Power Rangers Turbo: Ultimation

Welcome to Power Rangers Turbo: Ultimation! This series completely rewrites the Turbo season from scratch. Have you grumbled about the Zeo-to-Turbo transition? Are you confused about just how Divatox can hold off the rangers when her crew is a bunch of bumblers? Are you just plain tired of seeing the rangers portrayed like storybook knights? In Ultimation, the rangers exist in a real world. Like the real world, sometimes they don't win. Sometimes, their wins come from skill, fortune, or dumb luck. But though they are not invincible, they always manage to keep hope, and that is what makes them heroes.

I value your opinions a lot! Tell me what you did like and what you didn't like about the series.

I hope you will stay with the Ultimation saga, as it traces the Turbo season and beyond!

  • Turbo Up! Part 1
    Divatox arrives, and swiftly destroys the Zeo Rangers with one blow! How will they survive?

  • Turbo Up! Part 2
    Tommy must regroup the Turbo Rangers and retrieve the Zeo Crystal!

  • Turbo Up! Part 3
    All hope is lost. The Zeo Crystal is no more. How can the rangers possibly succeed?

  • Shards of the Mind
    Tommy is about to learn just how much his mind can take. Along the way, he must finally come to terms with a shattering event from his past.

  • Colors
    Tanya has her first encounter with racism when applying for college. How will she react? WARNING: This story is not intended for those with a strong view of the topic. It also has the infamous "N" word, so read at your own risk.

  • On Faith
    Adam is having a rough time as soccer coach, thanks to one of the players. But, he's having even worse problems with a creature called LifeStorm, who doesn't know when to die!

  • Zeo Recovery
    Trey has returned with a way to restore the Zeo powers. But will they hold out against the sudden raid on the rangers' home base?

  • Armageddon Rising Part 1
    When a freak accident strikes Tommy, he finds himself in an apocalyptic future where the worst has happened . . .

    Next Time on PRT:U!


  • Inaction
    Mike has something on his mind, and it's taking a terrible toll on him . . .

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