News about Willy McIntosh


Willy News 98
Willy News 99

Here is Willy's news of what he concerns about Teenagers in theThai Society. "Nowadays we hide something that is wrong to our children which I have to disagree with this. In our society there are many children (students) that have sex before his/her time or drugs abuse. They are bad things, but if I want to show this point on TV or in lakorn I cannot do it because they say it's not a good thing to show our children. On the contrary, I think we should show and tell them that it's not a good thing they should copy. If they don't know what is wrong they can be easily deceived." click here to read the actual news. (thanks to my dear internet sister Tu)

I have Willy news in his new drama with Bua to share. Willy said that this drama is easy to act comparing to Manee Yaad Faa. He said that most of the scene are taken inside a building, so it is easy to film and to act. More than that, the emotions of this story is not violent. Willy added that it was his first time to act with Bua. She is good at acting so there is no problems. Bua used to act on the stage at her University. "About our acting, the director usually works me (Willy) & nong Bua to the edge, but when I act with P'Nino (he acts as my friend), I always laugh." [Jenn's note: You all may know Nino....rumors said that he used to go out with Mew before she is with Peter ]. Click here to see the actual news in Thai. (Thanks to my dear sister "Tu")

My friend (Tu) told me that Willy, Hoi, Tik-Klinsri, Danny-Sripinyo went to "Srark Pub" to make fun on Halloween Night. [A note from Jenn to my friend "Sofia": Talking about Holloween, it reminds me to you. Thanks for your Holloween Card. I hope your E-mail is fine now. How sweet of you to send me a thoughtful card!...]

On his "Saranae" show of last Saturday (November 27), "Oan-Sripan" was a guest. (she is a MC and singer. She sang only 2-3songs). In this show, Oan wanted to be the leading actress in the drama so she chose the role of "Mam-Kathaleeya" in Dok-Kaew-Ka-Ra-Bu-Ning. Willy acted as "Su-Rha-Pa-Ti" (Chatchai) and Ple as "Dol" (Au Thanakan) and Hoi as "Ba-Yhan" (well, it made me want to see it)...view the picture below. (Thank you to my dear sister "Tu" and tv3)

Just post up a short summary of "Dok Keaw Kara Buning" of Mam and Ou Thanakan to share with all Mam fans. Enjoy it and join me to give a special thanks to my friend "Pui" who contributed this summary to share with all Mam fans out there. (By the way, I just want to thank you my internet friend "Sarasid" who gave me some extra space for this site.)

No news of Wily/Bua to share, but I have news of Willy about Saranae instead. From a tv3 news, Saramae of Saturday, October 14 show, Willy, Hoiy and Ple will make a surprise with the audience (at home and office. They said, everybody.... please be careful !!! Well, it made me wonder what they are going to do??? See picture taken from tv3 below. Again, Willy just mentioned it in the newspaper (here's what he said 'Saranea Show had been improved. We used to tease the guest but now we make an impression on him/her instead. I can guarantee that we didn't make all the guest feel humiliate. Everything that we've done was from the basic of work then it won't affect the social. click here to see Willy&news from the newspaper. By the way, I just add one more picture of Bua. Scroll down to see it. And more to share, I just add more photograph picture of Willy and thank to fans who has mentioned about the broken link. I did fix it, and hope it will work fine.

Special thanks to "tv3" channel

Rumors has spread out that tv3 prepare to pair Willy with Ann again since the Princess was very popular. This may be earlier of next year, after Willy finish the drama with Bua (see Willy/Bua picture from a snappy shot below) and when Ann come back from Australia (for her study). I hope this rumor is true so we will enjoy seeing them again on screen.

Willy Saranae's guest last Saturday was "Pirote Jaising" (the old actor)....see picture below (picture from tv3)....I just want to share 'cause Willy look so cute in it. By the way, don't forget to check Starflash section (Page 3) for other stars news.

