Hello and welcome to my little plastic castle. I hope you have fun reading all the nifty things my friends have to say.
Now swim around and enjoy yourself a little.

troublesome - 07/13/00 13:42:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/museum/6159
My Email:troubledchick@collegeclub.com
Do you think the FBI will read this?: No, the FBI will not read this, unless i enter my real name, because they track me everywhere!
Where do you think I am right now?: you're sleeping peacefully, it's early!
Where are you?: I'm at work...workin' hard, can't you tell?
Where do you want to be?: paradise

Hi, Great little home you have made here on the web. i found this nice place while searching desperately to find an anonymous friend of mine. I am quite certain that this un-named goddess and angel is your friend Corynn. I went to school at COncordia St. Paul and had some serious psychological trauma to deal with. Corynn was there for me, and tried to help and heal me, and now i need to find her. It's been a good two years since i have attended college, and haven't ever had the chance to thank her. Can you help me find her?

"kate" - 02/22/00 04:35:14
My Email:saalsa@yahoo.com
Favorite thing about me: your watermelon boat
Secret Code Word: wetonka (followed by breast grab toward each other)
Do you think the FBI will read this?: i am the fbi
Where do you think I am right now?: on the phone yelling at jesse
Where are you?: in my yellow spaceship hovering above your house looking thru your window with my super-galactic telescope
Where do you want to be?: 8 x 8 square with mattress

how the hell are you??? maybe you could call, let a gal know you're alive. you aren't even singing this semester, so how am i to know that you aren't dead? we should visit wetonka sometime.

maggie - 11/12/99 06:19:52

Crystal-How are you? It's been too damn long. I just wanted to say hi...

silly Jenny - 05/15/99 00:59:17
My Email:jennylynn27@hotmail.com
Favorite thing about me: what a horrid thing to ask, how on earth can I possibly narrow it down to just one
Secret Code Word: purple bananas
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I won't tell
Where do you think I am right now?: smacking Jesse around
Where are you?: back on the fish farm in the BEAUTIFUL Black Hills! nothin finer
Where do you want to be?: digging in my flower beds (I swear I burried it there)

You're so sweet! I've been wanting to check out the gangs web pages...Dustin, Tony, Eric, yours...etc. I learned tons about you from your page...which looks pretty darned nifty if I may say so. Have a great summer and don't spend too much time inside. Go climb a tree. love ya, Jenny Simpson

Auds - 05/14/99 23:39:46
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/5746/
My Email:Audree@worldnet.att.net
Favorite thing about me: my gift of listening
Secret Code Word: n/a
Do you think the FBI will read this?: ? who knows :-)
Where do you think I am right now?: Dancing
Where are you?: Home on the pc
Where do you want to be?: Grand Canyon

Hello Crystal, Thanks for visting my site and signing the guestbook girl:-) I see you love music, friends, and your pets. Yeah girl , you good to go. Hugs LOL

Heather - 05/11/99 15:58:48
My Email:TypicalVampire@yahoo.com
Favorite thing about me: I have really nice teeth
Secret Code Word: Cellulite!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I'm sure
Where do you think I am right now?: Bathtub
Where are you?: Office
Where do you want to be?: Bathtub

Hey...I liked your page! Good tastes in music. You should go check out Pepper McGowan if you like Ani and Tori... http://pepper.by.net and she always answers mail. :) That's my perenial fave. ~Head PS I like mail too.

the little maggie that could - 04/21/99 17:47:18
My Email:mcollera@usd.edu
Favorite thing about me: you naturally smell like vanilla
Secret Code Word: vodka
Do you think the FBI will read this?: not before I bomb another federal building
Where do you think I am right now?: at class
Where are you?: at class
Where do you want to be?: at home

do you think I'm going to end up on some government list because of that little "bomb a federal building comment?" OOPS!!!

