Butthead: Settle Down, Beavis! (48.7 K)
Yosemite Sam: Adios You Chicken Pluckin' Little Stinka! (35.7 K)
Beavis: Do Not Make My Bunghole Angry (35.1 K)
Beavis: Are You Threatening Me?!? (11.2 K)
Ace Ventura: Allllrighty Then (23.5 K)
Warcraft 2 Footman: As You Wish (10.0 K)
Happy Gilmore: That's My Puck Baby! Don't You EVER Touch My Puck (30.2 K)
Announcer: Let's Get Ready To RUUMMBLLLLE!!!!! (70.0 K)
Toilet: Flushing (Great For Empty Recycle Bin!) (46.6 K)
Tom Hanks: Houston We Have A Problem (Good For Program Error) (13.3 K)
Terminator: I'll Be Back (11.2 K)
Butthead: Did You Fart? (9.32 K)
Butthead: Number 1, I Order You To Go Take a Number Two (33.3 K)
Beavis: Thank You Very Much (8.7 K)
Butthead: Buttmunch! (15.3 K)
Butthead: Whoa! Chick Ahoy! (19.7 K)
Butthead: Heh Heh. What A Dork! (19.8 K)
Dexter: Drat! (10.8 K)
Beavis: Ah!!! (8.8 K)
Beavis: Woody Woodpecker Impression {AWESOME} (32.6 K)
Cartoon Old Lady: We don't have time for a yeast infection either (21.9 K)
Beavis: Come out with Your Pants down! (30.0 K)
Beavis: Ahhhhh! Ahh! Ah! (48.7 K)
Beavis: Boioioioing! (150.0 K)
Beavis: The Almighty Bunghoooiole! (99.3 K)
Axel: Cool Midi File (24.3 K)
Batman: Theme Song (MIDI) (5.7 K)
Get Ready: Midi File That Is Often Heard At Hockey Games (5.7 K)
Nirvana: Midi (38.1 K)
The Wallflowers: One Headlight (12.1 K)
The Village People: YMCA!!!! (20.4 K)
Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit (58.0 K)
Nirvana: Song (57.5 K)
Raiders: Of The Lost Ark Song (29.5 K)
Nirvana: Song (14.0 K)
Los Lobos: Dance The MACARENA!!! (87.0 K)
Mortal Kombat: Theme Song (35.3 K)
Death: A Neato Upbeat Funeral Song (17.8 K)
Bud: Bud Frog (9.8 K)
Weis: Bud Frog (7.9 K)
Er: Bud Frog (8.0 K)
Apu: Thank You Come Again (9.6 K)
Barney: And His Famous Burp (6.1 K)
Bart: Aye Carumba! (21.9 K)
Homer: Doh! (4.8 K)
Homer: Ahh! (6.6 K)
Ralph: I Bent My Wookie (34.5 K)
Butthead: That Was Cool! (111 K)
Beavis: Do His Terminator Impression... Hilarious!! (100 K)
Kyle: Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo (108 K)
Stan: They Killed Kenny!! (65 K)
Cartman: Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!!! (41 K)
Cartman: Kick Ass! (12 K)
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