I had a chance to see the tv3 entertainment news showing all of the drama for year 2001. "Kak Petch" is one them and I saw Willy and Bua together in that. They are look so very cute though. I try to snap shot it, but the picture didn't come out clear. (see the picture below). By the way, I just added more picture of Willy. Check them at "Photograph Willy Pictures " section. Those pictures are from my special friends "Pui". There are real photographs, not the pictures from the dramas or magazine. Enjoy viewing them!...Don't forget to come back to see more adding!!!!....

Willy and Bua from a snappy shot (more to come...if I can make it clearer)

No news about Willy drama with Bua called "Kak-Petch or Diamond Dust" to share yet. To those who asked me about how to send a question to Willy, please try the EOToday's address at (well according to what Willy said in his answer to Fans). There are many stars in that site (like Bird, Tang, etc.). You may find other stars you like besides Willy) in that site; If you are interested in some news about Stars and Models go to "Bangkok Image" new site. They have many stars (including Willy McIntosh page) with lots of info collecting from magazine & newspapers. Last for today, I just want to share one more picture of Willy and Mam on "Sun Silk Promotion" party. See a cute picture below (picture from my dear sister Tu):

I'm happy to share with you that Willy new lakorn with Buachompoo Ford is "Kak-Petch" in Chanel 3. Whenever I get more info about it, I will share with you all.

I finally got the final summary of Manee Yaad Faa from my friend to share. Please check it out to see how good "Princess" drama story is and join me to thank you her for working very hard for this long story.

**Besides the summary, I am happy to share with all Willy fans the "Questions&Answers" that Fans asked Willy and his response. Special thanks to my internet sister, Tu and Pui, who are kinds enough to work on this one. Click here to read what "Willy" said...(it made me laugh while I was reading some of Willy answers).

** Good news for Willy fans...Willy will have a new drama with Bouchampou Ford (it is from Polyplus Production - a well known production who just made a big hit on "He wants me to be a Spy" by Pete & Mam). and last year for Willy and Mew in "Loving with Trick". As soon as I got some more info and pictures, I will share with you. By the way, I just update Willy profile. Please check it out to see some more adding info. And don't forget to check the Star Flash for more news update of other stars besides Willy. Finally for this time, I want to share with you the cute picture of Willy and his sister Mam (picture below), while they were MC for the Grand Opening Party of the BULGARY (A big brand name for jewelry, leather, etc...for Hi-So people). (Don't you think Willy and his sister look so professional???)...Oh forget to tell, Willy just won the best dressed celeb 2000. More than that he and Ann won the best cute couple on screen from the drama "Princess" (it was announced from ITV Hot Line). Congreatulations to Willy for his award. He deserves it.

first picture: host the "Bulgary Party", second picture, they hosted "Sun Silk" party

Manee Yaad Fah will be end this Tuesday, August 8 in tv3. As you may know, it is a Happy Ending Drama (YES....) More long updates in "The Princess summary" today (thanks to Dawn for working on it). In addition, I got another summary written by Jennie C. She summarizes the story from the video tape (part 7 & 8). That was a good part as she described. Please join me to thank Jennie and Dawn for their well written.

Here's another news of Willy's Saranae Show. Martin Molly (model and Yelly's best friend) is a guest. She insists that if Saranae team wants her to be a guest, Willy has to tease Yelly until she cries....And Willy did that See picture below from Dailynews. Don't miss this good show if you really want to see Willy and Yelly together.

I have something to share with all Willy fans: The Princess summary. Enjoy it! I just noticed that all the pictures of the Princess had been deleted. However, I just posted them up again. Click here to check it up again!

It was one of the news from the newspapers talking about "The Princess" Willy/Ann dramas. It said that in filming "Maneeyadfa", (especially the love scene) they didn't have to move location that much because most of the scene is taken place in the bedroom. This is the scene after Willy and Anne got married. The scene included Willy undressing Anne and helping her get ready for a bath because Areeya (Anne) never had to do anything for herself. As for the kissing scene, Willy used a technique as to cover the camera so Anne wouldn't get a full kiss. Read the actual news.

One more thing to share: Willy and his sister "Mam" were the host in Sun Silk Promotion big party: All the beautiful models were in there like Tata Young, Sonia Cooling, etc...(sorry...I lost the actual news from the newspaper to share). More to news to share soon!!