Wendy Solberg - 04/08/99 09:59:53
My Email:toadprincess@fm-net.com
Favorite thing about me: You like my Tony
Secret Code Word: cheese
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Depends what's on TV
Where do you think I am right now?: Afghanistan
Where are you?: Jamestown, ND
Where do you want to be?: Transylvania

Hi! I'm Tony Solberg's sister, and I just wanted to let you know that it has been confirmed that Tony IS indeed the devil. A wolf in sheep's clothing. An evil little man. But I do love him dearly because we have so much in common.

Osama bin Shariq - 03/26/99 07:27:37
My Email:szaidi@umich.edu
Favorite thing about me: flailing arms
Secret Code Word: Lue
Do you think the FBI will read this?: They've been trackin me for years
Where do you think I am right now?: strip joint
Where are you?: Michigan
Where do you want to be?: In the arms of my true love

Hey there buddy.... Love the improvements. Keep up the smashing good work.

Geoff Wetrosky - 02/21/99 22:52:25
My URL:www.thebomb.com
My Email:gcwetros@inst.augie
Favorite thing about me: Your web page is nice pictures, just like The Onion.
Secret Code Word: Catholocism
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I'm not permitted to disclose that information.
Where do you think I am right now?: I'm also not permitted to disclose that information.

Hey Crystal. I was on the internet finding humorous witticims on "The Onion" website, and I thought I'd check out your web page. It's nifty! I even recognize your friend "Corynn-the artist" from Lilith. I'll talk to you later. --Geoff

Holly - 12/12/98 21:02:09
My Email:lackey@nvc.net
Favorite thing about me: how can I narrow it down to just one??
Secret Code Word: grannysmith apple....shhh, don't tell anyone
Do you think the FBI will read this?: they're everywhere-they're everywhere!!!
Where do you think I am right now?: out enjoying your youth
Where are you?: in my personal little cell block
Where do you want to be?: climbing Mt. Everest

hi hi hi hi hi Well, I thought I would pop in and say hi. so, uh, hi. You've got an awsome page here. And I even signed your guest book twice cause I think it's so awsome...or maybe it's because I goofed up and pushed the wrong button and sent it off before I was done. Anyway...I like to think it was the first. Have a nice day. g'bye

Tony "Devil Boy" Solberg - 11/29/98 21:31:35
My URL:/Hollywood/Theater/5805
My Email:solbert@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: You're Grandma was on MTV
Secret Code Word: It's a secret, silly.
Do you think the FBI will read this?: They're reading everything.
Where do you think I am right now?: In a car, driving to Aberdeen after T-giving Break.
Where are you?: In Jamestown.
Where do you want to be?: In a septic tank.

Hi Crystal! I haven't been here for a while, so I figured I'd check it out again. You are such a sweet gal. I like you a lot. And I like prairie dogs. Come visit the Home of Twine if you want to see pictures of Dustin, Anthony, PJ, and myself at the all. I updated it a bit. Sign the Guestbook, too. Beeeeyyyyiiieeee (said in an Anabel voice that makes Jesse cringe).

Heather DuChien - 11/23/98 04:07:40
My Email:duchiehd
Favorite thing about me: You make a great neighbor (but I really miss that this year!)
Secret Code Word: all men are assholes!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: don't they read everything?
Where do you think I am right now?: standing right next to me (physically)
Where are you?: sitting on dan's lap
Where do you want to be?: where would any girl want to be right about now?

Crystal- I miss all of our wonderful conversations and stuff from last year, you know, like waking you up to not go to psyc or breakfast beforehand, and don't forget tying your shoes and opening/making dinner for you. Willlowwwww!

Maggie - 11/18/98 01:02:49
My Email:mcollera@usd.edu (in case you've forgotten!)
Favorite thing about me: your unfailing correspondence
Secret Code Word: smoove b
Do you think the FBI will read this?: they can kiss my butt
Where do you think I am right now?: hanging out with one or more of your endless string of boys
Where are you?: putting off writing a paper and missing my friend Crystal.
Where do you want to be?: at home in bed, confident snow will cancel tomorrow's classes...

hey kiddo. I went through an ass-load of trouble to find your page again. I like it... I hate classes. I like school. Interesting paradox, no?

