Fan Forums Archives!!

Liz (Willy big fans)

Hurry back Willy, I am one among your fans that really really want to see you back with a new drama. Come on, one drama a year is not enough for your fans. To Jenn, please update some more news of him. Please, please. Love Willy sooooo much and love his Web site lots toooooooo.

Sarah (Willy/Yelly fans)

To Willy: I think Yelly is fine in Image magazine. There are many cute pictures of her on the beach. I will send her pics to Jenn to post up. I believe that Willy won't mind to see Yelly pic, right ?? By the way, I just want to say that "Willy is sooo cool". Anybody have his pictures in London while he was taken in his show with his team and Mam?

Pen (Mew/ Willy fans)

I am fan of Mew and think she is great. My all time best lakorn is Tham hua Jai Pai Soot La!! It was the best ever made!! Willy and Mew did an outstanding performance ever in there!! Overall the cast all did!! That is why is is my favorite ever. Besides Mew, i sort of think isabella in there is cute, she is really funny. I just sit there and laugh at her being goofy. If you really watch isabella she is not all that bad, I mean it is her role to be the evil person (somebody has to play it :P) they choose the right person for it too. Sad they had to kill her off, if they made a sequel let her be in there again. This lakorn captivated my heart, I think it was one of the best and rarest made ever! I still wait for your new lakorn with Willy McIntosh. I have another suggestion, how about let willy star in a movie with his girl for once. Yelly, yeah, why not?? they are just perfect. Although I prefer Mew more, but it would be cool to see him with his girlfriend in real life. Can you please add more pictures of new movie. I will come back :P Pen mew-isabella- and bit of willy fan to even though I'm a guy.

Jenn wrote:

Thank you for sharing your thoughtful comments in making a sequel of Tham Hua Jai Pai Soot La, and suggesting Willy and Yelly in a movie together. It must be cool. I love to see them together too. I think it must be a cool one.

from Dawn - (one of Tao Sarocha/Willy big fans)

I love Willy. He's one of my favorite actors. Willy is really something. I think he is so cool and funny. He is a funny-natured person that it's easy for other people to adore him. He can be goofy sometimes, but that's what I like about him. Everytime I watch him on a show or news, he always makes me smile. Too bad he already has a girlfriend, huh?. Dawn

jenn wrote:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with others. Yes, I totally agree with you. Willy is a funny-natured person.

Angelica - (My friend at work)

Willy, you're a superb actor. I admit that at the very beginning I watched your acting (the NumSao movie), I was quite puzzled by the way you captured my attention. Your cheeky smile and expressive eyes came way out beyond the screen and right into my heart. You are not just a very skillful actor, but possess something rather unique and indefinable. No matter what character you are playing, you simply seem to be that person. You made me laugh hard in "Paor Pla Lai". Your acting is so genuine.The emotions you are capable of expressing are sincere and intense that it almost hurts!! O.k. Willy, I'll close my message by once more wishing you great luck with your new two movies. Love from Angelica.

jenn wrote:

Thank you for sharing your great point of view. It is very sweet to say nice thing about Willy.


I have viewed your pictures in this site and found a lot of fun seeing you and your sister grow from an adorable young teens to a hot/sexy adults. I love the Gallery of you and her lots. And I Cannot wait to see your new movie. I want to let you know that you are VERY talented and that you shine at what you do!!! Keep up the wonderful work!!!!

jenn wrote:

Thanks Kann for your thoughtful message to Willy. I will, of course, let you know if i have some more picture of them together to post.

Anna - (Willy fans)

I am a great admirer of Willy. I watch all of his movie, and like to give him a great compliment in "Dream to Reality". It was creative, It was a real pure romantic I've ever seen. I'm glad Willy was in that drama and happy to know that he has a great talent to play many different roles and display a variety of emotions. He has done a great job!! Besides I think Willy is a cute and hot Thai actor alive.

Jenn wrote:

Thank you for your great compliment. I hope Willy will love to view it.

Syd - (Australia)

Hi I'm syd from Australia. I think Willy McIntosh is so hot. I thought he was single, but I now know that he has a girfirend named Yelly. Did she appears on his TV Show "Game Zone"...... Could u tell me a bit about Yelly?

