Houston Knights was a television show in the late 1980's. All of a sudden, I had the strongest
desire to write fanfic for it. I saw all of the episodes, but that was years ago. At
present, I have only seen first season. So bear with me.
Standard Disclaimer
The characters of Joey LaFiamma and Levon Lundy belong to someone else (can't think of who at
the top of my head--but I'll find out) and not to me. I'm not using the characters, the locale, or
anything else connected with the show for personal gain. I just felt like writing. Go figure. No
copyright infringement intended.
Houston Knights

- I Go First--LaFiamma comes to terms with his former partner's death.
- Gone Fishin'--Lundy has thoughts on his new partner.
- Weighing In--Joey has thoughts on his new partner. This story is a companion piece to Gone Fishin'.
- Stand By Me--Someone for Joey's past comes to haunt his future, putting his friendship with Levon in jeopardy.
- Motor Skills--Levon "borrows" Joey's car and a misunderstanding occurs.
- Double, Double
--TS/HK xover. Temporarily on hold.
- Lost Knight--Something big is going down in Houston. Can the partners survive it?
Coming soon. Really! I've had many requests for this one, so I'm working on it and hope to have it up by the new year. Thanks for being so patient.
If you have any comments or questions please contact me. I'd love to hear
from other fans. Also, if you have any Houston Knights stories you would like
posted on the 'net, please let me know. We are sorely lacking HK fic. I'd be
happy to host your story. Thanks very much!!
Have visited Houston since February 16, 1998.