Welcome to the ABOUT ME page of this website, where i get a chance to talk about myself. So here goes...
I am currently residing in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada... Canada's Ocean Playground. My favorite place on earth, and just a generally good place to settle down and enjoy life. I was born here in 1983, and on the dawn of my twentieth year on earth, i've had a lot happen and i've seen a lot take place. My interest in Shelley Winters really spawned from my first viewing of The Poseidon Adventure (the name of which i couldn't even pronounce at first). Since then i've enjoyed watching shelley do what she is good at.. acting... with skills that actors today are lacking.
This is me, Nathaniel 'Nat' Smith
HOBBIES: Watching Movies (anything with Shelley in it and any Disaster Movie), Reading and Writing and Acting and Singing. Also Genealogy.
1) Rusty Charlie in "Guys and Dolls" (1999)
2) Schlomo Metzenbaum in "FAME: The Musical" (2001)
3) Doody in "Grease" (2002)
4) The Boy in "The Flower Girl" (2003) - Atlantic
Fringe Festival
I recently shut-down my first website "Disaster Movies" which dealt with the classic Disaster Movies of the 1970's such as The Airport Series, The Poseidon Adventure, The Towering Inferno and Earthquake. Due to my lack of time, I wasn't able to maintain it. But out of that lack of time I have found some to create the following websites, though primitive like this website, they serve a purpose!
The Prospect, Halifax County Genealogical Website- a website that deals with my favorite place on earth, a place where my family has lived for over 250 years, and still do. This website deals with the village of Prospect, Halifax County, Nova Scotia as well as its people.
The Halifax County Genweb Project- I recently took charge of the main Halifax County Genweb Project website. This is a link to all the other pages within the Halifax County Genweb, as well as a database for information, records and so on dealing with the History of Halifax County, Nova Scotia.
The Fenian Raids 1866-1870: Nova Scotia's Story - A Website that deals with the effects of the Fenian Raids of 1866 on the Canadian Province of Nova Scotia. Though Nova Scotia escaped attack during the Raids of 1866, and the following raids in 1870, the men of Nova Scotia were thrust into battle mode, only to be told to go back to work. This is my attempt at trying to tell their story.
The COPPIN FAMILY of Nova Scotia- This is a website dedicated to the COPPIN Family of Nova Scotia. Starting with James COPPIN who was born in Brundish, Suffolk England in 1796, and his Children Dan their families.
Well that's all I can think of right now!! so
I hope you like my website and please let me know what you think by emailing
me at natsmith@hfx.andara.com
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