(aka Ranger, Hawk, and Maglock)
I currently have a Bachelor's Degree from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. I was a Major in Animation [aka. Applied Media Arts]. I have a BFA(AMA). My animation experience encompasses Tradititional(use of a plain animation camera), Alternative(Drawn on film, and stop motion), and Finally Computer in which I am focusing (Lightwave, Dpaint, Animation Shop{included with Paintshop Pro}). I also have experience programming in Java, COBOL, C++, Turbo Pascal, and of course Html (Hypertext Markup Language). I also have experience
in Desktop Publishing, Word Processing, Databases,& Spreadsheets. I
worked as a Paperboy for three years. During the 96-97 & 97-98 school
seasons, I was employed by the University Telcomunications and Computer center as a lab monitor. I am looking for an investor to finance my production company! My apologies ladies but I am currently engaged to the greatest person(as of 12-26-2003), we are to be married on July 25, 2004. I am still learning how to ballroom dance. I am getting better at swing but I still have alot to learn. I am a generally friendly guy and will answer most questions about anything in the aforementioned categories.
P.S. I appologize for the condition the personal sites are it but keep visiting and they will improve a new format is in progress for the art museume. It is also taking longer for repairs due to a personal life and work. The reason that these sites may have broken links is because they had to be either rebuilt or restored to an earlier version due to MSN buying out their original server. I apologize in advance to those that may get disappointed with their conditions.