Road Trip USA Travelogue and Photo Journal

[On-line Resume]

[Download Word 6.0 / 95 Resume]

[Mail to Andre]

[Theme Song]

June 5 2000
San Francisco, California

Andre, Mahir and Friends

April 25 2000
San Francisco, California

Andre at Ocean Beach

October 20 1999
Tarmac at JFK Airport
New York City

Reka at Sunset 1

Reka at Sunset 2

October 20 1999
New York City

Uproar 1998 Christmas Party 1

Uproar 1998 Christmas Party 2

Uproar 1998 Christmas Party 3

October 8 1999

Andrea and Sylvie at the Statue of Liberty New York City

October 1999
Headlight HQ San Francisco

Headlight HQ San Francisco California

Kerty's Mobile Home AKA Her Desk

Founding Father Peter

Marielena and Zach


September 1999
Champagne Friday
Headlight HQ San Francisco

Art Pops

Founding Father Scott

Fishing for Gold

Art and Wendy

Jen and Gabe

Zach and Art

Thursday September 23 1999
Frontier GlobalCenter Sunnyvale California

Configuring F5

Through the Racks

F5 Mission Accomplished With Mike (100 Web Servers to go)

August 1999
Wednesday Hump Lunch
Headlight HQ San Francisco California

Rachel and Kim and Jamey

Peter Salutes John

Scott, Is That the Last Spring Roll?

Who's Got TUMS?

July 4 1999
Prague Czech Republic

Jazz Band on Sunday Afternoon

Jewish Cemetery 12,000 people buried in one square block

July 1999
Camping outside Winston near Coos Bay Southern Oregon

Kids Camping (On My Hood)

Kids Camping (On My Hood) [Take 2]

Thalia, Make A Wish!

July 1999
South Umpqua River near Coos Bay Southern Oregon

Thalia and Friends at South Umpqua River

Thalia and Kaya at South Umpqua River

Nikolas Swimming at South Umpqua River

George and Nikolas Swimming at South Umpqua River

July 1999
Portland Oregon

Thalia Swinging in the Backyard in Portland

June 1999
Christopher Street Party
Vienna Austria

Drag Queens at Rest

Drag Queen Portrait

January 1999

Parliament Walking Bridge Lo-Res Budapest Hungary

Parliament Walking Bridge Hi-Res Budapest Hungary

Parliament Horseman Sculpture Lo-Res Budapest Hungary

Parliament Horseman Sculpture Hi-Res Budapest Hungary

Andre Atop Fisherman Bastion (with a camera)

Andre Atop Fisherman Bastion (with a smile)

One of the most beautiful church interiors anywhere

Budapest Film Academy Budapest Hungary

Chain Bridge Budapest Hungary

Buda Castle through Chain Bridge Budapest Hungary

Parliament Square Budapest Hungary

Danube Highway Lo-Res Budapest Hungary

Danube Highway Hi-Res Budapest Hungary

December 1998
Budapest Hungary
How Drunk Is Too Drunk?

Shots Around the World

Previewing Digital Photos


Andre and Sylvie


Val and Howard


Andrew and Bea


Neil and MKS


TT Looking Dapper

TT Profile


October 1998
New Paltz, New York

Lake Mohonk

Mohonk Mountain House

Andre Outside Mohonk Mountain House

Andre at Lake Minnewaska

Minnewaska State Park

September 1998

Andre at Gramercy Park New York City

August 1998

The Gang at Caleb and DeeDee's Wedding Connecticut

Cousin Lisa New York City

Ferris Wheel View of the Boardwalk Atlantic City

Thursday, September 17th

For serious coders only -- Don't miss the Microsoft Advanced Web Development Seminar

Thursday, July 16th

Andre Age 25 in Kauai Hawaii

Andre Age 25 Hi-Res in Kauai Hawaii

Tuesday, June 30th

Here is a Kauai teaser: the view from the condo lanai

Monday, June 29th

Pardon broken links and incomplete travelogue; I bought a new scanner yesterday. Hawaii photos are on the way!!!