10/23/98 10:38:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Amy Weisbeck - 09/30/98 23:14:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/televisioncity/stage/6675/
My Email:weisbeam@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: I think you are AWESOME
Secret Code Word: whazzup
Do you think the FBI will read this?: i hope so
Where do you think I am right now?: at class
Where are you?: at home
Where do you want to be?: in some guy's bed

Are we still going to sing "The Boy is Mine?"

Shariq Zaidi - 09/29/98 22:34:42
My Email:Shariq_Zaidi@baylor.edu
Favorite thing about me: pepiness
Secret Code Word: reverse peristalsis
Do you think the FBI will read this?: yes
Where do you think I am right now?: car wash
Where are you?: you don't want to know
Where do you want to be?: right here baby!!!!!


Corynn's mom :) - 09/24/98 22:13:12
Favorite thing about me: you're a sweety!!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: only if they're bored
Where do you think I am right now?: better be studying girl!
Where are you?: the usual place
Where do you want to be?: Chanh. dinner theatre

Fun site, Crystal. Good looking friends too. (ahem!) Big mom-type hugs! Love ya! kathy

Tiucsirt - 09/10/98 06:51:03
My URL:http://acc.jc.edu/~ppearson
My Email:thenightmare@geocities.com
Favorite thing about me: Your guestbook
Secret Code Word: rotcod
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Only if I let them
Where do you think I am right now?: Darwin, MN
Where are you?: In my basement
Where do you want to be?: Wantagh, NY

You signed my guestbook a long time ago and I never signed your's...how mean is that?

This will cheer you up: ~click~
Now Playing: Whir by The Smashing Pumpkins.
"Whir yourself around"

Kelsey Lee!!!!! - 08/24/98 18:56:56
My URL:http://???????
My Email:klee@acc.jc.edu
Favorite thing about me: my purple eyes
Secret Code Word: *****
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Do I care?
Where do you think I am right now?: In Aberdeen
Where are you?: At Jamestown College
Where do you want to be?: Never Never Land

I think you're cool. I think you web page is cool too. I think Tony and Dustin and Heather are cool too. Am I cool? Probably not, but I don't care. See ya later. kelsey

MARGE - 08/15/98 04:49:17
Secret Code Word: tony
Do you think the FBI will read this?: the fbi can kiss my rosy red...mouth
Where do you think I am right now?: behind me
Where are you?: in front of you
Where do you want to be?: drenched in melted butter at Red Lobster


Maxwell - 08/03/98 19:14:50
Favorite thing about me: You always know where to scratch
Secret Code Word: woof
Do you think the FBI will read this?: uummm yeah
Where do you think I am right now?: at Devil's Tower!!!
Where are you?: Sleeping on the deck
Where do you want to be?: chasing a big 'ol cat

Gee, It's too bad I don't live with you anymore and that you shipped me to Wyoming... I mean I don't feel rejected or unloved in anyway by that. -Max

Barb Wylie - 07/28/98 13:40:09
My Email:bbwylie@hdc.net
Favorite thing about me: I love your "coffee" sense of humor...
Secret Code Word: Bear
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Knowing my luck, yes, they will. If not, they lead pretty boring lives.
Where do you think I am right now?: Dancing naked in front of your cat.
Where are you?: Dancing naked in front of small children.
Where do you want to be?: Dancing """ in front of you, Crystal. :)

I just love your homepage. I think we should develop a homepage for Bear lovers.

april - 07/09/98 19:06:23
My Email:you know
Favorite thing about me: my damn friggin happy attitude
Secret Code Word: snickle0fritz
Do you think the FBI will read this?: naked, of course
Where do you think I am right now?: naked, of course
Where are you?: naked, of course
Where do you want to be?: a weatherbunny

well, honeybunny..... I have come to realize you are full of crap : ) yes, that's what I said.....the "princess of MACK?" where the hell did you get THAT??? last I checked the men weren't flocking to me, nor could I get the ONE AND ONLY amn I desire.... so, rub it in, I love it..... anyway, yes, the music on your homepage sucks and is annoying, but the rest of the tunes are alright. I'm confused, are any of those poems yours? (It wasn't necessarily specified) but then again, I am a bitch and a whore and I have come to do nothing but burst your luscious cherry bubble with my red ryder b-b gun : ) I love you, and no matter how things go, your strength will never let you be weak......you will always endure.... and you know what?? (pssst....guess) I think you're......(blush)......neat : ) hahahahahahah love and sloppy sloppy kisses to all your happy needy parts : ) (ew) April "weatherbunny"

bianca - 06/21/98 20:12:19
My URL:http://www.love4oneanother.com
My Email:newtonha@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: i miss you cuz youre so far away
Secret Code Word: *#$^ed!! (upon wanding)
Do you think the FBI will read this?: of frickin' course
Where do you think I am right now?: with a hit man who is oddly like a sea creature
Where are you?: in nodak, missing my princess
Where do you want to be?: in the companionship of the superior princess

i suppose you are waiting for thirty-five still. probably because i forgot to stamp it!! sorry. it's coming...i saw the bastard

Tree Hugger - 05/24/98 22:44:10
My URL:/hollywood/boulevard/9203/index.html
My Email:groovy1479@hotmail.com
Where are you?: HOME!!!!!
Where do you want to be?: Galapagos Islands

Hey Princess...You should put Dutchie-D on your friends page...I mean you have her pic on the main page... Hope your summer is cool! I am one with the CHLORINE!!

Mary Biggs - 05/16/98 18:22:22
My Email:You know what my e-mail is!
Favorite thing about me: My witty sense of humor and my ability to have red hair without dying it! :)
Secret Code Word: I am the sky of the sun!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Yes they will.
Where do you think I am right now?: Having fun I hope.
Where are you?: At home.
Where do you want to be?: Out having fun with all my friends.

Dearest Crystal, Your web page gets better and better! My only complaint is that I'm not listed as a friend and am a little insulted...but I know, as I am trusting in what you said, all your friends aren't listed as yet. I hope that's true and not a copout! Crystal, Cr stal, Crystal. Well, I hope that you have tons of fun this summer making more than I will be at your big job! I do have a job now! Aren't you excited?!?! Now I hopefully don't have to do anything rash and quit school cuz I'm poor or something! Now I' l have some money! Yea! Well Crystal, I must go now! Hopefully I'll hear from you! Bye!

raspberry swirl - 05/15/98 20:16:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/academy/5678/cstoriamos.html
My Email:if you don't know, how can you write me?
Favorite thing about me: they say it's your birthday...da da da da...happy birthday to you...you know like on full house 10 ye rs ago?
Secret Code Word: condominapocketjerk
Do you think the FBI will read this?: OF COURSE!!!
Where do you think I am right now?: missing wetonka :(
Where are you?: missing wetonka :(
Where do you want to be?: with my wetonka ;)

i love you my january girl...Happy Birthday tomorrow! i wish i could be with you, but like i said, watch the mail, it eats your lunch...bianca

EnViro Man - 04/22/98 23:44:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/boulevard/9203/index.html
My Email:enviro1979@geocities.com
Secret Code Word: Recycle
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Sure
Where do you think I am right now?: Recycling Pop Cans...(I Hope)
Where are you?: In A Tree
Where do you want to be?: In A Higher Tree

Crystal...Happy Earth Day!

Francis A. Johnson - 04/18/98 20:46:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/5805
Favorite thing about me: Hair. you have hair.
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Is there any doubt?
Where do you think I am right now?: Eating lunch with Jesse
Where are you?: In bed.
Where do you want to be?: Under the bed.

Swing on over and visit the home of Twine!

Well be glad to hear from ya!

Brian - 04/09/98 00:04:03
My Email:idw@tkdyer.com
Favorite thing about me: FUNNY
Secret Code Word: duh
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I don't care
Where do you think I am right now?: At home
Where are you?: At home
Where do you want to be?: Your place:)

Very cool Page CRYSTAL. Hello Crystal. I am here.

