Everybody Else's Girl

I saw Tori!

This is my page dedicated to one of my favorite female singers, Tori Amos. The first Tori song I ever heard was "Me and a Gun". That song was so powerful, and impacted me so much that I had to hear more. And so began my journey into the world of Tori... there is so much out there I have left to buy and see, I wouldn't consider myself a fanatical fan, but I'm working on it.
There are a lot of pictures on this page, and all of them are ones I borrowed from other sites, I claim no original credit. They're just part of my personal shrine.

Tori has been keeping herself busy I just purchased the the soundtrack to the upcoming movie Great Expectations. Tori has two songs on it. The first is called FINN and it's a vocal instrumental track. The second is an AWESOME song called SIRENS. Buy this Album, Not only is Tori solid, but the rest of the disk is too.

My latest Tori purchase, is the VH1 Crossroads disc that has Tori singing, "I'm on Fire", on it.
However the special treat is the CDROM program on the disc that shows you the live performace of Tori singing the song and playing piano. WOW!!! fantastic, she is such a great performer.

From The Chior Girl Hotel

Tori's new album came out on May 5th. The title of the album is called, from the Chior Girl hotel. Originally Tori wasn't planning on making a new album so soon, with her new husband and touring she was keeping busy...Then Tori found out she was pregnant and she was so excited.. Then tragedy struck, Tori had a miscarriage, she was crushed. In her sorrow, the new album was born.

Pictures Of the Faerie Queen


Here are some of the best Tori Sites out there, check them out

Somethings Only She knows

Faerie Tales From the Glitter Girl

Through The Portal

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