tim - 01/17/00 06:40:24
My URL:http://l
My Email:leatim.free.com.au
Favorite Springfield Personality: Homer
Your favorite Springfield Event: wacking day
top site
ted - 12/20/99 20:44:46
"My friend told me how to get $10 off at universalstudios.com and it worked - I just put TENOFF in as a code during checkout and I got Rocky and Bullwinkle slippers for my sister and her husband.”
Jon Smithers - 09/11/99 07:04:47
My Email:jonhgrudzien@yahoo.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: Bleeding Gums Murphy
Your favorite Springfield Event: Why limit myself to 'favorites'?
Smithers! This site is eeeeeexceelllllent!
Paolo Zizzola - 09/02/99 08:40:13
My Email:paolozizzola@virgilio.it
Favorite Springfield Personality: Ned Flanders
Leu - 08/03/99 20:40:37
My Email:b.Knebel@t-online.de
Favorite Springfield Personality: Barny
Is there reallya company which brews Duff Beer??
Adrian Hearn - 06/10/99 10:17:38
My Email:001215@courtfields.nsomerset.sch.uk
Favorite Springfield Personality: Barney Gumble
Your favorite Springfield Event: The baseball team
Hello i like the simsons more than you do so eat my shorts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please reply to me or I will be forced to kill you
10/23/98 10:35:13
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
mr.donut - 10/15/98 19:14:14
Favorite Springfield Personality: HOMER J.SIMPSON
Your favorite Springfield Event: HOMEr
Cindy - 09/29/98 07:35:51
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-)
Simpsons - 05/13/98 02:43:49
My URL:http://www.mygale.org/02/designer/simpsons.html
Favorite Springfield Personality: Bart
Good page!!
To have a collection of cards of let us simpsons, come on
SeaBass - 05/06/98 17:52:30
Favorite Springfield Personality: The doctor that always says Hey Everybody!
Simpson's is the best show. Matt Goering
jesse king - 04/29/98 03:11:19
My Email:69.grunger@usa.net
Favorite Springfield Personality: homer
simpsons are the coolest
Tigre - 04/20/98 16:55:05
My URL:http://www.megaquebec.com/users/tigre
It's a great page!
The Homer Simpson Awards - 03/25/98 23:27:37
My URL:/TelevisionCity/Set/9565/index.html
My Email:homeraward@juno.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: HOMER - duh !
Your favorite Springfield Event: Donut Eating
This site is the first site to win The Homer Simpson Award ! The site we are using now, the one at geocities, is incomplete. To be a nominee go to http://www.angelfire.com/ga/thepagemakers/
/a> ! We would like to congradulate James Willis on his wonderful homepage !
Lauren Giorgio - 03/20/98 03:04:34
My Email:Lockar SG@aol.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: Moe or Mr.Burns
Your favorite Springfield Event: scottish day!
Cool pag i mean page man umm awsome.
Lauren Giorgio - 03/20/98 03:03:27
My Email:Lockar SG@aol.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: Moe or Mr.Burns
Your favorite Springfield Event: scottish day!
Cool pag i mean page man umm awsome.
private dick - 02/27/98 19:24:41
My URL:http://uwantmebad.com
My Email:private
Favorite Springfield Personality: moe
Your favorite Springfield Event: your ass
james you site is hot and gets me so horny
Ooterbraten - 02/20/98 22:20:46
My URL:http://none yet
My Email:hl16@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
Favorite Springfield Personality: Eeexxcellent.........
Your favorite Springfield Event: Whatever Homer's involved in.
Where are the waves? Where are the quicktimes? Where are the mp3's? Where are the mpegs?
Fred Barnes - 01/20/98 22:44:28
Favorite Springfield Personality: Bart
Your favorite Springfield Event: Homer works for scorpio
You should have something about Scorpio in this thing!
Unkie Dennis - 01/20/98 05:29:04
My Email:casa_mcmillan@msn.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: James
Your favorite Springfield Event: Apple dunking
Where's the picture of your Dad, Leah, .....
nichole Edraos - 01/17/98 05:59:09
My Email:nichole_edraos@hotmail.com
Favorite Springfield Personality: Homer
Your favorite Springfield Event: Snow Day