I finally got the magazine from my friend Tu. Please join me to thank her for express it to reach me before I leave for Thailand. Click here to see pictures. Furthermore, she shares some news of Willy/Ann Wedding in Maneeyardfaa drama. The news said "ManeeYadfa is a story about jealousy and people wanting high status. It said that the lakorn is popular for its beautiful sceneries and the stars that plays in it (of course you know the hot Thai Entertainer Willy and Ann). Before filming in the church, they had to wait for the church to be available because there was a funeral that morning. While waiting, the crew dressed and freshen up the cast members. The bride and groom wore their usual white wedding clothes. The 3 best men had on a white navy suit. The 2 director, Kai Varayoot and Mam, decorated and got the church ready. The cast practice the scene alot of times because they wanted to take the scene only one time. In the scene, Willy didn't get to kiss Anne because they were interrupted by one of the cast member. Yelly must be very happy of that (reporter's comment). Click here to read the actual news in Thai. (special thanks to Dawn for translating the news). For the full summary, you have to wait until I come back from my vacation. However, you can read the short summary below that one of friends sent met last weekend.. Don't forget to check to see some scripts if you have a real player, click here to see some see Willy and Ann in real video is soo good. (Thanks to tv3).

Here is the short summary from one of my friends (Saovoly). She got from the book and tv3. She said that when she check the preview in tv3, the story is little bit different. However, here is the storyline: Willy name is Charlchone (or something like that), and Ann is Areeya. They first met when Willy tried to help Ann when she was in danger (somebody tried to kill her and Willy is her hero)...Then they were forced to get married because of politics and stuff or something...Willy is not happy about it at all. He is more of a free spirit typer of person (you know). Areeya (Ann), her character is more like she cares about her honor. She was quite a princess type as in the book describes her as a taugh person who could hide her feelings and stuff...Well, the story continues that Willy tries to make a bargain with Areeya and she becomes a good regular housewife and get rid of her princessly actions and into a more comoner tupe of regular people actions or characteristic. So, they had to live together and stuff in the navy house (Willy is an officer). Ann being a regular housewife and etc., until she had to return to her homeland "Bu-ra-manifah" (name of the city or country in Lao???)...Well she had to return and the story runs into more detail between the husbandly role and wifely role thing...........(Be with me for more summary. I may have no chance to share the summary before I leave for my vacation, but will share some more pictures as soon as I get the magazine this week). However, view the picture below....and don't forget to read my personal note below the picture

pictures from tv3

One of Willy short interview in Entertainment news, Willy said that since he is a navy in Maneeyardfaa, he is kind of addicted to the role. Oh yes, I had a chance to see Willy Birthday party from Entertainment News. I was a short clips, but it looked like he had a lot of fun with all his friends who came to join and all dressed up in Hawaiian style. Willy was so cute though.

By the way, I have some Willy news to share. Maneeyardfaa will be aired on tv3 this Tuesday, June 27, and will continue every week on Monday and Tuesday (I will have a chance to watch his drama while I am there....lucky me). As my friend told me, she already send the story, pictures & clips to reach me before I leave. If I receive it sometime next week, I will try to scan some picture to share as much as I can together with the summary before I leave. For now, please enjoy viewing pictures below from tv3. Come back and check for more pictures from magazine and the summary!! Thank you for supporting Willy McIntosh.

I' m sorry for not replying to all Willy fans E-mailed lately. I've been very busy at work and had to find time to deal with my trip for this summer vacation. I'm going to Thailand for 3 weeks, leaving next Saturday, July 1st. I bought a tour package (5 days in Bangkok, 5 days in Chiang Mai, 5 days in Phuket and 3 days in Pattaya) I'm so excited and look forward to seeing my chance of luck....a luck of meeting Willy McIntosh and others like Mam, Lalita, Tao Sarocha, Joy, Taeng and Pete. I know that my chance is so little.

