First of all, I would like to thank The Official Benicio Del Toro Website
for graciously allowing me to use pictures of Benicio Del Toro
from their archives and including me on their links page.
Please visit them and let them know how fantabulous they truly are!

This site would not be in existence if it wasn't for the very helpful tutorials provided by Create It~101.
If you would like to know how to design beautiful and award-winning webpages, please visit:

I would like to thank Kelly McLarnon for the gorgeous ivy background
that appears on the site information page, entitled The Story of the U4 Benicio Del Toro Webpages.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Shawn Kearney,
a mannufacturer of splendiforous icons which I have used on this site.
This is a link to his personal site, called Shawn's Web Art.

Thanks to The Corporation for providing me with a smoke-free website!

Especial thanks to Guestworld for providing me with a guestbook, so I can see who's been to visit me.

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