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Kate Winslet on... London Evening Standard Sunday (01/21/98)
I chased the role, hassling director James Cameron on the phone for so long that he eventually agreed to let me fly to Los Angeles and read for it.
Girl Overboard
British Vogue (1/98)
From ingenue to leading lady in Hollywood's priciest blockbuster, "Titanic" - in a few short years Kate Winslet has become a star.
Hottest in Hollywood
Damernas Värld Magazine (8/97)
Kate Winslet is regarded as England's foremost young actress but hates being called a star.
Breaking the Waves
Harper's Bazaar (6/97)
Kate Winslet brings her oceans of talent and passion to a starring role in the most expensive movie ever made: The upcoming blockbuster "Titanic."
Meteoric Career for a Heavenly Creature
New Zealand Herald (5/30/97 - 6/5/97)
Kate Winslet has come a long way since a New Zealand-made film effectively launched her film career three years ago.
films take over in full-frontal assault
London Evening Standard 2/2/98
An audience packed with stars was at the Savoy to see The Full Monty sweep to victory in the Evening Standard British Film Awards last night.
'I've got boobs. I've got a bum. I burp...'
London Evening Standard Sunday 1/20/98
Only a fool goes to opera for the plots. And only a fool, you'd think, would go to James Cameron's Titanic for its tacked-on, fictional teen romance.
Funny money... London Times Sunday 1/18/98
Kate Winslet, heroine of Titanic, Robert Carlyle, star of the British film The Full Monty, and Rupert Everett, who appeared in My Best Friend's Wedding, all notched top 10 places, earning between Ł1m and Ł2m each last year.
What Kate did first
London Times Sunday 1/18/98
Kate Winslet says she feels a very old 22. It is just as well. She is currently being engulfed by a tidal wave of publicity and recognition for her role in the new epic film Titanic, which opens on Friday, and will be forced to call on every reserve to prevent her from going under.
Pavement (issue 26), 12/97 - 1/98
"Heavenly Creatures" launched her career at the age of 17. At 18, "Sense and Sensibility" lead to an Oscar nomination. Barely 22 now, she's starring in "Titanic," the most expensive film ever made. But Kate Winslet doesn't take anything for granted, discovers Desmond Sampson in London.
Leonardo's Masterpiece: 'Titanic' star Leonardo DiCaprio is quite simply the world's biggest hearthrob
Vanity Fair 1/98
At 23, Leonardo DiCaprio found himself at the center of the most expensive movie ever made, James Cameron's magnificent Titanic, a logistical nightmare of gigantic cranes, bungee cords, and water tanks the size of city blocks.
Titanic Beauty Kate Goes on Crash Diet to Lose 10lbs for Oscars
Star 02/26/98
Curvy Kate Winslet is furiously dieting and exercising so she'll be ship-shape for Oscar night.
Cut or spare? Censors' snip at Titanic divides Singapore
Associated Press
Elsewhere in Southeast Asia, economies are melting down, forest fires threaten the health of millions and planes crash too often for comfort. But in affluent Singapore, the latest frenzy is over censors' deletion of a nude scene from "Titanic.''
The Swimmers Certificate
Allegra (German) January 98
Kate Winslet is an Englishwoman and as such by force surrounded by much water. That's why she didn't bother James Cameron, director of "Terminator" to sink the "Titanic" with herself aboard.
Kiss Me Kate
Arena Magazine October 96
A murderess in Heavenly Creatures and Oscar-nominated for Sense and Sensibility, is Kate Winslet heading for the big time?
Cinemanía (02/28/98)
Six films in four years and one nomination to the Oscars, her prestige is rising fast. Obsessed with her characters to unhealthy limits, Kate Winslet talks about her latest work, Titanic.
Charming, Disarming Kate Winslet
Cosmopolitan October 1996
When I think of everything that's happened to me in the last year, I feel I could write my autobiography already," Kate Winslet sighs.
Look What Happened to the Winslet Girl
Daily Telegraph Magazine (09/21/96)
One moment she was the girl from the Sugar Puffs commercial, the next she was an international star. As she prepares for the opening of her lastest film, 'Jude', Kate Winslet tells John Morris of the trouble that starts when Hollywood decides you are hot.
