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Web Ring |
Welcome to the Bionic Six Webring homepage! It's a webring for sites that help to keep some part of that incredible eighties cartoon, The Bionic Six, alive. This is where you can find all your information on how to join the Bionic Six Webring, and what you need to join, or, if you're already a member, you can edit your site info.
For your site to qualify as a Bionic Six Webring site, it must have real Bionic Six content. Or you can have fantasy and sci fi on your site, which includes references to Bionic Six or Fantasy Creatures. Examples of real content are:
- a site entirely about the Bionic Six/Fantasy Creatures
- a Bionic Six/Fantasy Creatures picture gallery
- Fanfiction
- a section devoted to the cartoon and your memories of it
- a separate page within your site about the Bionic Six/Fantasy Creatures
- downloads of sounds or movie clips from the show
- information that is relevant to the Bionic Six/Fantasy Creatures in some way, i.e.: little known facts, fanfiction, fan art, etc..
If your site meets the qualifications, and you are interested in joining the Bionic Six Webring, just fill out the form below, and you will be emailed with confirmation of your submission, your webring ID number, and an html fragment to add to your page.
After your submission your email confirmation will arrive, but this does not mean that you are immediately a part of the webring. You are now a part of the queue, a waiting list of sorts, until you are added to the webring by the ringmaster (me). Once you have been added to the webring, you will receive an email alerting you. In order to be added, the html fragment and proper links must be present.
Here is the html code for you to cut and paste to your own page if you (for some reason) do not immediately receive an email (If you don't receive an email, then contact me and I will personally send your information to you to add to the code. However, it can sometimes take up to twelve hours for the email to arrive, so give it some time.):
This Bionic Six Universe site owned by Your_Name.
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The html fragment that you will be given to add to your page will look like this:
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After you have the html fragment added to your page you must make sure that you download a copy of the navigator to your own server and replace all the generic information with your own ring ID number, name, and email address. Your ID number will be emailed to you when you submit your site to the queue.
For example, everywhere in the code that you see "_SITE_ID_HERE_", you would put the ID number that you recieve in the email. It's very easy, really.
If you are already a member and would like to edit your site information, just use this form: