Not a Pretty Girl

This is my page devoted to Ani Difranco. Ani deserves a page dedicated to her because she is a fine musician. I can relate to her songs and her lyrics are awesome. Ani Difranco says things in a way that few musicians can. I think she is a true poet.

The other night I was just having a terriable night.. I walked in the lounge, and who was on Hard Rock Live ANI!!! she made everything ok. Also it was very exciting for some of the girls on my floor that never see me get excited, and jump around to Little Plastic Castle, Juke Box, and other move around songs.

I love Ani's disk, Little Plastic Castle. The diversity of the musical style is amazing. when I purchased I was expecting another acoustic guitar album, but not so.
Little Plastic Castles has a little bit of almost every style of music you can imagine. When I am in a peppy mood I love to listen to Little Plastic Castle. When I am sad I listen to Independence Day. When I am upset at my friend Jesse I listen to As Is. But My favorite all the time song on the disk is Swan Dive. "I've had a little bit to drink and It's making me think. That I could jump ship and swim, that the ocean could hold me. There's got to be more then this boat I'm in."

If you have ever done any reading about Ani's life you quickly discover she didn't have an average childhood. At the "tender" age of 15 she was living in New York by herself as an emancipated minor. Ani has had many experiences in her life, it's this things that help to make up the person she is and the music she writes.

What Ani cd's do I have you may wonder...

Like I Said
Out of Range
Living in Clip
Not a Pretty Girl
Not so Soft
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Little Plastic Castle

Links To Other Ani Sites

A Fine Ani Site with Good Picture, Tour Dates, and News Articles

A Very Complete Compilation of Ani Song Lyrics

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