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I currently watch his "Saranae show" that just came out here last week. "Num Sornram" was a guest. It was very funny. You will enjoy the show more if you like Num Sornram. He's kind of cute though. And more, if you are interested in his show, try to get the one that has Pok Piyatida and Noom Kanchai (as you may know they are one of a very cute couple in Thai Entertainment like Willy and Yelly), and a young actor Chatyadom (??? sorry for not spelling his name right...he's the guy who play with Willy and Mew last lakorn named Kongtip). These three guests were in together in "Saranae Show". I hope you will enjoy that show as much as I was. It came out a while ago. I did record it. Let me know if you want to see this one. I will be happy to copy for you.

While Mam is filming the new drama with Pete called "Kao Van Hai Nu Pend Sai Rub (He Asks Me To Be a Spy) same director of Rak Tea Kea Khob Fah), she was asked to act in "Three Soldiers" with Tang Saksit. She refused to act because she is very busy. That's too bad because lots of her fans really want to see her with Saksit. Well at least she has one new drama for us with a popular actor "Pete".

It was the old news from tv magazine about Willy lakorn with Joy 'Ruk Deow kong Jenjira'. It talked about filming the lakorn: Willy was perfect for the role. He played a role of someone who is younger. The weather over in Burma (the location of the lakorn) was hot and humid that was hard for the cast to adjust to it, especailly Willy because during that time he got sick with a cold. The director said about Willy 'It's fun to direct this lakorn. I worked with Willy before so we kinda know how to work with each other. The problems that we encounter is the hot weather and changing the scenes alot. There was no problem with the cast because everyone concentrated on working hard. Willy said about Joy 'I'm happy to be working with Joy. It's the first time we worked together and we worked very well.' Willy said 'Burma is like Thailand 50 years ago because it's not modern. The environment is nice. There's alot of trees and no traffic congestion.'

I got an E-mail from someone who didn't leave the name telling me about Yelly information. The message said that Yelly was born on 1970-71. She is younger than willy just a little bit! She didn't work for 18 years. She has been worked in this career for 13 yrs. Yelly and Marsha are the same age. Yelly lives with her mother only. She became a star b/c her uncle knew someone who is a film producer. Her real name is Geraldine, her middle name is Lee, her last name is Ricoldel. Her father is American, mother is Thai. She was born in Bangkok. but grew up in California, U.S.A. She once wanted to become a secretary, but it was her dream.

From my friend, Noot, no news about Willy filming a new drama (I think he very busy with the 3 talk shows). However, she've heard that Mamm, his sister, is filming a new series drama called "Kao Van Hai Nu Pend Sai Rub" (He Asks Me To Be A Spy). Pete will be a main actor.

News is taken from Popular Magazine as well as from my friend "Noot" that she got from Preaw about the most expensive presenters of Thailand. The magazine lists Bird got 35 million baht for doing Lays Potatoe chip, Nicole got 20 million bath for doing commercials of a cellular phone, Tata got 12 million bath for doing a commerical for Panasonic, Willy got 10 million bath for doing a commerical for a candy called "Collet", Mamm got 10 million bath (same as her brother) for a buble gum called "Dentyn", and the last one is Mew Lalita who received 8 million baht for doing the mistine lipstick commercial. Well these are all the stars who got the hightest price in being a presenter in Thailand. A candy that Willy present ia a kind of candy to make you mouth smell fresh after meal, something like that. The candy is green. He has been a presenter of this candy for a long time. But now it is still on TV in a new version.

.In Mother's Day in Thailand, Samacom Chomdao invited 3 popular stars together with their mothers: Willy, Varoot and Nino (Mew's boyfriend/or best friend - sorry I'm not sure). In opening the show, these 3 stars sang a song about how much they love Mother (I think Willy's voice is o.k. plus he looks cuter among them). Willy's mother says that When Willy was young, he is not handsome, tall and smart like he is now. He was very small and thin. Mamm said that she remembered to surprise Willy by inviting Willy's first girlfriend. However, now, that woman has already married and had 3 children. Willy and his ex-girlfriend are still good friends. (I think you shouldn't miss this show). Special thanks to my friend Noot. (My note: Willy was in Samacom Chomdao 5 times this summer: First one with Mew and other cast in "Loving with Trick), 2 times with his friends, and the last 2 time on a special Mother's Day show. In each show, he looked very cute, funny, and smart.

