
June 8, 2000

This is my daughter. Isn't she the prettiest little thing you've ever seen? She has the personality to match that mischievious grin on her face. Being a single mother has definately had it's challenges, but I wouldn't give this angel up for anything.

If it wasn't for this little bundle of energy, I would not be who I was today. I have made my life better for her, but in doing so I made my life better for me. I got into a profession I love. Massage Therapy. I love it. Being able to help people feel better is amazing.
Anyways, this page isn't about me, it's about Taylee. She has the most amazing brown eyes. The color inhereted from her dad, whom she will get to meet again in April. She hasn't seen her dad since she was 2 months old, so regardless to say, she doesn't remember anything about him. She is really excited to meet him, and I am excited for her. (and for me)