The Links Page

Tokusatsu-Related Links

  • Sentai World
    A great starting point for those just getting into Sentai. Recently underwent a change, and apparently in some sort of revamping stage right now, but still has plenty of info.

  • The Tokusatsu Page
    This site has a lot of info on tokusatsu shows. It's one of the best places to get started on tokusatsu. Not to be missed!

  • Sentai Forever
    Recently revamped, this is a true Sentai site, along with the original Sentai Zodiac Five!

  • The Gorma Palace
    Some reviews on many tokusatsu shows, with summaries too!

  • The Tokusatsu Wormhole
    Come one, come all, to the Tokusatsu Wormhole! Let's see, universes for Dairanger, Kakuranger, Ohranger, B-Fighter, a Tokusatsu Trading Post, a fan-Sentai, tons of pictures . . . what doesn't he have?

  • Sentai Icon World
    Try this place out! It's made my computer just that much more entertaining, and you've just gotta appreciate the pure effort made into these icons.

  • Ctenosaur Video
    One of the many places on the Internet to buy some tokusatsu tapes!

  • Henshin Video
    Yet another reliable tape dealer, with masses of tapes and cheap prices.

  • Tokusatsu Access
    A tokusatsu dealer with a good selection and a friendly attitude.

  • The Sentai Database
    Info on some Sentai, and yet more tapes! Another good starting place!

  • The Kikaider Page
    What more is there to say? It's Kikaider. I don't think it's possible to make a bad Kikaider page. Go now.

  • Kikaida in Hawaii
    See above. Mostly focuses on Kikaida as it was shown in Hawaii subtitled in 1974.

  • Kamen Rider V3 Homepage
    An enormous homepage dedicated to Kamen Rider V3, my favorite 70s Rider and 2nd favorite overall Rider! This is the kind of page true fans make!

  • Kamen Rider Forever
    Whoops, maybe you like another Rider? This is the definitive Kamen Rider page. Pictures, info, sounds, and much, much, more!

  • Dancougar's Robot Anime and Sentai Music Page
    My personal favorite place for music. I've had to set aside a separate folder on my computer to hold songs I've downloaded from this page.

  • Black RX's Home Page
    A tribute to Kamen Rider Black RX, and reviews of the guy's favorite Sentai shows.

  • Sentai Network
    RM files and MP3 files of recent Sentai shows and Kamen Rider Kuuga. Great quality work.

    The Sentai newsgroup. A pretty friendly place where you can discuss your newfound knowledge.

    Power Rangers-Related Links

  • Power Rangers Central
    The definitive Power Rangers web page. If it's not here, maybe you only imagined it.

  • Writer's Guide to the Power Rangers
    Must be seen to be believed! This, my friends, is what we call dedication.

  • The 6th Dimension of Time
    Hmmm . . . that's a lot of stuff there! Must be experienced, not read.

  • Power Rangers Spoiler Warnings
    A new high in dedication to Power Rangers, this would be in-depth summaries and details on all the latest shows, complete with the author's well-known cynical humor that never fails to entertain.

    The Power Rangers newsgroup. Lots of discussions going on at any given time. Have a good time; it's not every day you can freely discuss Power Rangers with real people!


  • Galaxy Taskforce Astroranger
    The virtual Sentai series. An extremely talented piece of work Take a look!.

  • Jenga's Library
    IMO, this houses some of the best fanficition series I've seen in a while.

  • The Fanfic Shoppe
    Everybody comes here. It's the place to be if you want a fanfic to read!

  • Power Rangers Zeo - Behind the Lines
    One of the greatest PR fanfics. So huge its authors (that's right, plural) gave it its own page.

  • Paladar's World of Fanfic
    Lots and lots of . . . well, I hope you know what it has lots and lots of.

  • The Command Center Archives
    Another huge complex full of fanfics, updated each week. Not a bad deal, huh?

  • Froog's World of Fanfics
    Smaller, but friendly place.

  • The Caves of Deception - Fanfic
    Joe Rovang, one of the greatest fans on the web, and his own works. Ranging from insightful to downright funny.

    Anime Links

  • Gatchaman, BOTP, and G-Force
    Admit it, you're a Gatchaman fan. If you're not, WHY NOT?!?! Go to this page to get yourself started, then for God's sake get some tapes!

  • Gatchaman: Home of the White Shadow
    Yet another Gatchaman page. Information central!

    If you caught Force Five as a kid, you're darn lucky. For the rest of us, we'll have to depend on this page to show us how American translation of Japanese shows SHOULD be done.

  • Super Robot Page
    No doubt about it, Super Robots rule. If you disagree, visit this page and then tell me they stink. Don't forget, I told you so.

  • Anime Depot
    No way should anybody calling themselves an anime fan pass this page up! Lots and lots of info on classic shows.

  • Super Robot Wars Millenium
    Emulators, ROMs, a message board . . . everything you need to begin playing.

  • Megchan's Digimon Sekai
    Digimon's cool. Japanese Digimon's cooler.

  • Gundam Project
    Everything you ever needed to know about Gundam, and then some.

  • The Mecha Domain Mk. II
    A necessary pitstop for everybody. Check out the mechs from Gundam and other similar series in all their lineart glory!

  • Gundam Zone
    RM files of all the major Gundam songs - grab 'em all, they're good!

    Got a web page that you want up here? Mail me with the URL and I'll put it up.

    Hey you! Yeah, the guy complaining about how this dumb webmaster has outdated links! Instead of slaying that poor innocent stress ball, how about telling me the link is outdated? I don't have the time to check all these pages on a regular basis, and some people are just picky about where their page is located. Thanks for the help!

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