Syl, but it looks pretty cool.

01/19/99 12:24:51
Name: Jadzia1 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: via Syl Favorite Trek Series: Next Gen Favorite Trek Movie: 1st contact
Favorite Trek Character: Picard Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: Today is a good day to die

Love this page!!

01/19/99 07:42:55
Name: Tasha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: A betazoid used telepathy Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: ST IV
Favorite Trek Character: Tasha silly!!!! Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: James Doohan/Marina Siritis Favorite Trek Quote: "Hello Computer"

Syl, the site looks great. I look forward to all the future additions. Hey BaTal!! love the little lizard guys!!!!!!! ST Lizards are the best!!!!

01/19/99 02:48:07
Name: Trek-y My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: Lwaxana sent me here.
Favorite Trek Series: Voyager Favorite Trek Movie: the one with the whales Favorite Trek Character: Harry Kim
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Garrett Wong Favorite Trek Quote: "Beam me up, Scotty."

After looking at the pictures of the host i may never go into the Star Trek chatrooms again.

01/19/99 02:32:19
Name: Larry Partcy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: I am a Lounge Lizard Favorite Trek Series: Voyager Favorite Trek Movie: STIV The Voyage Home
Favorite Trek Character: Seven of Nine Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Jeri Ryan Favorite Trek Quote: "I will not comply!"

I loved the sight! It WAS GREAT! Will come back often.

01/18/99 23:21:04
Name: Leslie/Troi59 My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: someone told me
Favorite Trek Series: DS9 Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact Favorite Trek Character: TNG: Troi, DS9: Bashir
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Marina Sirtis, Alexander Siddig Favorite Trek Quote: "make it so"

This is a Great Webpage. You have really done a good job on it. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of my fellow chatters and Friends, and reading about their favorite memories. i just want to say that I have never regretted coming to the chat room since Januar of 1998. I have made so many wonderful friends and each one of you is very special to me. So, i just wanted to take the time to say thank you for being my friend. I'll see you all in the chat rooms. Leslie

01/18/99 20:04:05
Name: dove My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Syl told me about it Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: The Search for Spock
Favorite Trek Character: Deanna Troi, sometimes I feel like her, couseling Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Brent Spiner Favorite Trek Quote: I am, and ever shall be, your friend

This is a great site Syl...I love it and so glad to be a part of it...I enjoyed 1998, meeting all new ppl thru here, (especially someone in particular) and am looking forward to this new year of 1999.

01/18/99 16:10:08
Name: Qwho My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: I have 'connections' Favorite Trek Series: ALL Favorite Trek Movie: FC
Favorite Trek Character: Kirk, Spock, Picard, Q, Holodoc and on and on Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: see above (sometimes I forget the characters aren't real ) Favorite Trek Quote: Live Long and Prosper

WOW! I enjoyed the entire site tremendously....awesome job Syl!!!

01/18/99 14:57:15
Name: Gyurka 'ED' Jansen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: heard about it in the Chatroom Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact
Favorite Trek Character: Picard Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Brent Spiner Favorite Trek Quote: good customers are rare, treasure them

Cool site, good Idea to strat something like this By the way I don't know for sure if that rule of aquisition was right, anyway 'customners' can be replaced by friends

01/18/99 07:16:03
Name: Locutus (Original one Matt) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: SpaceCase told me about It Favorite Trek Series: DS9 Favorite Trek Movie: ST VI - Undisovered Country
Favorite Trek Character: Capt. Sisko Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Avery Brooks Favorite Trek Quote: "Let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the deaths of kings"

Neato Syl. I really like the page. Brings back some memories. Sorry I haven't been coming in that much but I've been busy with school, sports, etc etc etc. I am gonna make an effort to come in but unfortunately there are some losers now in the room. Oh we l, please come in and we can chat about old times and who all still comes in. 'till then, catch ya laterz.

01/18/99 04:08:32
Name: Tery aka tth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Syl Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: First Contact
Favorite Trek Character: Spock Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Michael Dorn Favorite Trek Quote: too many to list

Great job!!!! :-)

01/18/99 02:59:00
Name: Sirella My URL: Visit Me How did you find us?: A good Betazoid friend
Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: Generations Favorite Trek Character: Sirella (of course)
Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart Favorite Trek Quote: "I will not have my authority challenged by you!"

