Welcome to the
Alan, Adam, and Molly Arkin
Web Page

Last updated on the 28th December 1998

This is an unofficial web site to acknowledge the talents of these two excellent and very talented actors. If you find any information that appears to be a mistake please feel free to e-mail me, and I will amend it as soon as possible.

A Little About Myself

My name is Geri Hayes and I live near Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. I work in the city of Vancouver for a large Stockbrokers company. Although I am now a Canadian citizen I originally came from Plymouth Devon, in the south west of England. Although I miss many things about England I really love the beauty of British Columbia, and, Vancouver is an incredibly scenic city. Yes, I even love the RAIN!!, it makes me appreciate the sunny days alot more. The Fall here is just an amazing blaze of color, and Fall is my favourite time of the year. This is my first web page so please bear with me. I would like to thank my son for helping me with this venture (he is the computer expert). Without his help I could not have achieved these results. When I relax I like to watch T.V. work on my computer, and I collect Teddy Bears. I like to go out and explore the beautiful scenery of B.C. and Washington State.

Now, onto the main reason for this page........."THE ARKINS"
Although Alan and Adam are Father and son their unique style of acting differs from each other quite noticeably!! Whereas the senior Arkin (Alan) seems to have a more aggressive style of portraying the characters that he brings to life both on stage and in the movies, Adam on the other hand appears to have a more gentle approach with a definate (and decidedly clever) dry sense of humour that is his own special trademark (most notable on Chicago Hope, the T.V. Hospital drama that he appears in as the dedicated Neurosurgeon Dr. Shutt).

Alan Arkin

Alot of praise can be heaped upon the head of the senior Arkin. I do not class him as a star neither do I class him as a celebrity, he is an actor first and foremost before anything else. The glitter and glamour that tends to surround screen stars seems to have no part in this actors life, for he treats his chosen profession like a sculptor who molds and creates a unique piece of work, or, an architect who works tirelessly on perfecting a creation that will set standards to a higher level. Mr Arkin senior is noted for his appearances in movies as well as on the stage, plus being a very fine author of several books (including some childrens stories) that he has written and had published. Mr Arkin senior lives a quiet life with his wife Barbara Dana (an actress and authoress) to whom he has been married for 31 years. They live in New York. Alan Arkin was born on the 26th of March 1934, and acting seems to have been in his blood from a very young age. There are 3 sons, Adam and Matthew from his first marriage, and Tony from his second marriage to Barbara Dana. He is a very proud grandfather to 10 year old Molly who is son Adams delightful and charming daughter, (did you see her on the Rosie O'Donnell Show where she did an excellent job of opening the show and making the guest announcements). There is not to much to be found on the internet about Alan Arkin, however, I did find this interesting piece that I have added to my web page here. Other web information that I find of interest I will add at the bottom of this page. Alan Arkin has had a very distinguished career with many credits, awards, and nominations to his name.

I would like to end my dedication to this brilliant actor by quoting a remark from son Adam Arkin talking about his father (taken from a Seattle newspaper).
"My dad has a real love of what it is art can do, but not an ounce of interest in self promotion."

Adam Arkin

Having a famous father seems to have had a great affect on the young Adam who enrolled in New York's Herbert Berghof Studio at the age of 11. Like his father he to made up his mind at a young age that he would choose an acting career, and he has appeared on the stage as well as television and in movies. Born August the 19th, 1956, in New York he now lives and works in Los Angeles (where the set of Chicago Hope is). He also commutes frequently to the northwest to visit with his daughter Molly, and he also appeared in a stage production (in Seattle) at the Seattle Repertory Theater along with actress Meryl Streep.

He comes over as a quiet deep thinking actor and, like his famous father he seems to take his acting responsibilities seriously. He does not seem to be the usual "star image" Sylvester Stallone stereo type (thank goodness), and does not seem to spend all his time worrying about his personal image and celebrity status, which makes him refreshingly different. I think he would like to be judged for his qualities as an actor before anything else. He has many movies, television, and stage performances to his credit. A short biography can be found at this site...... Adam excells in his role as Dr Aaron Shutt, Neurosurgeon on Chicago Hope, (which airs on CBS on Wednesday nights). In his character he has at last I feel been allowed to grow more into his role and able to use his acting talents to there full potential. He has natural charm, wit and a delightful sense of humour which he portrays to perfection!!! And he has definately become my favourite character and actor on the show, whereas he was overshadowed at one point by Mandy Patankin who played Dr. Geoffrey Geiger, now he is being allowed to put his own personality into the show very successfully. I once read in the Seattle Times that one of this actors favourite pastimes is amateur photography, that seems to fit in well with his personality, after all everyone from time to time needs to retreat and seek some peace, rest, and relaxation, and Mr Arkin obviously enjoys spending quality time with his daughter Molly, and travelling around (and HOPEFULLY left in peace) to pursue his love of photography.

To end this dedication to actor/director Adam Arkin I would like to add this foot note - Adam appears to have a touching sense of humilty and tries hard to keep in touch with the world outside his profession. These humble qualities he seems to blend into his acting roles, (especially that of Neurosurgeon Aaron Shutt). His continued success is assured, and with his feet firmly planted on the ground he makes the step between showbusiness (and the celebrity status that goes along with it) easier to climb down from, and recognises that there is another life outside of Hollywood to be enjoyed........a common sense attitude he's definately inherited from his actor/father Alan Arkin.


It is with great pleasure that i have added Molly to my web page. Molly is Adam's daughter, and of course the grandaughter of Alan Arkin.

Molly made her first real acting debut on an episode of Chicago Hope. She played the role of Clementine, a young girl very ill with leaukemia. Molly did a fabulous job of her first television role, and proved without any doubt that she has inherited the talents of both her Father and Grandfather.

Molly was born in 1987 and now lives in Seattle washington with her mother (Adam and his wife are now divorced).

Molly also made a small guest appearance on the Rosie O'Donell show when her Father was also a guest of Rosie's (and Grandad was also backstage). Molly did the opening announcements and then briefly chatted with Rosie. Molly seems a naturally charming and refreshing young lady, with a radiance and beauty all of her own, with a smile that really lights up her face. She looks like her dad to. She has poise, confidence and has proved with her role of Clementine that she can act as well!!

Also worthy to note that her Grandfather wrote a childrens book entitled "Some Fine Grampa", and he dedicated the book to his grandaughter, and some of the art work depicted in the book is also credited to Molly. It seems that she is a multi-talented young lady (who likes doing gymnastics to).

Molly is very sweet, and very charming and lets hope that she can fulfill her dream of more acting roles, maybe even a return appearance on Chicago Hope to see how Clementine is coping with her life threatening disease, and bring in Dr Kate Austins daughter again to form a bond and friendship. Good luck Molly we wish you success, the threeTHREE generations of the Arkin family, that sounds GOOD!! Adam, Alan and Molly.

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I would like to make a statement about the remarks that I have made on this web site. They are my OWN personal thoughts, and some of the material has been gathered by me from magazines, newspapers, and the internet, and personal research I have made myself.

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