Jenn wrote:

Thanks syd for asking. Yes, Yelly was in Game Zone (I'm not sure about the date) with Nicole, etc. About her, as I know from some of her fans, she is Mam's friend in modeling career. As you may know from my section "Willy News Updated", Willy and Yelly are selected among those cute couples as a "Lover of the Year". They are very sweet (see some pictures from their gallery in this site)

Mary Lou

I'm a big fan of Willy,Mew, and Kathaleeya. I'm from Malaysia. My cousin and I are really crazy about Willy Mcintosh. Can you please mail me some of Willy, Mew and Kathaleeya picture? I really appreciate it if you would. one of Willy big fans Mary Lou

Jenn wrote:

I wish I would have his picture to send. In fact, all of his pictures are contributed by his fans. They just scanned and send me through the e-mail. I have some of his drama with Ann (which I know you may not want) from tvmagazine. Let me know if you want I will send it to you.

Lil Moe

hiya jenn

i juss wanna tell you that i like your page alot...becuz of Willy... anywayz i wanna ask you..did willy and yelly break up..c i wanna ask you instead since you know soo much about him..i'm juss curious that's all...cuz i live all the way up in canada and i'm not aware of wat goes on with the stars..anywayz i have to go can u please get back to me whenever you have time cuz i know your busy and all..bye hope to talk to you soon..later...

Jenn wrote:

I can tell you that Willy and Yelly didn't break up. They are still sweet and very in love. Plus, they have been selected as a "Lover of the Year" among those like Saksit and Mam, Kob and Brook, etc.....(see the info at "Willy News Updated". Thanks for asking.

Chhoeuy - (Willy fans)

I just watched a movie of Willy's. I was just wondering if Willy smokes in real life. Would you e mail me the answer. Thanks, chhoeuy

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for asking about Willy. I'm not really sure about it, but I think he doesn't smoke in real life. However, if somebody knows about it please shares.

Sokeng Thorn (Lalita/Willy fan)

My name is sokeng thorn. I have been mew lalitas fan ever since I was little. I always looked up to her as a role model. I am still happy for her for still being willys bestfriend after all this time. they do make a cute item. But if not lovers..bestfriends it good enough. I don't care what others think, I have a right to speak my mind also like I am sure you speak yours. I read lalita and willly have a new drama out. I am happy and sad. happy because they are together again. sad because is this their last one?? this site is unique!! it took me hours just too look around here. my favorite section is the pictures of willy and lalita. Sokeng thorn-lalita willy fan

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for joining your thoughts. Willy and Lalita will be happy to read your beautiful message.

Irene - (Willy/Lalita fans)

I am a big gigantic fan of willy and lalita (mew)! I've loved them since I saw Dark Casttle!! I thought Dr.Parot was so fine! then I continued to keep watching them! I say they make the cutest most adorable couple ever! I am also excited to see their new movie! Cannot wait till it gets here. I don't care what other people think cause I was so happy to see them playin in a movie again. I want them to do more movies together, lots more!! The more the better!!! I hope to see new pictures from the new movie soooooon!! I am so grateful to see them again. and lalita finally coming back from england! I say it's about time! Welcome back lalita! Great to see you again!! Love you all especially Willy and Lalita!! I read some summary about the new movie. I'm really hoping to be able to hear more soon! I know it will be a very good drama for all their fans!! And especially my favorite stars are in there! Cannot wait to see it! hurry back please!!!! Irene- willy and lalita fan always.

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for joining your thoughts. Willy and Lalita will be more than happy to read your beautiful message.

Vicki - (Willy/Yelly/Mam/Mew/Ning fans)

I like Willy. He's handsome, smart, and funny. I watch lots of his works as a talkshow and gameshow host also. Have you ever seen those? he does it very well. About Yelly, I'll find more info. For now, I think she's pretty and attractive. I used to see her in person long time ago. She didn't make up much. I think that's nice.

I think it's hard that Ning will act with Willy coz they're in different group of production.....

Jenn wrote:

Thanks Vicki for your thought. I hope you will find more info about Yelly to share with Willy fans.

Cindy at

Hi! Jenn, I just wanted you to know that i love your web-site. I'm one of Willy and Lalita's fan. I enjoy whatching every lakorns that they play togethers. I know it's sad that they are no longer lovers, but i'm happy to see them two acting together. I saw Willy's girlfriend that posted on your web page. In my opinion i don't think she is that pretty compare to Lalita, don't you think so? Will if you find out anything more about Willy and his girlfriend, don't forget to let me know. I will keep looking for the great news.

sincerely, cindy see ya!!

jenn wrote:

Thanks for sending your opinion. There are lots of Willy/Lalita fans who come to join this site. and of course, if I know something about Willy and Yelly I will post it.

