Movie's Dustin May or May Not Like

A lot of really good movies are out there and here is just a small collection of profiles on some of my favorite ones.


This movie is about a bunch of guys who are very money This movie is a great inspiration to the majority of my male college friends (Right Jesse?). So if you are male and you haven't seen this movie you are missing out on a lot of great information on how to get the chicks.


Tombstone is the only Western I like. It is in my opinion the best movie Val Kilmer has done. This film is about Wyatt Earp and his brothers and the time they spent in Tombstone, AZ. (Did I mention Val Kilmer is in it?) "I'm your Huckleberry."

The Rock

The Rock is a fantastc movie and with Sean Connery, who can go wrong.

Dusk Till Dawn

Reservoir Dogs


They were perfect strangers, assembled to pull of the perfect crime. Then their simple robbery explodes into a bloody ambush, and the ruthless killers realize one of them is a police informer. This movie is about diamonds, death and betrayl. In a classic Tarantino style this movie jumps all around, leaving you wondering who you should trust until the end. It is a love it or hate it movie, and I love it. Mr White & Mr Pink are my two personal favorite characters

Chasing Amy

I was exposed to Chasing Amy for the first time this year, I know have seen it 3 more times. It's the type of movie that everyone needs to see, although everyone will not enjoy it. When I first heard about the movie, I was a little leary, (rumors of lesbian sex scenes and all), but after I finished watching it all I could do was say Wow!!! I think that this film is a very powerful film about relationships. I think it will remain one off my favorites.



Clerks is the second flick in the holy trilogy of Mallrats, Clerks, and Chasing Amy. This film is the story of any person who has ever worked in customer service. Although some may find this movie crude and insulting, (including my other half) I think that it's a very entertaining film about life behind the counter.

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