Michelle Moore- She is my quiet friend. We first became aquinted when she moved from North Dakota into my neighborhood and I stalked her until she said she would be my friend. Some of my favorite memories of Michelle include roller blading in her basement, and the holocaust. Michelle has been very busy this summer and I haven't been able to see her much :(
Emily B- What a silly little monkey she is. Emily and I have spent time together in many exotic places including, Florida, (hey guys we could start a band.) Washington D.C.- (Pillow Fight!!) and Rapid City, (how did you break your ankle again Crystal?) She is a talented singer and flute player, she also dabbles with the piccolo, and piano.
Rumor has it she even has a tattoo of a butterfly on her tummy!
Heather Edmunds- Although Heather is just one of the many Heathers I know, she is unique in her own way. First she is a sassy little blonde, and she does have quite an attitude. In the debate jungle it's a matter of survival. Also if the dead were to come back to life and try and eat all our brains, Heather would last a pretty long time.
Jacob- Aka Philip, Aka Badger Boy, Aka Mr Philipson, Aka Dry Dock.
Jacob is one of those damn over achievers I'm always talking about. You know the ones that make us normal people look bad. He also has this thing for badgers. He likes to freeze them for the pelts. Finally Phil is also one of those big enviromental types. He never litters.
Shariq- Shariq is the Austin powers in my life, he is the international man of mystery. However I have had fun this summer uncovering some of that mystery.
Even though Shariq went way down south to Baylor this year for college, he still hasn't made me listen to country music, (only Yanni & Prodigy).
Eric- Is the damn boyscout, and is famous for doing the most bizzare things. like, wearing knickers in freezing weather because they go with his sandels and no socks ensemble. If you know Eric and see him on campus you should congratulate him he is freshman of the year here at Northern. No he doesn't get money for this fine honor, I already asked. However he did receive a fine token to hang on his wall.
Mike Bowser- Mike is a scary guy. I secretly think he is a super hero because he moves at the speed of light, and sometimes he just appears out of no where. I think I would like a miniture version of Mike to keep in a box in my closet, so I can pull him out and make him play piano for me when ever I want. I think everyone should have a miniture Mike Bowser.
Tony Solberg- Tony is such a funny little guy. He is incrediablely loveable. Even before he knew my name he was giving me hugs. Of course at that point in our relationship I wasn't sure if he was a nice guy or if I should be requesting a restraing order. Sometimes I'm still not sure, ( Just kidding Tony). His antics never fail to entertain me. Although he's always be a real sweetie to me, rumor has it he may in fact be the devil!!!
Saire- Saire, is another bit of my on campus estrogen. Saire and I spend plenty of time in my room talking about our "boy problems." Saire, is a great theater person as well as a singer. She recently stared in the shocking play Vinegar Tom. (Dustin and Tony, see above, where also in the production)
Ok, here is my disclaimer, there are lots of people who are worthy to be on this list, and you will get added, I promise but until then, hold tight don't be offended, sign my guest book.
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And also he walks everywhere. That is because he cares about the environment. Eric wants to save the planet, and that is ok... because I think all the good stuff he does proabably balances out all the bad stuff Jesse does..HEATHER
He who signs the guest book has a greater chance of making the friend page,
(hint, hint)
If of course you feel truly offended by not making this yet e-mail me and I'll get right on it.
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