Mart - 04/06/98 14:07:08
My Email:mart56@hotmail.com
Favorite thing about me: Your page
Secret Code Word: Anderson
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Only if they want to
Where do you think I am right now?: In bed
Where are you?: In England
Where do you want to be?: With you

Wonderful page! Please email me

Bill Helker - 03/23/98 05:30:48
My Email:Whelker@aol.com
Favorite thing about me: Your Web Page
Secret Code Word: the phrase, "The Dog Barks At Midnight."
Do you think the FBI will read this?: If they are, "Hey, Scully...you are a BABE!"
Where do you think I am right now?: Well, you've got school tomorrow so you better be in bed.
Where are you?: At home, ready to say howdy to Mr. Serta Mattress
Where do you want to be?: Anyplace warm and sunny

Hi, Crystal. My name is Bill Helker and I was "linked" over to your web page from a friend of mine's page, Erik Trelstad a.k.a. Smiley. You know, the dude who is going to save the world? Anyway, I am his youth director from his home church and I was lo king at his web page, checking out his "cool links" and thought I'd check out the type of people he is hanging out with these days and I have to say I am very impressed! You seem like a pretty neat person who has a lot of zest for life! Just thought I'd say "Hello" and that I like you're home page. Tell Trelstad I said "Yo!" and make sure you keep your eye on him, O.K.? Thanks and hey, if you get the chance, write back to me...I'm like everyone else...I love e-mail.( I just hardly ever get a chance to nswer it these days!) See Ya.

Allan Binkowsky - 03/18/98 00:53:03
My URL:http://hot-stuff
My Email:www.luvu.com


Heather Edmunds - 03/11/98 01:10:10
My Email:Thind@aol.com
Favorite thing about me: That you always have an interesting way of telling the truth, and your 2 sides!!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Fur Shur, they know everything don't they
Where do you think I am right now?: Well more than likely in "some boys room"
Where are you?: in front of my computer, listening to my New CD's!!!
Where do you want to be?: Um in college cause i hate High school

Well i just want to say that i cant believe how mean and nasty Crystal is. She seems like a lovely girl but then she never calls, emails or nothin'. But despite it all, I go on loving her. She is so, well...interesting, yeah! But for real she just needs to, (I'm being funny now all on my own)get rid of all those piercings, just because she took them out for her mom this week doesnt mean anything. She must make sure they grow shut. Well I think I've said enough. Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!

Vanessa Casavant - 03/05/98 20:33:10
My URL:http://acc.jc.edu/~pvendrig
My Email:pvendrig@acc.jc.edu
Favorite thing about me: my purple room and pink monkey
Secret Code Word: agent monkey
Do you think the FBI will read this?: of course, they read everything
Where do you think I am right now?: dancing with monkeys
Where are you?: not dancing with monkeys
Where do you want to be?: dancing with monkeys

Crystal, Consider me a friend, and I'll give you a copy of mine and Tori's pic. And you've seen Sarah in concert and I haven't, which would be amazing. And I heard they are trying to get Tori for this summer's Lilith!!!!

Eric - 03/05/98 01:01:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/boulevard/9203/index.html
My Email:trelstec@nsu001.northern.edu
Secret Code Word: Ethogen

Hey, I am back from saving the world. I think I am going to go ride my RED bike to the Rooster, and get myself some MINT mocha.

Meg Ryan (Margaret Mary Emily Ann Hyra) - 03/04/98 04:07:15
My Email:you can't catch me!
Favorite thing about me: You must be wonderful; Corynn talks about you all the time.
Secret Code Word: lactose intolerance! It'sha preshon tattoo! Happy;smile, sad;frown, use the corresponding face for the corresponding emotion. Every woman has faked it once in their lifetime. Aahh...Ohhh...Mmm...Yes! Yes! YES!!!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: if they get wind that your friends with that Corynn girl...
Where do you think I am right now?: paying homage to my shrine
Where are you?: getting my hair done... I heard Corynn got hers cut (I just can't keep up with that girl!)
Where do you want to be?: making my next big romantic comedy starring Corynn Stoltenberg

I must say I'm a bit disapointed I'm not mentioned on your page. We'll have to chat about it sometime.