Helen (One of Willy big fans)

I would definitely like to see Ning and Willy and Tao or Ann or Jenjira with Willy one more role after the one with Mew.

Willy is a better actor if he acts conceited and arrogant, like the movie Fai Laung. But the most romantic movie I think he played is Follow Your Heart. I have the opportunity to e-mail TV3 about where they get all their ideas to make their movies.

I enjoy watching Thai movies, and most of their drama I noticed have romantic themes. I'm not sure whether you read Western romance book, like Harlequin Presents series, but those books have the same plots, characters, and themes like those of Thai movies. The movie, Follow Your Heart is a book by Penny Jordan, "Daughter of Hassan" from Harlequin Presents. I was shock when I first watch the movie. I was happy that they made that movie from the book. Because the movie has the same names, Mew as Daniell, Zenaide, and Danielle's stepfather as Hassan to name a few. I am not quite sure whether TV3 choose this from Ms. Jordan's book or not as they have not email me yet. If you want to sample any of the Harlequin romance please let me know. I have over a thousands of those collections and they all have the same plots, and character roles like Thai movies. And if you want to read "Daughter of Hassan" let me know. I am more than happy to send you one. Again I think you did a superb job with the webpage. Helen

Jenn wrote:

I wish I would know more info about Willy and his next drama after the one with Mew. I will keep you post, and thank you for your beautiful message.

Tle....message confirm about the "Entertain News

Hey jenn, it's me again. the message you got from your friend that was posted in the fan forum about the entertain news, just wanted to let you know that i have the tape also. willy said that this was the first time he saw lalita with her new hair cut since she came back from london. he said that she looks younger and she looks like a new actress. he also joke around that he might go get a hair cut just like her so he could look younger. tle

(This is a personal e-mail from my internet friend to me, but i think that i should share since this was a news about Willy):

Hi P'Jenn, ....Well, I saw the news about the movie that I had a short interview with Mew and willy...they said that Lalita had to try to keep in shape for that drama...maintain her weight...she has some problems with that in the past.

Well, in the interview...Willy looks like he thinks the same as me...he was saying that Lalita probably wanted to be a new actress or something...well, man, Willy look so cute...he look way in shape now than before...Wow!!! Well, I don't know...The tape had all the entertainment news from all tv stations...well, from tv3, 5, 9...something like that...but the news was from tv3...the tape was dated 11-19-98 or something...the tape itself is called..."See-sun-bun- teung"...just ask them that and if they have it...they should have all of it.

Well, let me tell ya...Willy was so cute...he look like he is quite in is very hot and sexy get to see him!!

Marisa Arubaratna (straight to Willy McIntosh):

I've been a fan ever since your first film. I followed every movie and every program that you have accomplished. You are a great actor and host. The game show that I'm addicted currently is Game Zone, you make the game fun and entertaining. I'm looking forward to your upcoming movie with Lalita. Hugs and Kisses
To Jenn: Could you possibly let me know of any updates of Willy that I may or may not know of. Whether or not in the near future will he wed with Yelly? Will he come back to the States? Or anything exciting. Keep me updated! Thanks a whole lot!!

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Marisa. I wish I would know something about him and Yelly to share. If anybody know please share the info to Marisa and to all Willy fans. Thanks.

11/20/98 - From Sophia Phang (one of Willy/Mew big fans)

Once again, I'd would like to comment on how nice your homepage is.You have a lot of pictures! I can't wait to see a Willy/Mew new drama! I just read the summary....Oh probably know this's not an important fact or anything...but just in case....the lady that plays as Lalita's stepmother's mother in "Sai See Plerng", is her real mother. In case you still don't know who I'm talking about...she also played in "different fire color", as Willy's mother...

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for let us know. In fact, I don't know that Lalita's mother is an actress.

11/19/98 - From tle (one of my internet friend) who like to share the summary of the new Willy/Mew drama to all Willy fans. Enjoy it!!

This is a partial summary: Willy will play a fireman named Trapoom. His character is naive, innocent, sensitive, and smart. But no matter how smart he is, he is always get trick by Mew's character. Mew will play an advertising creative named Jennisa, who is looking for the right man. Jennisa is smart, tricky, and good at lying. The summary is: Jennisa is a beautiful creative who is looking for the perfect man. However, as time goes by she still hasn't find the perfect man and her friends keep teasing her that she will not be able to find one. So, Jennisa persuaded Trapoom, Willy's character, to play a part as her boyfriend as a trick. And that's where the fun begins. I got this information off the Thai newspaper. If anyone wants to read it (you need Thai font) you can visit the site at

(Many thanks to you who take your time to translate it. It will be nice to know the story line.)

