Labatts Product page


Background:Canada's best-selling beer. Named for the colour of it's label by fans of the Canadian Football League's Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Introduced originally in May, 1951 as Labatt Pilsner. First brand in Canada with twist-off cap

Brewmaster's Notes:Fruity character with slightly sweet aftertaste. Good balance

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Backround:Canada's first, and best-selling, national packaged draft beer, launched in 1992

Brewmaster's Notes:Fresh, smooth taste coupled with pronounced hop character which distinguishes it from other lager products

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Type:100% Barley Malt Lager

Backround:Introduced in March, 1983, Canada's first and only national domestic "premium" beer. One of the most expensive brands to produce.

Brewmaster's Notes:Smooth, full flavour beer with true taste of malt. Slightly sweet flavour.

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Backround:Introduced in 1993.

Brewmaster's Notes:Has a fuller, slightly sweeter palate that retains the dominant hop flavour and aroma.

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Type:Dark Lager.

Backround:For the first time in Canadian brewing history, beer drinkers were asked to cast their vote for one of two Copper candidates: Labatt Copper "X" (lager) and Labatt Copper "Y" (ale). Over a two-week period in January 1995, more than 115,000 beer drinkers cast their vote for either Copper X or Copper Y in the most comprehensive market research initiative ever conducted by a brewer. Ultimately "X", the lager, was chosen by 56.9 percent of voters in four provinces.

Brewmaster's Notes:Dark and flavourful, yet refreshing taste. Slightly less carbonation than most Labatt brands.

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Backround:The first light tasting ale introduced in Canada Launched in 1950 to commemorate 50 years of partnership by John Labatt and Hugh Labatt, sons of founder John Labatt. Canada's best-selling beer until 1979 when, with the increasing popularity of lagers, it was surpassed by Blue.

Brewmaster's Notes:All of the distinguishing features of a true ale, including a good balance of dryness, complemented by a fruity taste and a unique hop flavouring.

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Backround:Introduced in 1993, the product is brewed using the patented ICE BREWING process.

Brewmaster's Notes:Richer, deeper colour combined with a sweeter palate gives an exceptionally smooth, balanced strong (7.1% alcohol/volume) lager.

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Type:Lager, 5.6% alcohol

Backround:World's first Ice Brewed beer, introduced in 1993. Most successful new brand introduction in Canadian brewing history.

Brewmaster's Notes:Smooth, full flavour yet lighter tasting than other higher-alcohol products.

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Backround:Introduced to Ontario in the late 1800's -- it is the first lager introduced by Labatt.

Brewmaster's Notes:The Saaz hops counter much of the bitterness associated with traditional lagers. Fuller in body and taste.

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Type:Beer-Based Cooler

Backround:Introduced in 1985, Twist Shandy was the first beer-based cooler produced by a Canadian brewer. A popular summer drink, it is only available from May to September.

Brewmaster's Notes:It has all the visual pleasures of beer with the refreshment of a citrus drink.

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Backround:Introduced in April 1990. Part of ongoing commitment to offer beer-drinkers a sensible alternative. Brewed with a special patented process. Available through small & large grocery store.

Brewmaster's Notes:Full flavour lager with virtually no alcohol. Quality product.

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There are other beers that Labatts inc brews, They are however derivatives of other Labatt products, "John Labatt Classic Wheat" is a derivative of "John Labatt Classic". We didn't rank light beer because, come on, who really drinks light beer