Leave a Message for the Futurama Community

dave harak - 11/21/00 23:35:39
My Email:gik43

I love BENDER HE is a Player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@##$%^&*()_+@$$ @$$

Ryan C. - 02/27/00 00:08:34
My Email:dinosaur00@hotmail.com


Cheetah88 - 01/31/00 05:48:30
My URL:/appaloosa88
My Email:futurama_freak@hotmail.com or appaloosa88@yahoo.com

Hey there! This page is wonderful! I love it! I will OF COURSE be visiting again. I'm SO sad FUTURAMA hasn't been on for SO long...but yet SO happy it's coming back next Sunday! Ahhh, just the THOUGHT of FUTURAMA makes me smile... DON'T FORGET TO WATCH FU URAMA NEXT SUNDAY, AT 7/6 C!

andy - 01/09/00 14:37:00
My Email:segrob@mpx.com.au

hello again it is me andy i was the one who asked for pics and links to put on my site the reason im back is because i just wanted to give you my adress it is http://gamer48.homestead.com/wicked.html

andy - 01/09/00 14:31:23
My URL:http://gamer84.homestead.com/wicked.html
My Email:segrob@mpx.com

hi there my name is andy and i would like to know if there is anything you could e-mail me that i could put on my home page such as links and pics if so i would appriciatte it very much thank you

jeanie - 01/09/00 06:28:47
My Email:jeanie19uk

your web page is one of the best web pages i have looked at it tells u everything u need to know thanx love u all jeanie xxx

- 01/09/00 06:23:29

web page is kewl l8r

Angie Sellars - Pratzie - 11/21/99 23:23:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Base/5243/
My Email:pratzie@hotmail.com

this site is really good. i enjoy being able to find everything so easily and quickly on your site, it makes everything a lot faster. thanks for a lot of fun...

nicole - 10/15/99 18:54:34

I think your show is cool. It is da bomb. well enough chat I got to go and watch your show now. Bye

Lee sowerby - 10/14/99 16:11:53
My Email:www.sowerby@hotmail.com

this website is cool

Nele - 09/27/99 18:15:00

Hello! I really like this website but I don't know why, it just is... bye bye

Nele - 09/27/99 18:14:05


Robert - 09/23/99 05:48:56

Guess what? FUTURAMA has arrived in ESTONIA! Expat North Americans (like myself) have a reason to watch TV!

shiloh(cheetah)watson - 08/20/99 02:57:03
My Email:shilohs9@email.com

Well if you really want to know what I think of the show...IT'S FANTASIC!!!! I really like Fry and Bender.I think you did an exelent job!! Well gotta go so Chow!!!!

Angie Sellars - 06/06/99 02:23:49
My URL:http://members.rediff.com/Angie/angie7.htm
My Email:pratzie@hotmail.com

Futurama has not yet been released in Australia (which really sucks) and yet I am completly wrapped in them. I wish to say this Futurama site is coming together really nicely and I can wait until I see them on the screen! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

dike - 05/25/99 16:19:26

This site sucks ass.

Karin - 05/20/99 22:28:04
My Email:karbear_3@hotmail.com

Great site and it is true Futurama is a major kick ass show

Andrew Munk - 04/25/99 00:13:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Boulevard/9874/
My Email:andmunn@idirect.com

Just Testing the Board! Thanx.

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