When Willy was in the "Sama Kom Chom Dao" show in July, right before he was invited again on "Mother's Day", they talked about his characters, funny habits, and if he is a romantic person or not. They invited 3 of his close friends to tell about him. They said that Willy is very generous and more responsible on what he has done, and of course he likes to joke around. He is very kind of helping everybody; plus he is a romantic person (according to what Yelly said during that interview. My friend, Noot, said that she read a newspaper, right after that show and saw a section on what they make joke to Willy. They said that Willy should make a joking tape, it must be the best seller.

A news from "Ruk Lai Patoobai"'s TV magazine, Willy played an orphan who worked as a firefighter. He played a fighter who's trying hard to support himself. Willy has only accepted one lakorn so he could do a good job on it. He's worked really hard for this lakorn. When they have to take a lot of scenes, Willy never complain. Usually Willy played a rich guy, but in this one, he played a regular man who is an orphan. Willy said, "Alot of people might think it's easy to play, but it's not. The character is so different for me. In real life, I'm a happy guy who likes to play around, play trick on people, and likes to joke around. This one, I had to play a guy who's a gentleman, who never think bad of anybody. It takes a long time to set myself ready for the character." One more to share,.....Willy has been selected as one of TV pool favorite actors top ten on its ten anniversary. Congratulations to our Willy!!

.My friend Pam told me that on his birthday in April, Willy took Yelly to Italy for a few days to celebrate. How sweet!! He is so romantic! Click here to see their picture

.From my friend Tu, "Rong-Tao-Keaw" (starring Saksit and Yelly) will be aired on tv5 on June 30. I just want to share this news with you who want to see Yelly act, especially with Saksit. Please click here to see some pictures from their drama.

Some fans asked some stuff about what day he was born, how much he weigh. It also said what his hobbies was. Willy said that he likes to play golf. He loves hot peppers. And one more answer...he said that he already has a girlfriend named "Yelly" (special thanks to my internet friend, "Dawn" (she is Tao Sarocha and Willy big fans).

My friend Tu, said that Saksit will have some drama out this year after he kept himself busy with soccer football team. Yelly is one of the actress in Tang new drama. The drama's name "Rong-Tao-Keaw"...And for the relationship with seems the same..."still best friends". A news spread out that he goes out with another girl, but still close with Mam.

One of the hit hot interview, Willy talked about the time he had to "buort" (where they have to stay at the temple, "a monk"I think). Here's what he said: "I'm happy that I got to buort. I think a girl should have a chance to do the same thing. After I buort for 6 months, I lived a happier life. The daily routine is to clean the toilet, sweep the floor, then walk for 8 kilometer. It was hard at first because the routine is hard. I can do it because I set my mind to it. The hardestpart is havign to mediate for a couple of hours. It's also very boring to meditate. It's very boring for someone like me who can't sit still. When I'm bored at hoem, I always have something to do, like watch TV or talk on the phone. From this experience, I learned to know myself more, to have time for myself. Before I never have tiem for myself, I'm always busy with the public. At first, I was only gonna buort for 3 months, but it wasn't enough time to learn all that I needed to learn. The people there gave me respect as a buddha even though they knew that I was a movie star. As for the food, they gave only the best food there for the buddha. My mom also came to give food. She's very happy and supportive of me that I buort for this long. I can only see her when she gave food. I can't sit down and chat with her because we have to spend time with ourselves as much as possible. I can't go back and work 7 days 24 hours like before or else I'll forget what I've learned. I have to find time for myself. Right now, I'm more patient and slow down when I'm driving. I believe there is such thing as being punish for doing bad things. So let's do good and "tum boun" alot." (This interview is translated by my internet friend, "Dawn". Special thanks to her.

One of Mew's news from TV magazine: After getting the masters in interior design at Midelest University in England, Mew finally came back to work as usual with a new look. She seemed to get skinnier. "I didn't realize I got skinnier until alot of people told me so. I guess I worked too hard on studying. I usually take most people 1 1/2 years or 2 years to get their masters but I did it in 1 year. I studied throughout the whole year without taking a summer off. At the end, I had to work on a big paperr so I didn't have much time to sleep. I cut my hair because it's easier to fix. I decided to hurry up and finish my masters because I don't want to stay in England too long. I missed Thailand. I have friends there and my mom fly to visit often, but I still missed being in Thailand. I received the part for "Ruk Lai Patoubai" 6 months before and I really liked the part. It's an easy part to play with romantic comedy. The part is more like real life. The girl is not always perfect. I play someone who is confident in herself. She is the type where if someone does something to her, she'll do it back. I feel so much better after I graduate. I want Sundays off to spend more time with my mom. About the pictures that I took ealier for a fashion magazine, my mom didn't approve of it. She had told me not to take it. The elders who are into the new style are OK with it, but the others don't think it was right. I am thai and I have to watch out for everything that I do."