Saire - 03/04/98 00:07:07
My Email:dummersa@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: singing -- you were never very . . .
Secret Code Word: potato chips, hmmmmm. . .
Do you think the FBI will read this?: i hope not.
Where do you think I am right now?: hee, hee. do i want to know?
Where are you?: middle of nowhere. *sigh*
Where do you want to be?: London!

hmmmmm. . . interesting. very interesting. how's the damn plant?

transylvanian concubine - 03/03/98 23:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/academy/5678/index.html
My Email:i319@hotmail.com
Favorite thing about me: pretty red hair
Secret Code Word: aliens
Do you think the FBI will read this?: definitely
Where do you think I am right now?: spaceship
Where are you?: bigger spaceship
Where do you want to be?: on spring break

i cannot believe all of those damned aliens we saw. i am positive the government is executing a plot to erase me.

TINK - 02/28/98 20:36:39
My Email:stoltenc@genesis.csp.edu
Favorite thing about me: your everything completes me
Secret Code Word: I'm clapping!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: they should!
Where do you think I am right now?: on your computer, or with Dustin, or in your practice room
Where are you?: Condorkia's library w/ my Crystal, listening to Chantal Kreviazuk
Where do you want to be?: with you :(... in person

Hi dahrlin... It's been too long... I miss you... I don't know why it took me so long to visit your page... now I know that's what I have to do when I start itchin' for you. I feel whole again. Talk to you real soon... "I'm smellin dead flowers and listenin to the walls again..." but I don't need an i aginary friend. I LOVE YOU... Tink

icky - 02/26/98 20:58:16
Favorite thing about me: hair
Secret Code Word: prestwood and stukas
Do you think the FBI will read this?: duh--it's all a government conspiracy
Where do you think I am right now?: getting drunk off your ass
Where are you?: i'm not sure...
Where do you want to be?: somewhere...st.louis maybe

The fairies will like your new tongue-piercing. I hear you're going for the belly button pretty soon. The tatoo will continue to bring you good luck...

Bindi - 02/26/98 20:38:10
Favorite thing about me: Your children's books
Secret Code Word: fairy rebel
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Of course
Where do you think I am right now?: Eating sweet fruit
Where are you?: England
Where do you want to be?: By the fruit trees

Jan liked sweet things. She liked them a little too much. Jan couldn't exercise any more. Jan got a little roly-poly. (ie fat)

Zach - 02/26/98 07:16:30
My Email:you already know it
Favorite thing about me: I like to help w/ revenge
Secret Code Word: Jesse
Do you think the FBI will read this?: why?
Where do you think I am right now?: Somewhere *edited for content* Jesse
Where are you?: Somewhere not *edited for content* Jesse
Where do you want to be?: Anywhere but *Edited for content* Jesse

Sounds like things aren't so great in SD. But I'd help my bud out any time.

Arianne Sorreta - 02/26/98 01:10:59
My Email:asorreta@nebula.honors.unr.edu or Asoysauce@aol.com
Favorite thing about me: about me? or you? :) I think that would have to be my uncanny ability to attra t disfunctional people. :)
Do you think the FBI will read this?: no!
Where do you think I am right now?: Hmmmm... college, I hope.
Where are you?: University of Nevada, Reno
Where do you want to be?: I'm happy where I am!

Well, I finally got to your page. I guess my AOL account was just really bad. *shrug* I read a little about your friends... wow, what a collection! I'm happy to see that you had tons of fun! Too bad, I wasn't there to see it... :) So, when are you going to write about me? Ask me more questions if you need to. Just send it to my honors account, though. I can't even read your mail on my AOL account. Hear from you soon! ~Ari

Lenise Butler - 02/25/98 01:23:09
My Email:butlerl@augsburg.edu
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Probably not and even if they do, I never disclose incriminating information!!!
Where do you think I am right now?: At the second you're reading this you're either in your room on your computer or in the computer lab, is my guess
Where are you?: In the lab, Lenise is too poor to have her own computer
Where do you want to be?: traveling...with friends having a wonderful time!!!