By the way, I have some Willy news to share. Maneeyardfaa will be aired on tv3 this Tuesday, June 27, and will continue every week on Monday and Tuesday (I will have a chance to watch his drama while I am there....lucky me). As my friend told me, she already send the story, pictures & clips to reach me before I leave. If I receive it sometime next week, I will try to scan some picture to share as much as I can together with the summary before I leave. For now, please enjoy viewing pictures below from tv3. Come back and check for more pictures from magazine and the summary!! Thank you for supporting Willy McIntosh.

April '00

I just got the news of Willy to share. When Ma-Nee-Yard-Faa was filming at a Navy Base(in Sattaheab province) they happened to see a Songkran parade of the marine so thay joined Click here to see the picture and the actual news. (Note: We will not see this great event in the lakorn

Here is the news of Willy from tv3 ... it said about his B-Day. Willy shared a birthday party with friends. This party was a Lou Out and everybody wore a Hawaiin apparel. In this small picture, they are Willy, Ple, Yelly, khun Pravit Maleenond&his wife, and Khun Kai-Varayut ..More to share, my friends sent me some pictures of Willy on Tik-Kinsri's wedding ceremony. Click here to see the pictures. (Special thanks to my dear friend Tu).

On tv3 anniversary, Willy and his team came late to enter the contest. They dressed up as an Oscar status award. You would see Willy in the 2nd tape and in the Entertainment news.

Joy Siriluk was in Willy Game Zone weeks ago. Whoever is Joy/Willy fans should not miss this show. Joy is cute though.

Enjoy the final summary of Mam/Pete drama. I think it is a very good story line. Special thanks to my friend "Dawn" for this wonderful job.

More news about Willy in "Ma-Nee Yard-Faa". Here's what Willy said: "In Ma-Nee-Yard-Faa I play a role as a Navy, but it can't be based on a navy story because it is a lakorn. Anyway, I'll do my best. When I acted as a pilot in "POR" the feedback of this series raised the number of pilots. I hope when they see me as a navy, it will enourage people to join the navy." Read the actual news in Thai.

One of the news (my friend told me) said about Willy/Ann new drama "Ma Nee Yard-faa". It said that everyone knows when khun Kai -Varayut produces any lakorns, the setting and the costume have to be neat. In Ma-Nee-Yard-Faa Willy atcs as a navy. He(Kai) have to find a navy suit that fit for Willy ..but even the biggest size of Thai navy is still too small for him(Willy) ..At last Kai have to cut a new suit for him from head to toe" (Jenn's thoughts: I think Willy will look cute and handsome in navy suite. I cannot wait to see him in his new drama; and yes, Khun Khai Varayut is a well known producer. Most of Willy dramas are produced by him. All of his dramas have never turned me down). More to share. I just add more summary on Mam/Pete drama. Enjoy it.

March '00

More summary of Mam/Pete new drama's summary just added (written beautifully by my dear friend Dawn). I have no story line of Willy/Ann to share yet. By the way, if you want to see Willy plays golf, get the tape from the program called "Golf Variety" from Channel 7 (see the picture I posted in his drama with Ann?? By the way, thank you whoever telling me about the broken link of Willy/Ann clips. I just fixed it. I hope to get more later to share. And do not forget to check on Star Flash to see news of Willy and others.

The TV3 Fantasy Night for this year will air on March 25-26 at 10pm. (this will be in for sure.

To celebrate its 30 Anniversary, TV3 has a football match from all stars team & RS team. Willy & Tang are in the all star team (too sad..because each player didn't play full time)...Well, I just want to share this information in case you miss it. I hope the tape will be here sometime this week.

I just got some more clips of Willy new drama with Ann. Hope you enjoy seeing them; and more, my friend sent me a clip of Willy/Mam (from the newspaper) when they both went to cast the vote. click here to see the picture. In addition, I just want to share with all Mamm's fan of her new drama's summary. (Special thanks to my dear internet sister "Tu" and my dear friend "Dawn" who provide the magazine and translate the story. Do not forget to check on Star Flash for new update. I try to post some more stuff in my other stars section when I have time.