Saturday, June 20th
My Brother's Wedding
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Just Married

Happiest Day of my Life

Welcome Reception

Wedding Party

First Toast by Best Man

Cheers to the Bride and Groom

First Dance

Mother Dances with Groom

Feed Each Other Cake

Mom and Dad

Thursday, May 29th

Flash Flood New Orleans

Wednesday, May 28th

Kimono Dragon New Orleans

Jaguar Jungle New Orleans

Saturday, May 23rd

Carlsbad Caverns One New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns Two New Mexico

Friday, May 22nd

UFO Museum Roswell New Mexico

Wednesday, May 20th

Navajo Reservation Utah

Tuesday, May 19th

Anasazi Cliff Dwelling Panorama One Mesa Verde Colorado

Anasazi Cliff Dwelling Panaorama Two Mesa Verde Colorado

Anasazi Cliff Dwelling Medium Mesa Verde Colorado

Anasazi Cliff Dwelling Close One Mesa Verde Colorado

Anasazi Cliff Dwelling Close Two Mesa Verde Colorado

Monday, May 18th

Whitewater Rafting Colorado River Moab Utah

Delicate Arch Utah

Cactus Wildflowers Arches Utah

Windows Arch Utah

Sunday, May 17th

Landscape Arch Utah

Wall Arch Utah

Deborah Sitting on Top of Wall Arch Utah

Skyline Arch Utah

Saturday, May 16th

Checkerboard Mesa Bryce Utah

Friday, May 15th

Bryce Amphitheatre Utah

Fairyland Bryce Canyon Utah

Thursday, May 14th

Virgin River Panorama Zion National Park Utah

Virgin River Zion National Park Utah

Grotto Zion Utah

Wednesday, May 13th

Cedar City Utah

Andre in Cedar City Utah

Tuesday, May 12th

Grand Teton Wyoming

Grand Teton Hi-Res Wyoming

Andre at West Thumb Yellowstone Wyoming

Old Faithful Yellowstone Wyoming

Monday, May 11th

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Wyoming

Yellowstone Falls Wyoming

Emerald Pool Yellowstone Wyoming

Wild Bison

Wild Elk Yellowstone Wyoming

Sunday, May 10th

Minerva Terrace Yellowstone

Minerva Terrace Hi-Res Yellowstone

Mammoth Hot Springs Yellowstone

Mammoth Hot Springs Hi-Res Yellowstone

Saturday, May 9th

You can be stopped for speeding in Montana

Friday, May 8th

Sunset Idaho

Thursday, May 7th

Orca Whales Sighted at Olympic Coast Washington

Olympic Coast Washington

First Bridge to Marymere Falls Olympic National Park

Second Bridge to Marymere Falls Olympic National Park

Hoh Rainforest Olympic National Park

Hoh Rainforest Lichen Olympic National Park

Wednesday, May 6th

Feeding Llama at Hoh Humm Ranch

Conversation with Llamas at Hoh Humm Ranch

Tuesday, May 5th

Montage Restuarant Portland Oregon

Monday, May 4th

Japanese Garden Panorama Portland Oregon

Japanese Garden One Portland Oregon

Japanese Garden Two Portland Oregon

Japanese Garden Three Portland Oregon

Sunday, May 3rd

Summer Lake Eugene Oregon

Saturday, May 2nd

Crater Lake Southern Oregon

Crater Lake Hi-Res Southern Oregon

Crater Lake Dusk Southern Oregon

Crater Lake Dusk Hi-ResSouthern Oregon

Crater Lake Sunset Southern Oregon

Crater Lake Sunset Hi-ResSouthern Oregon

Friday, May 1st

Ocean Beach San Francisco

Wednesday, April 1st

Na Pali Coast Kauai

Tuesday, March 31st

Waimea Canyon Overlook Kauai

Red Dirt Drive to Waimea Canyon Kauai

Tuesday, March 30th

Poipu Beach Botanical Gardens Kauai