I like the web page!! I like that you added information about your life and friends... I think it really adds and you have a way with words that is just awsome!!!!!! Lenise

Randi Wallenberg - 02/24/98 23:34:19
My Email:rwallenb@sundance.usd.edu
Favorite thing about me: Navel Ring
Secret Code Word: BLEH!
Do you think the FBI will read this?: They're all over!
Where do you think I am right now?: Boys
Where are you?: The sweat lodge
Where do you want to be?: Europe

Crystal~ this is AWESOME!!!! Way to go babe! keep in touch!! love always, Randi

Eric Trelstad - 02/24/98 15:18:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/9203/index.html
My Email:trelstec@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: Lilith 98...Here we come!!
Secret Code Word: Knickers
Do you think the FBI will read this?: Hey, The FBI knows everything!!
Where do you think I am right now?: Prolly in class (or skipping)??
Where are you?: In The Computer Lab (at NSU)
Where do you want to be?: The Rain foesrt

I would write more, ut I am too busy trying to save the planet.

Shannon Kerpanchcanoe - 02/24/98 06:35:36
My URL:http://www.stolaf.com
My Email:shannon@sop.stol.edu
Favorite thing about me: You never failed me yet!
Secret Code Word: Misspelled
Do you think the FBI will read this?: As we speak...
Where do you think I am right now?: Listening to my stellar 2 disc compilation; "Shannon Kerpanchcanoe: Unplugged, Plugged, Whipped and Wanting More!"
Where are you?: Gargling with salt water, watching Andy and Jay go at it on April's lawn chair...
Where do you want to be?: With Jesus.

Your devotion to the Shannon Kerpanchcanoe Fan Club Intl. is astounding. Keep up the good work, and I will send you a pair of my panties!

laura - 02/24/98 04:08:00
My Email:swanson@tth.tdc.net
Favorite thing about me: your cds just kidding, your thoughtfullness
Secret Code Word: company girl
Do you think the FBI will read this?: of course, don't you realize they are always watching, if you check the bible in hotel rooms, you'll discover they are really just hollow books with tape recorders. it's all a government consipracy.
Where do you think I am right now?: doing what you shouldn't
Where are you?: I'm typing aren't I
Where do you want to be?: well, that depends

Crystal I can't believe you got your tongue pierced!!!! And that tattoo. I hope your mother doesn't know. I hope she doesn't read this. You better figure out some way to hide it before you come home for spring break in three weeks. How could you? So I found this thing hilarious. It is a perfect place to make fun of you. I hope you don't mind

Phil Phillipson - 02/23/98 19:02:52
My Email:unlisted
Favorite thing about me: Ability to stand up to the "Big Uecker"
Secret Code Word: Badger
Do you think the FBI will read this?: No comment
Where do you think I am right now?: The liquor store
Where are you?: 100 ft. under water
Where do you want to be?: Dead

This homepage goes against everything I stand for. It was really hard for me to do this so I hope you can appreciate it. If any one is interested in joining SAFB (Students against the freezing of badgers), please contact me at www.badger.com. Thank you fo your support.

Amy Vander Lugt - 02/23/98 03:19:54
My URL:http://www.usd.edu/~avander
My Email:avander@usd.edu
Favorite thing about me: I love classical music
Secret Code Word: what?
Do you think the FBI will read this?: let's hope not
Where do you think I am right now?: singing?
Where are you?: in my room
Where do you want to be?: in Hawaii!!

hey there, Crystal. I must say you have an awesome home page! Wow. Anyway, I have to go back now and look at your other links and stuff (as if I have the time for that). So, I'll write you later! You certainly are a unique character. What else can I say? Your friend, Amy P.S. Interesting questions!

