1. Leo's fave designer threads include Tommy Hilfiger, Versace and Prada

2. In addition to regular schooling, Leo attended the Center for Enriched Studies.

3. Leo never attended his high school graduation because he was busy shooting 1993's This Boy's Life

4. Before Leo became an actor, he thought about being an oceanographer.

5. It took Leo about 50 rejections before a casting director said "yes" and cast Leo in his first acting gig, a commercial.

6. Leo once appeared on an episode of The New Lassie, in which he was "shocked and disappointed" to find out that Lassie was played by five different dogs-not one of them female!

7. When he landed his part in This Boy's Life, Leo was so excited, he punched a hole in his ceiling!

8. Leo's first date movie was 1989's When Harry Met Sally.

9. Leo snagged a role on an early episode of ABC-TV's Roseanne, but his part got cut.

10. Leo believes in love at first sight, although he's confessed:"It hasn't happened to me-yet."

11. During the filming of This Boy's Life, he grew four inches taller and therefore had to crouch down in many scenes.

12. Leo loves his mom, Irmelin, more than anyone else, so when he has to cry during a scene, he imagines her being hurt.

13. To research the role of Arnie in 1993's What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Leo traveled to Texas and spent a few days at a home for mentally disable teens.

14. While shooting Gilbert Grape, Leo wore a mouthpiece that stretched out his top lip to make him less attractive.

15. The one movie role Leo wanted-but didn't get-was Christian Slater's role of the reporter in 1994's Interview With the Vampire.

16. Leo was offered mega bucks to star in 1993's Hocus Pocus, but he turned it down because he thgouth it waw awful. Then he was offered even more money to star in it, "but something inside me kept sain, 'Don't do this movie,'" Leo has said.

17. Leo did 1995's The Basketball Diaries to make a statement against drugs. "But people confused me with my part and told stories about me having a drug habit," Leo's griped.

18. When he was 14, he appeared in an educational film called How to Deal With a Parent Who Takes Drugs.

19. When Leo has a food craving on the set, he's most likely to ask for burger and fries drowning in ketchup.

20. When 1996's Marvin's Room premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in France last year, Leo flew in his grandmother, Helena Idenbirken, from Germany to be by his side.

21. On any given day, in the back seat of Leo's BMW you'll most likely find seceral pairs of $5 sunglasses, bubblegum, and empty Fruitopia bottles.

22. Leo's fave Star Wars character? "I had a fascination with Chewbacca," he's said. "He was my favorite."

23. At the moment, Leo's said his face music includes "a lot of rap and stuff like Stevie Wonder and Jamiroquai."