Houston Knights' Bible
This HK Writer's bible is information picked up through various
episodes, referring to the two main characters only - LaFiamma &
Note: I'm a Michael Pare fan, hence there is more here about
LaFiamma than Lundy---gretchen
CBS-TV Series, 1986, 1987
Information on character - Joseph Anthony LaFiamma
- was transferred to Houston because of a mob shooting he was
involved in, which his partner, Stephen Szabo, was killed.
- drives a two-seater, royal blue, 427 Cobra
- part of his family is in the mob
- his favorite uncle, Uncle Mikey, is a wiseguy
- Aunt Theresa, who helped raise him, is Uncle Mikey's wife
- father (unknown information, but died when Joe was young)
- brothers - unknown
- sisters - unknown
- college graduate (unknown where, but probably the University
of Illinois-Chicago
- learned deaf sign language in college, after dating a deaf girl
- had one year of law school
- speaks Thai (plus other languages, though they what they are,
other than Italian, are never mentioned)
1. hung out in the kitchen talking about stats of the Cubs
games, & she took him to the games
2. talked him into taking 6 months probation from a
joyride with a friend in a stolen car. She said it was too late for
Uncle Mikey to get out of the rackets, but not too late for Joey
- was a uniform cop first, then a Detective, now a Sergeant
- likes being a cop
- made his living, in his high school, by playing poo
- has a knack for collecting trivia
- like Cagney movies
- wears dual streetwise .45 Colts
- "If you believe in God, He knows it and you know it, you don't
have to shout it from the street corners."
- likes to cook Italian!
- likes rock music
- "Rambo" is Joey "John-Boy" is Levon
- childhood memory:
1. Mrs Baracotta picked you up when you fell or were
knocked down. Mrs. Dellarenza would put merichrome on it
and bandage you.
- always maxes out his credit cards
- drinks Perrier, or wine. Rarely drinks beer.
- always plays "white knight" toward women in distress
- "Uncle Mikey's been a part of my family since I was born."
- "I love my uncle, but I'm a cop first."
- refers to his partner's Jimmy 4x4 as - a rolling microwave
- Information on Levon Elmer Lundy
- called Little Levon, because his dad was Big Levon
- born and raised in TEXAS !!
- likes country music
- drives a red, GMC Jimmy 4x4
- graduate of Texas A&M, was quarterback, played in the
Cotton Bowl
- Grandmother-Mother Minnie-raised him (Minnie Elizabeth
- mother, unknown
- father - alcoholic, never around
- father forced Levon to move out at age 16 ; moved in with
childhood friend, Bobby Wilton, they played football together
and were known as "The Connection"
- father calls him once a year on his birthday.
- married childhood sweetheart, Caroline, who became an
alcoholic and was killed in a car bomb meant for him
- Texans are pigheaded!
- dresses like a cowboy!
- brags a lot about Mother Minnie
- bumps heads with LF at every turn
- likes his partner but will never admit to it
- his grand-dad taught him to shot, and gave him one of his
- likes beer
- his boss, Lt Joanne Beaumont, is his former partner
- age is 35
- hot-tempered with a short fuse