Last month on April 30, Channel 3 had a football match between Thai National and the actor team. Willy was one of the actor team. On the tv3 fancy night of this year, Willy and his Saranae team (including Yelly) were one of the winners. There were 3 - 4 prizes for the first place, and Willy's team were one of them. (These news are from my friend Noot). Click here to view their pictures.

Mew fashion show on the beach
This beautiful picture of Mew is from "HARD COPY" magazine ..this magazine is own by channel 5 publication. It has been released for sale since May 7. It is a good news for Mew fans who want to collect her pictures. special thanks to Tu)

A news from Dailynews newspaper had something on Yelly Ricondell. It said that Yelly has been in the modeling business for 18 years since she was 12. This news is kind of confusing me. Does that mean she is now 30 years old? If so, she is older than Willy. I don't know for sure, but to my judgement, she doesn't look that old. This is quite interesting. I hope to get the true info sometimes soon. (A note from Savoaly to Jenn: I really think that Willy should have gotten together with Lalita...I think...somehow...they really look like soulmates. What do you think?)

Willy's Quote (this year): What Willy want for this year is free time to relax...(Poor Willy!!)

-Willy's news with Mew in "Ruk Lai Patoubai": Willy has to play the hardest part. He has to change a lot for the lakorn. They are filming the scenes where Jane (Mew) prepares pictures of her and Thrami (Willy) to send to her mom. Jane has to prepare alot of outfits for Thrami to take pictures, whether it's a wedding outfit or outfits for the beach. Then Trami's pictures is put into Jane's picture so it'll look like Thrami and Jane have been going places with each other. Even when Willy was playing around when he goes back and forth to change into different outfits, he'll listen to the director when he's getting ready to film. Filming this part was fun for Mew and the film crew because Willy was like a toy to them.

-Willy said, "Coming back to work with Mew, he thinkS Mew's talent is still good. Even though she has been gone, she can still act." As for Willy's role, Willy said that he feels uncomfortable. He plays a firefighter who is straightforward and doesn't joke around. He can't stand it when he sees other people joke around. He said it's hard to play because he can't act funny.

The film crew for "Ruk Lai Patoubai" couldn't find a firefighter suit that could fit Willy. So they had to make the suit themselves. The reporter made a comment if Willy could climb the ladder to put out the fire.

-Willy has a chance to fly in "Kwarm Fun Unsoungsoot". He is happy that he had a chance to play in this part. For his part, he played a role as he just graduated and was getting ready to train to become a pilot, but he was hit on the head by the bad guys, which made his eyesight bad. He didn't tell anyone about the incident. When he started to fly, he got into an accident. His friends was badly hurt. He felt guilty for what he did. For his role, Willy doesn't know if he has to fly for real in the movie. He said he learned flying, but he haven't used it in a long time. (It is the first miniserie he acts with Bam)

-For the news about Yelly: "Yelly's mom won't let her marry Willy, yet". Yelly said, "We've known each other for 3 years, but we haven't discuss marriage. Both of us are more worried about working to support our family. We want to stay friends instead. My mom don't want me to marry, yet. She wants me to keep on seeing him at friends first. As for those who likes Willy, I don't want to ask him about it. I believe that you have to trust the person that you're going out with or else there will be problems. As for me, I don't think there's anyone that is interested, even if there is I don't really pay attention because I'm always worry about my work. I don't even get to see Willy that much. Most of the time, we talk on the phone."

-Willy said that being a host of "100 Wang Thadang 15" is different from his other work. Unlike the game show or Saranaa show, he had to be neutral when he is talking to his guest. He can't take anybody's side. There's alot of people watching the show, Willy said he has to give his guest respect. Willy said he has alot of other host that he admires. But he said he has to have his own style for the show. He can't go and copy how others host their show.

(special thanks to my internet friends Tu and Dawn)


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