Scuffles as Armani show cancelled at last minute
Irish Times (03/12/98)
There were scuffles involving photographers and police, and scenes of confusion involving the beautiful people in central Paris last night when one of the biggest events in this season's fashion calendar was cancelled at short notice.
Kate Winslet
Entertainment Weekly (Special Collector’s Issue) March 1998
Two years ago in the pages of this magazine, Kate Winslet, then 20, laid out her plans for the future: "I really want to be a Valley Girl in a feel-good American movie," said the third-generation British thespian.
Asprey sinks Ł1m in copy of Titanic necklace
Electronic Telegraph (03/05/98)
CRAFTSMEN at Asprey, the London jewellers, are working around the clock to complete a dazzling Ł1 million necklace based on the one worn by Kate Winslet in the film Titanic.
Kate's Winsome...And Then Some
Entertainment Weekly (01/26/96)
Sense and Sensibility's Ms. Winslet may be 20, but she's no innocent. The only frustrating thing about roll-ups is that you can't smoke them at parties," muses Kate Winslet.
Winslet Cheered for Model Role
Illawarra Mercury (Australian Newspaper) (03/11/98)
But size 14 is something many dream about. So actress Kate Winslet had made headlines for gaining 11kg, and declaring she doesn't give a stuff.
Kate Winslet
The Independent (09/89/96)
Twenty-something, Not yet 21, Kate Winslet is established as Hollywood's favourite British actor. She still can't believe her luck.
Movieline March 1998
Long before young Kate Winslet made such a searing impression as the willful, passionate heroine who twice careens herself from stem to stern of Titanic, first intending to hurl herself into the sea, then later trying to save herself from it.
Kate Winslet Weighs in on Weight
Mr. Showbiz (01/29/98)
Kate Winslet, who looked smashing at the Golden Globes in a low-cut gown, says she doesn't care if she's considered full-figured, and dismisses tabloid speculation that she has a weight problem.
'Titanic' ignites actress Winslet's rising star
New York Daily News
Someone has made a mistake. Here I am on the 25th floor of a swank Central Park South hotel, waiting for my audience with the new queen of screen romance, 22-year-old Kate Winslet, the female lead in the immensely expensive, immensely successful, immensely immense "Titanic".
One Foot in the Gravitas
By Matt Wolf
Matt Wolf meets Kate Winslet Hollywood's actress of the moment ... "People kept throwing things at me, which made me feel very uncomfortable and suffocated, like I wasn't my own person'' Kate Winslet reflects on the perils of Oscar-nominated fame.
Kate Winslet: Her first love lost, Winslet steams on.
People Magazine (02/23/98)
Just two years after her Best Supporting Actress nomination for Sense and Sensibility, Kate Winslet, 22, is back in the Oscar running with a Best Actress nomination, for Titanic.
The Unsinkable Kate Winslet
Rolling Stone March 1998
Kate Winslet sits alone at a busy Starbucks in midtown Manhattan: leather jacket, cafe latte, gently unraveling auburn hair. Across the city, her film Titanic is drawing record-breaking crowds.
Titanic beauty Kate: I wanted Leonardo – But I though it would make me laugh!
Star (02/24/98)
Stunning Kate Winslet hoped her sizzling love affair with heart-throb Leonardo DiCaprio in the blockbuster Titanic would heat up into a real-life romance. But their steamy sex scene in a car on the doomed liner was the closet she came to fulfilling her fantasy.
Titanic Beauty Kate: I Was 180 Pound Blimp
Star (01/27/98)
Beautiful Kate Winslet reveals she was so overweight as a teenager that cruel schoolmates named her Blubber. The Titanic star says: "I was fat…very fat. I was bullied for it - never physically, it was just children being mentally cruel.
Stop the spite about our Kate
The London Evening Standard
Now that we have called off the war with Iraq for a few months, perhaps we can bring ourselves to be even more grown-up and declare a moratorium on attacks on Kate Winslet.
For Kate Winslet, the past provides the perfect roles
USA Today
What do Kate Winslet's film roles in Sense and Sensibility, Jude, Hamlet and Titanic have in common? Corsets. When it comes to costumes, Winslet certainly has suffered for her art. "My top two rib bones on one side stick out more than the other side. It's bloody horrible," admits the Oscar-nominated actress, whose Jude opens Friday.