Very glad and honored to be a part of all this!!

01/18/99 02:12:25
Name: Seri My URL: Visit Me
How did you find us?: Kahless tied me up and forced me to come here... Favorite Trek Series: VOY
Favorite Trek Quote: Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees

Great site Sly!...hey, i think i will start calling you that, i seem to have a disorder that prevents me from typing your name correctly....anyhow, the pic page looks great, I love the layout of everything...thanks for everything you do for me, and all of are appreciated!

01/18/99 01:53:58
Name: The One, The Only, The 359 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: You told me to come here... Favorite Trek Series: See Poll Favorite Trek Movie: See Poll
Favorite Trek Character: See Poll, oh, wait, it didn't win. Its Data Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Don't see Poll. Michael Dorn Favorite Trek Quote: "You can't outrun them, you can't destroy them. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains. They regenerate, and keep coming. Eventually, you will weaken. Your reserves will be gone. They are relentless!"

I lost to Mr Homn! NOOOO! I am ruined! Anywho.... Pretty good looking. Good year in 1998. Better one in 1999!

01/18/99 01:03:08
Name: John McAree (Zaphod) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Technotrekkie Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: ST 6 or First Contact, Ah, I like the even ones...and Insurrection
Favorite Trek Character: Hmmm, a toughie....Picard or Data Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Patrick Stewart is Maaaaahvellous Favorite Trek Quote: "We're through running from these b@$tards!" (sorry bout the profanity, but Frakes said it! Also, "Assimilate this!" (I like the Action-movie one liners, okay?)

Hi Fellow Chat roomers! You may or maynot know me, and you may or maynot like me, and you may think I had to stop going, but not even my parents can so that (believe me, they tried!) I'm here! MWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (Takes Pills) Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chats as much as I do! I'll see you...out there! Luv and Hugs to all, Zaphod ;o)

01/18/99 00:09:39
Name: Brianna
My URL: Visit Me

I'm number 100!!!!!!!

01/17/99 23:42:15
Name: S'Toran of Vulcan (Gerry) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: Are you kidding? I was there!!! Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: Ether ST6 or ST2
Favorite Trek Character: Spock Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: Leonard Nimoy (duh!) Favorite Trek Quote: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one).

Syl, you have done it again. I was there, I saw it all...and you captured the essence. Thanks for making those memories a little more permanent. There really is something in the air at!!!!

01/13/99 16:58:27
Name: Brianna Laur My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: mmmmm....I'm on my mom's computer? LOL Favorite Trek Series: TNG Favorite Trek Movie: Star Trek:Insurrection
Favorite Trek Character: Data Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: The guy who play's Data. Brent S. Favorite Trek Quote: It was right after the Klingon ship was destorted in ST:Gen when Data says..."YES!" and does his thing!

Great site,mom. I'm really glad to be a part of it and it's been great! To all those Trekkies out there who are in hiding, we will find you. To all the Trekkies who know me, it's been a bast and thanks for eveything. Now, on to the New Year! See you nline!!! Love you all!

01/10/99 16:05:10
Name: CLIFF My URL: Visit Me
How did you find us?: A little host told me... Favorite Trek Series: like 'em all
Favorite Trek Movie: difficult to say....if I had to choose....TMP through Insurrection lol

Site looks great! Can't wait to see it in all it's glory when you've finished it! Q'Apla!!!!

01/09/99 16:33:21
Name: Fleet Captain Odden aka C K My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: my momy told me to come here Favorite Trek Series: TOS Favorite Trek Movie: The Wrath of Khan
Favorite Trek Character: Scotty Favorite Trek Actor/Actress: James Dohan Favorite Trek Quote: The good of the many out weigh the good of the few...or the one

I have had many memories of the past year in the Lounge and the Academy. But the one that stands out the most in my mind is the night I told Syl and Ben that I had asked Brianna to Marry me. My hands still shake when i think about that chat.

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