Springfield Power Customers

Abe Simpson's Mug Shot

Abe Simpson is Head Safety Inspector, Homer Simpson's father. He lives in the Spingfield Retirement Castle. Abe has lived a long and hard life. His son, Homer, is perhaps the biggest fool ever. His wife left him when Homer was a kid because she was a wanted woman for destroying Mr. Burns germs for chemical warfare. He has had two recent girlfriends in Bee (an old lady who recently passed away at the retirement castle) and Marge's mother. Abe is convinced that death is constantly following him and will get him when he least expects it.

Apu Nahasapinapetalan's Mug Shot

Apu, a dedicated worker at the Kwik-E-Mart, has, during his years there, saved James Woods' life, and was almost nearly deported. Apart from that, he has been held up at gunpoint eight times, and been shot eight times, and also lives downstairs from Paul and Linda McCartney, also fellow vegetarians. Apu is also remembered for his famous '24-hour Shift.' By the end, he was convinced he was a bumble bee!

Barney Gumble's Mug Shot

Apart from being a regular barfly, in his time, Barney has also won the Springfield Film Festival, and sung a hit record with the 'B-Sharps.' Barney was a candidate for the space program but lost out to Homer Simpson after a drunken episode involving non alcoholic champagne. Apart from that, beer is his only refuge.

Bart Simpson's Mug Shot

Among Bart's recent talents, are teaching a hamster to fly, and performing "Jingle Bells" with his armpit. As 'El Barto' he terrorises the city with his graffiti, but strangely enough is also 'Bartman' the force of good in Springfield. Sideshow Bob has tried to kill him on several occasions, and he is also responsible for helping out his hero Krusty no less than four times. He has a huge repertoire of practical jokes, and always gets more than he bargained for.

Edna Krabapple's Mug Shot

Ms. Krabappel is Bart's teacher. She's always looking for a man since her ex-man ran away with the marriage mediator. Ms. Krabappel is also an inveterate smoker.

Prof. Frink's Mug Shot

Somewhat excentric scientist who invents all kinds of stupid things. He's the inventor of the frinkahedron, the cube. Professor Frink also invented the house with legs to escape from cat burglars, unfortunately the house burst into flames as soon as it started to run.

Dr. Hibbert's Mug Shot

Dr. Hibbert works in Springfield and is the favorite doctor of the Simpson family. He is Springfield's only licenced doctor. He once saved a man's life by cutting out his inflamed appendix with only a pocket-knife. "Bleeding Gums" Murphy is also believed to be his long lost brother, although there is little proof. He is also characterized by his ability to see humor in the direst of situations.

Lionel Hutz's Mug Shot

Typical Lawyer. Lionel Hutz is corrupt, looses every case, he plunders your bank account.

Krusty The Clown's Mug Shot

Krusty began his career with jokes he learnt from Yiddle's Joke Shop. Now, he is the entrepeneur of his own TV show, has his own camp, has been reunited with his father, been framed by Sideshow Bob, and also has lots of dodgy offshore investments. Success, however, has made him a marked man, especially due to his dealings with the Mafia.

Lisa Simpson's Mug Shot

Lisa is evidently the most intelligent member of the Simpson family. She is misunderstood and overlooked, but talented and creative with it. Her only respite from the toils of daily life, is playing her saxophone, taught to her by her mentor, "Bleeding Gums" Murphy. She feels she must have been adopted.

Maggie Simpson's Mug Shot

Maggie, obviously the youngest of the family, mostly crawls around sucking her pacifier. Her longest uninterrupted periods of freedom are when Homer is in charge of her. Also known for shooting plant owner Montgomery Burns, and can recognise a Zebu due to its Hump and Dooland!

Sideshow Mel's Mug Shot

Melvin Van Horn (aka Sideshow Mel), Krusty's helper. Sideshow Mel replaced Sideshow Bob who framed Krusty for armed robbery.

Moe Sleyzak's Mug Shot

Unsurprisingly, Moe owns 'Moe's Tavern', a seedy dump where you can drown your sorrows in an overpriced mug of beer. Responsible for "The Flaming Moe" a drink originally stolen from Homer Simpson, but what's a bit of competition in today's dog-eat-dog world? In his time he has also managed Homer Simpson in near boxing success, and is guilty of keeping smuggled pandas in the storeroom of his bar!

Hans Moleman's Mug Shot

31 year old man who ruined his life with beer. Every time we see Hans, we can see him crashing a car, getting hurt or beeing set on fire.

Otto Mann's Mug Shot

Otto is the driver of the school bus and other busses. He's a macho, he's tattood and he almost always wears a walk-man. All students of Springfield Elementary School find him the 'COOLEST' person around.

Capt. Pete's Mug Shot

The sea captain who's not really a captain.

Mayor Quimby's Mug Shot

Mayor Joe Quimby the corrupt mayor of Springfield.

Santa's Little Helper's Mug Shot

Santa's little helper is the dog of the Simpson family. Homer and Bart took care of him when he lost the dog race. The rest of the family thought it was the best Christmas gift ever. In the episode 'Dog of Death' the family almost lost the dog and in 'Two Dozen & One Greyhounds' he made 25 puppies together with 'She's the Fastest'.

Pricipal Skinner's Mug Shot

Skinner is the principal of the Springfield Elementary school. Skinner still lives with his mother and has fights with her because of stupid things like a bathpillow... Skinner is also a Vietnam veteran.

Snake's Mug Shot

This fifteen time loser is the only reason why Springfield cops have jobs, well that and to keep the flourishing Springfield donut industry in business.

Groundskeeper Willy's Mug Shot

Willy is the groundskeeper at Springfield Elementary School. Willie is Scottish and he's proud of it.
