The Ultimation Guides

This is the storage area for the Ultimation Guides. These guides are made to educate you about Power Rangers, and its original counterpart, Sentai. These are rather multi-purpose. If you're a Power Rangers fan, you can learn about the series that sparked your favorite show. Hopefully, it might even inspire you to give Sentai a go. If you're a parent who wants to know what your kid is rambling on about, you can also find out here. You can also impress your kid with your knowledge of Sentai. If you're a Power Rangers fan who started late in the series, and would like to catch up on all the history that you missed, you can do that here. And if, for some reason, you're a Japanese kid whose browser can read English, and who likes Sentai but doesn't know much about Power Rangers, and can't get the show in Japan, well, I can help you too (yes, I agree that this scenario is rather unlikely, but oh well).

The Guides are set up in four sections. The first section summarizes the Sentai series. The second section summarizes the corresponding Power Rangers season. The third section is a conversion guide. It lists the Sentai name, then lists the corresponding Power Rangers name. Some pictures are sprinkled in to help you identify what is what, but don't expect too many pictures. If you don't understand one of the terms in the conversion guide, let me know and I will consider putting in another picture during the Ultimation Guides' next update. The fourth section is an interesting fact section. These are trivial bits of information that just might seem interesting to you.

Even if you have already read an Ultimation Guide, continue to check up on it now and again. As time passes, I will add more detail to the summaries, and change the pictures here and there.

If you can add any additional information to the Ultimation Guides, I would be honored that you are willing to share your knowledge. E-mail me and I'll put it up the next time I update.

NOTE: If anybody wishes to contribute information about Ohranger for the new Ultimation Guide, that would really be helpful. I have little info on the series, and frankly it would be nice if it stayed that way, but other people may be interested in the series. So, please contribute, otherwise the guide will end up with about two paragraphs outlining the barest details of the series.

I feel I should make it known that these guides were not set up to give me any credit for being a master of Sentai. They are simply here to help people understand what it is that makes Power Rangers tick. To that end, I have, at times, borrowed information from others who are more knowledgeble than me about certain topics. Nothing has been put on this page without prior consent. In that respect, this is rather a gathering of information from the net into one concise set of guides. Where possible, I have tried to implement my own knowledge. I did not simply go around the net rounding up every slab of information I could find and slap it here. If you have any questions, e-mail me and I will resolve it to the best of my ability.

  • Ultimation Introduction Guide: Sentai to Power Rangers

  • Ultimation Guide #1: Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 1

  • Zyuranger/MMPR Season 1 Review

  • Ultimation Guide #2: Go Sei Sentai Dairanger to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 2

  • Dairanger/MMPR Season 2 Review

  • Ultimation Guide #3: Ninja Sentai Kakuranger to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Season 3/Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers

  • Kakuranger/MMPR Season 3 Review


  • Cho Riki Sentai Ohranger to Power Rangers Zeo
  • Gekisou Sentai Carranger to Power Rangers Turbo
  • Denji Sentai Megaranger to Power Rangers in Space
  • Seijuu Sentai Gingaman to Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
  • Kyukyu Sentai GoGoV to Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
  • Mirai Sentai Timeranger to Power Rangers Time Force (tentative)

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