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  ICQ: 35411286
I sometimes get asked the same questions over and over, like, do I make Futurama, and other stuff of this nature. I hope this FAQ will clarify some of this, and i'll keep adding on to it, as long as I get a couple of emails with the same question:

1. Do you make Futurama?

ANS: No I do not. Matt Groening Does.

2. Can I help with your website?

ANS: Maybe. Let me know what you could do for me.

3. Is Geocities free?

ANS: Damn right! I couldn't afford anything better.

4. Are these questions you really get asked?

ANS: Yes. Yes they are.

5. Do you like Futurama?

ANS: Of course! I wouldn't make this site if i didn't.

6. Where can i get Futurama Movies?

ANS: Just go to my movies page here.

7. Can you link my site?

ANS: Sure, just send me over the URL by email.

Thank You Fox For Making Futurama Possible.