Lounge Lizards 1998

Welcome to the Yearbook for the Star Trek Lounge Lizards.
We are people that have gotten to know each other in the chat rooms found in the Star Trek Continuum either in the web page or in IRC on chat.paramount.com chat server.
Here you will find some revealing pictures of some chatters, personal information, likes and dislikes, stories, homepages, a peek inside PDE, and The Best and Worst of 1998.
To help you along the way, please visit this Site Map.

In case you like wavs, click here!

Then, if you like midis, here are some for your sampling!

June 3, 2000!!!

Love Stories!!!

You are Lizard # Counter to visit the Yearbook!!!

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If you have any questions or comments, or would like to offer up a picture or memory to add to these pages, please email Syl.

Any and all references to Star Trek are, of course, the property and trademark of

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