Interview Section...
Willy and his sister, Mam
From PraewSudsupda
here to view their new cute pictures!!
Again, please join me to thank "Dawn" of "Tao Sarocha" site who kinds enough to spend her time to translate this long interview for all Willy fans to read. Even though this was a last year article, but I believe that most of Willy's fan out there didn't have a chance to read this yet. Come with me to view what Willy and his sister said..........Enjoy it!!
Question: How is it like with 2 siblings working together?
Mam: Pe Willy makes most of the decision. I have to take responsibility like a guy. If ther's a problem that I can work out by myself, Pe Willy would take care of it.
Willy: We don't have a problem workign together. We take care of each other.
Question: Willy, you said you have been working for 12 years now. At first, did you think both of you guys will get this far, to work in the entertainment industry and have a business of your own?
Willy: I never thought we would get this far. I thought that both of us would take a different road in life. To tell you the truth, I wanted to be a pilot, but that changed a long time ago. Right now, I came to take this road and we believed that we took the right road....
Mam: ...And we have to keep on succeeding.
Willy: In our life, there's always something holding us back. You either have to make a left or right turn. We just happen to be lucky. We're lucky that we make it in the entertainment industry. I think both of us are still young to have our own business and able to succeed. I think it goes by too fast. But it has been 12 years since we've been working and we shouldn't start late, either.
Mam: We're lucky that we have a good chance. We started off modeling and since then we came to know alot of people in the industry
Willy:.... that's always there to support us.
Mam: ..and we owe it to these people that cared for us and helped us.
Question: Lately, it seems like both of you guys have been working hard.
Willy: If we work hard now, it might be better in the long run when I'm 34-35 years old. By then we will have work coming in to us.
Question: You work hard to build a house for your parents too, right?
Willy: Right on. By the end of the year, we shoudl have enough money to pay off the house. To tell you the truth, we live fine with just one house.
Mam: P' Willy saw a house that he loves. It's like it's his toys.
Willy: I wanted to give something to my parents,.. a house. I want to prove to myself that at this age, I don't want to give my parents just clothes, but a house to give to them. It's like I have finished playing my part. I always think that I'm a role model for the public. Because I'm a movie star, I don't know if people will look up to me as a role model or not. But, at least, people will know that even a movie star can do something good too. We both graduated from college. I have the responsibility to "buort" (where they stay at the temple) and I did. I have the responsibility to help my family along with Mam. We have the responsibility to work, buy a house, and look after our parents. We want the younger kids to look at us as a role model. If you do something good, this is what will happen. It's a picture that is easily seen. But I don't know if other people sees it or not.
Question: I think people do see it because right now Praew Sudsupda voted on the top ten men & women that people look up to and want to be like you two.
Willy: Yes, I read the news that morning at the office. I even took it to read in the bathroom. Some wanted to be Mam because she has a brother that looks like this, and those that wanted to be Willy because he has a sister like this.
Mam: It's not just the looks that gets you what you want. I used to think why is my mom so strict and why does my teacher tell me to do this or not to do that. Now that I'm grown up, I understand and realize that it's for the best. And I want to thank my parents for teaching us what we know and have the opportunity to get an education. This is why people wanted to be like us and I'm grateful.
Willy: We give all the credit to our parents and our teachers. There's could be someone out there that won't listen to their parents or teachers. Sometimes we do question our parents, why does our parents tell us not to do this or that. Now that we look at it, our parents didn't mess up raising us, not once. They looked after us ever since we were little. And now we can say that our parents can "cut our tail & let us loose" (it's a thai saying). They're not worry about us anymore. If I have a kid, I'll probably give them to my mom to raise. I don't know if I'll raise them good like my parents raised us. Look at our houre, we can't even raise them that well.
Question: What about the time why you guys didn't listen to your parents?
Mam: When Willy was 14-15 years old, Willy wanted to go out with his friends and his parents wouldn't let him go so he stayed over his friends house. His mom was really worried where he's been. She phoned all his friends and have no clue where he could be. After that incident, his mom decided to send him to live with his aunt out of the country (i would guess England). He can't come back until he stays with his aunt.
Willy: Staying over there, I have to make new friends and have to go to school. After staying there, I did good in school.
Mam: In Thailand, Willy didn't do too well in school, just enough to get pass the class. After staying with our Aunt, just like that, he got A's and B's. His grades was so good that he got into college. I thought, how could he when I made better grade than he did.
Willy: Over there, you have to compete against each other. And the community is different from Thailand.
Mam: At first he couldn't really socialize with the people over there because the language was different. All he could over there is try to study hard that he finally got into college and was able to socialize with the community. Now he can be naughty in Thailand because he didn't have the chance when he was abroad studying (Mam laughs)
Question: What about you Mam?
Mam: I do have a time when I don't listen to my parents, but it's not like I sneak out of the house. Really inside, I'm a good girl, but it doesn't seem like it.
Willy: Mam would argue with mom. She never loses when she argues with mom.
Mam: Mom would get on me alot.
Willy: Lately, they don't have an argument, anymore. they get along with each other now. Mam gives mom respect now. Unlike back then when mom say something, Mam will never listen.
Mam: I don't know why I don't listen. I throw a fit when mom doesn't let me go eat a friend's house. Mom say that it's time to study. I would get really mad and wouldn't talk to anybody. Thinking back, I don't know why I was like that.
Question: After talking to you guys, you guys seem fun to talk to compare to when you guys first came to the entertainment industry.
Mam: Right, I'm a fun and friendly person. When wer first came into the industry, we weren't close to anybody. We had to stay quite first.
Willy: It's true when you first came into the entertainment business, you have to stay quite and reserved so you'll last long.
Mam: I just love to joke and play around & laugh everyday. It's not that I'm not reserved.
Willy: For me I'm not sculpting myself to be like the hero. It's just that I always play a hero in lakorn, that's what people only know me as. they see me as the hero just like in the lakorn.
Mam: Until they see you in game show and "Por Pla Lai".
Willy: Right, I'm a different person in the show that I host. Ican't tell either how I'm really like. I guess I'm half and half.
Mam: We're reserve when we go out with our mom.
Willy: There is always something to laugh about. When I have something to tell, Mam has something to tell, and Mom has something to tell and we get together. We can't count our Dad because be speaks english and it's not as funny telling Thai jokes to him.
Mam: We have English jokes and Thai jokes. Everybody in the family is a funny and joking person, Mom and Dad are too.
Question: About the love of 2 brothers and sisters, when you guys went on "Koan Ru Jai", it seemed like Willy cried more than Mam.
Willy: It's acting.
Mam: crazy.
Willy: I thought I was gonna get a TV and gold.
Mam: We didn't get it, maybe next year.
Mam: Pe Thoy asked us about something that we never discussed with each other.
Willy: We feel it, but we never discussed it.
Mam: Most of the time, we joke with each other. One time when Willy went out of the country, I missed him. On the show, Willy was supposed to sing "Pe Chai Tee San Dee".
Willy: We cried just that day. Now we always laugh with each other. That day we didn't have anything to hide from the public.
Question: What, can a guy not cry?
Mam: We didn't plan it. After that people were like look a these 2 siblings, they seem to love each other a lot to cry in front of everybody. But I think it's normal.
Willy: that day, we understood that why did...
Mam: 2 brother and sister not love each other...
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