April Schave - 02/23/98 01:37:22
My Email:milkmaiden@juno.com
Favorite thing about me: you suck but I like it
Secret Code Word: uglyducking
Do you think the FBI will read this?: perhaps, yes?
Where do you think I am right now?: being skanky
Where are you?: dancing in saran wrap
Where do you want to be?: dancing in tin foil

too much time on your hands.... I think you should include "the queen of the universe as well as all space and time" in your desciption of me... oh yeah....and the part about "she can conquer and capture any man she desires in five, yes, five days.....well, atleast THIS time..."....ser ously...I DID IT!! he's MINE!

Kristen Louise - 02/22/98 23:37:05
My URL:http://www.usd.edu/~mpeterso/kristen.htm
My Email:klknudso
Where are you?: Augustan College

Crystal- Wow! Your homepage looks great. You can tell you have put a lot of time and effort into it. I hope you are having a wonderful time at NSU. Your Friend, Kristen

Michelle Moore - 02/22/98 20:47:55

Hey, Crystal!! Glad to see that I was added to your little page here. Just wondering what all these exciting things are that happened to me. I can't seem to remember!! :) Love ya, Michelle

Maggie Colleran - 02/22/98 01:24:58
My URL:http://www.usd.edu/~mcollera
My Email:mcollera@sunflowr.usd.edu
Favorite thing about me: you suck people in like a Hoover!
Secret Code Word: pillow-biter
Do you think the FBI will read this?: God, I hope so...
Where do you think I am right now?: having meaningless casual sex
Where are you?: having meaningless casual sex
Where do you want to be?: he he he

I love you! This is an awesome page, doll. Have you seen mine? It's sad. Give me some pointers... All my messy wet lovin', Margie

emily b. b. - 02/20/98 20:31:37
My Email:ebbreita@inst.augie.edu
Favorite thing about me: i am crystal's friend.
Secret Code Word: catsup
Do you think the FBI will read this?: only if they found out what i did to president clinton.
Where do you think I am right now?: on the potty.
Where are you?: where do you think?
Where do you want to be?: in bed, taking a giant nap.

hi crystal. how come i had to get this address from kristen instead of you? am i not that special? :( :) have a fun weekend~ love you lots, emily

Bianca the Princess - 02/20/98 00:00:58
My Email:newtonha@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: everything. especially smuttiness
Secret Code Word: "wetonka"
Do you think the FBI will read this?: yes
Where do you think I am right now?: in the central office of the FBI or CIA
Where are you?: a lumber yard in ellendale where no one will speak to me, and they just keep handing me envelopes full of money!
Where do you want to be?: with you, my sweet


Dustin Marks - 02/18/98 00:51:57
My URL:http://acc.jc.edu/~ppearson/freon/freon.html
My Email:marksdt@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: Late night calls...oh, I thought this was a LEAST favorite thing. Just kidding.
Secret Code Word: I plead the Fifth.
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I am right now aren't I.
Where do you think I am right now?: On your computer, that's why your phone is busy for hours on end.
Where are you?: At play practice.
Where do you want to be?: Anywhere and Everywhere.

Whenever you are Chasing Amy, don't forget, No Retreat, No Surrender. The Force will be with you always. Try not; do or do not; there is no try. I always love visiting your page, even when you're upset.

Mike Bowser - 02/18/98 00:09:41
My Email:bowsermw@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: Your shoes
Secret Code Word: stumpy
Do you think the FBI will read this?: I'd be crazy to think they wouldn't.
Where do you think I am right now?: New Amsterdam
Where are you?: HeHeHeHeHeHe
Where do you want to be?: You know......

Dear Crystal, Thank you so much for including me on your amazing home page. I feel so loved. How can I return the favor? Later! Mike Bowser

Jesse Johnson - 02/14/98 23:34:12
My Email:johnsoje@nsu001.northern.edu
Favorite thing about me: I'll get back to you on that one
Secret Code Word: If it is secret, why you?
Do you think the FBI will read this?: who cares?
Where do you think I am right now?: Like I really care
Where are you?: Like I really care
Where do you want to be?: anywhere else

Despite what Crystal would have you believe, I am a nice guy, generally. I'd like to mention I also like to take walks along the beach. Thank you.

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