February '00

I'm finally back to work on Willy page again. I'd been away for awhile because my internet access is expired and I'd been busy with my stuff. To those who e-mailed me about a copy of Willy's show, please give me some times. From DailyNews about Willy & Yelly plan to marry soon seems to be just a rumor. If it's true, it will be a good news for his fans even though some of us have a feeling that he makes a good couple with Mew or other actresses; but from Thai Rath ( another Thai newspaper ) had an article which conflicted with Daily News. On it, Willy indicated that currently he has no plan to get marry. I don't know which news source we should believe, but base on his many interviews from last year, Willy confirmed that he will wait until he gets tired from entertainment or at least when he is 34 or 35 years old.

In the meantime, I just want to share with you all one of Willy's "Manee Yard Fa" news which I got from my friend. A news is from tv3 entertainment saying that they're filming this drama in the province of Kanchanaburi (at the cave). Special thanks to my friend "Tu" who sent his cute picture she got from a newspaper to me. (He wears a navy suit and has a small knife as a weapon, and a military back. On his bag you'll see a cat ...It makes me want to know more about his role....Click here to see the picture . For news of other stars in this site, refers to Star Flash Back

Happy Chinese New Year to those of Willy fans who are mixed like me. Enjoy your celebration. Well I don't have anything about Willy to share, but since I saw someone sign Willy guestbook and want to know about Helen, I think you should watch "Saranae Show" (came out a week ago in here - U.S). And if you are Tui's fans, you will enjoy seeing him in Saranae show also. It was funny.

January '00

I just put two pictures: Willy with Helen (she is a cute model) and Willy with Helen,Tao, and Dodo in Special Collection. These pictures are from Image 2000. More to enjoy, Check on Animated Willy Picture on screen to view his picture gallery. If it works fine, I will continue working on it. It kinds of fun to play with it.

Don't forget to check "Star Flash Back" to see some news about Willy and others. And for Willy news, I just want to share the picture of Willy+Ple+Hoi (the Saranae team) ...went to one sport newspaper to greet for a new year Click here to see the actual news. About Willy new drama (Maa Ne Yad Fa) with Ann, my friend told me that the director/producer is Khun Khai Varayuth (the famous producer who did the drama "Dream to Reality...quite interesting). She said that the story is from the book translated from English (I think it would be good). The English Title called the "Princess". Ann will play as a princess from Lao, but we don't know Willy's name in that movie (in the book the main actor is called DJ...). Well, I will keep you posted on his new drama along with the pictures. By the way I just want to let you know (in case you want to see) the celebration in Thailand for Happy Milenium 2000 countdown...I just have a chance to see the tape, it was really really good....that special occasion was hosted by our favorite star Willy and his pretty sister, Mamm. More to add, I just posted up the news of Mamm and Tang under "Star Flash Back" section.

I just put another news of Mamm Kathaleeya in "Star Flash Back". I hope I will hear something back from my friend about Willy/Ann new drama to share very soon. In the meantime, I just put some more pictures of Mew in her section. Enjoy it!

Today, I post up Maam's interview from Dara Paap Pa Yon"?? Magazine. Special thanks to my dear friend Dawn who is kind enough to translate the article beautifully. Don't forget to read it....will learn more about Willy's sister, Maam.

I just got a wonderful news from my friend "Tu". She said that Willy will have a new drama with Ann Thongprasom called "Manee Yard Faa"... I'm so happy to hear this news. She will try to find more information about this for me. Please stay tune, I will share the news with you all. And more to share I jsut add one picture of Yelly under Special Collection; Post up Mam's Autograph for Happy New Year in Dara Paap Pa Yon magazine.

I just add one picture each of Tao and Mew under their section....but still, I don't hear anything about Willy new drama yet.

My friends said that "Saranea Show" on Jan 1, 2000 is a highlight of all the fun shot of year 1999. And don't forget to watch his Game Zone show. It is very funny though. I like the way Willy look in that show too. Well, even I don't have anything new about Willy to share for now, I want you to check on "Tao Sarocha* site to read some current news about Tao (if you are Tao fans).

Willy and his team in "Saranae Show" (picture from tv3)

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