Titanic star Kate Winslet to announce whose ship has come in at Evening Standard film awards
Associated Newspapers Ltd (01/27/98)
Kate Winslet, newly returned to London after the international success of her epic film Titanic, will be among the top stars taking part in the Evening Standard British Film Awardson Sunday.
Toast of a vintage year
Associated Newspapers Ltd (02/03/97)
As Best Actress, they preferred the relative newcomer, 21-year-old Kate Winslet, for her contrasting performances in Sense and Sensibility and Jude to the more established talents of Vanessa Redgrave in A Month By The Lake or Helena Bonham Carter in Twelfth Night.
The old ones are the best as Dame Judi sinks Titanic stars
Associated Newspapers Ltd (01/19/98)
It was a night of surprises at the Golden Globe awards in Hollywood last night when veteran actors stole most of the prizes from the younger generation.
Watch out, the British girls are coming for the Oscars
Associated Newspapers Ltd (02/10/98)
British actresses today won four out of five Oscar nominations for best actress, putting them in hot contention for an Academy award next month. Helena Bonham Carter won her nomination for The Wings Of The Dove. Dame Judi Dench was nominated for her sensitive portrayal of Queen Victoria in Mrs Brown, Julie Christie for Afterglow and Kate Winslet for Titanic.
Stalker forces Titanic star Kate to flee her home
Associated Newspapers Ltd (03/06/98)
Oscar hopeful Kate Winslet has been forced to move from her north London flat because of a stalker. The 22-year-old star of Titanic called police after being repeatedly followed as she drove to her Holloway flat with a friend.
Titanic star flees in fear of stalker
Associated Newspapers Ltd (03/06/98)
Double-Oscar nominee Kate Winslet has been forced to move from her north London flat because of a stalker. The 22-year-old star of Titanic had to call the police after allegedly beingfollowed as she drove home to her flat in Holloway with a friend.
Just when Titanic star Kate said she would never go back into the water ...
Associated Newspapers Ltd (03/11/98)
Titanic may have raised Kate Winslet to international stardom but she must now be wondering if the film's epic success has condemned her to spend the rest of her career in cold water.
Curls make the biggest wave
Electronic Telegraph (03/28/98)
Titanic may have made waves in collecting 11 Oscars, but the unrecognised winners of the Awards ceremony were definitely The Girls with The Curls.
Naked truth: It's Asian values or bust
Sydney Morning Herald (04/04/98)
In one of those delicious philosophical
cleavages between East and West, Kate Winslet's breasts have become tangled up in the Asian economic crash and the debate over Asian values.
Post pre-raphaelite: Kate Winslet
Sydney Morning Herald (04/04/98)
She's there. At the end of her tether, her surface glows like a paper lantern's. Lips without apologies, figure undeniable, she seems both weightless and weighty. She's the living antidote to heroin chic.
Nejnovější zprávy o Kate a Leovi
Mr. Showbiz (09/03/98)
Kate Winslet, která si vybrala po tvrdém natáčení svého Titanicu stejně pracné ale mnohem méně nákladné drama Hideous Kinky, se poohlíží po nové roli.
Katin muž
UK News Březen 1998
Louise Threapleton, žena důstojníka RAF, jejíž filmařský syn Jim chodí s hvězdou Titanicu, řekla: "Nesetkala jsem se s Kate, ale mluvila jsem s ní po telefonu."
Nový objev Kate Winslet
Mr. Showbiz (12/03/98)
Kate našla novou lásku mimo filmové plátno a plánuje ho vzít s sebou na udílení cen akademie 23. března, kde je nominována na nejlepší herečku za roli Rose
Kate Winslet na Sky News
Sky News Broadcasts (22/03/98)
Britská herečka Kate Winslet zamířila do Los Angeles, kde je nominována na Oscara při pondělním udílení cen Akademie a fanoušci jsou zvědaví, zda se ona a její přítel Jim Threapleton tajně vzali.
Chvalme Titanic!
Mr. Showbiz (24/03/98)
Scénárista-producent-režisér-střihač obzvláště poděkoval svým "smrtícím hercům... kteří se kvůli mně opravdu nechali potopit... Kate, Leo, Gloria, Kathy, Francis a Billy, Bill, Susie, Lewis a asi osmdesát dalších? Díky vám všem byl každý můj den zlatý a já nyní sdílím toto zlato s vámi."