From tle (answer to Rim about # of Willy/Mew dramas):

I would also like to clear things up for Rim. (Jenn, please post this up so everyone can read it) The information I have posted is correct. Trust me: I was the first one who went to see their first movie (willy's first movie). The two movies they have made together are: 1. Tanya: mae mod yod ruk and 2. Numsao (filmed in Europe) The five lakorns they have made together are: 1. Prasart Muard, 2. Nimit Hang Ruk, 3. Fai Tang See, 4. Sai See Plerng, and 5. Tam Hua Jai Pai Suud Laa. Their new one, Ruk Rae Pae Tu Bae will be their six. This is the correct information.

Jenn wrote:

Thank your for your time to clear things up for Rim and others.

Helena (One of Willy's fan)

I have greatly enjoyed your homepage. They are the best so far. This is my first time viewing your web page and I am truly amaze how artistic you are. I am also a Willy's fan and I have watch 99% of his movies. I think he is a brilliant actor and it suited his role to play heart throbbing romantic movies. However I would like to clearly expressed my opinion about his co- star Lalita. I think Willy's acting career is never hinder if it is without Lalita. I don't think they make a great couple. I've seen all his movies with her and I have to admit they are the same as any different movies he co- star with other actress.

I think he should play with different actresses and not the same one over and over again. I was very happy though that he play with new girls like Ann or Sarocha. Those two girls can act and did a good job. Personally I don't picture Lalita playing this role. Therefore I don't see any reason why he should spend his acting career with Lalita anymore. This is just my opinion. Which I think is valuable considering there are so many Lalita's fan out there who really like her just because she is "pretty" but really there are other girls that look much more beautiful, graceful and most of all that can act much better than she. From Helena

Reply by tle to Helena's opinion:

hi you can post my message that I had replied to Helena in the Fan Forum:

"hey, i do respect your opinion and i don't mind what you have to say. However, when you wrote that most of the fans that like Lalita is because she is beautiful, I have to disagree. I, for one, do not like her because she is beautiful. I like her because she and I went to the same high school and all the teachers at Trium Udom said about how nice she was. Also, Lalita was a student teacher and I was lucky enough to be in her class. (8th grade at Sathit Pathumwan--English class). So I know that she is friendly and funny person (because she was a nice student teacher). And I think that is why many like her. Again, I don't mind your opinion because you have the right to express them. Just like what Voltaire said, "I may not agree with what you said; but I will defend to death the right for you to say it"

Jenn wrote:

Any comments from others???......

Thanks. Well, at least we share the same interest of Willy.

Rim (Willy& Lalita & Jenn's devoted fan)

I would like to say, I think lalita and willy are match made in heaven. I like watch them all the time. I cried when I found out that they were making another drama together. Still counting the days till their movie comes. They are the two best ever! I love to read your summary also. Please add more, it's so good. Please this is torture to make us wonder what will happen next. Can you add more dark castle also. Follow the heart was the best ever! Although I cried at alot of scenes. Like when I though lalita was gonna die at that one part, and willy would be all alone, I cried..but I was so happy to see that they got each other. I'm hoping to see and read more about these two angels in the near future. Can you please get sofia to write the summary for that also if you can. I love how she adds jokes and humors with the story. Like eternal love, it's seems to be rated as one of their best dramas ever written! But I missed it!! I've never seen it before, so I'm dying to see it on screen. She writes good for you page. and very informative also. You're so lucky to have fans like that to help you with your page. Like tu,noot, molika, sofia,..ect. who contribute their time to give you pictures, stories, and news. I know that they are all important people to keep your site working (for us the fans to enjoy). I hope all your helpers will continue to aid you in your homepage to make is successful and complete for willy himself to see and for all the fans. I wish you luck in the future and hope your life is always full of happiness. Jenn, you're my hero for doing so much for my favorite couples!! Rim Sok (willy&lalita&jenn's devoted fan)

jenn wrote:

Thanks for sharing your thoughtful thoughts. I think i should give the credit to Sofia, Molika, Noot, Tu, Savoaly to help me a lot. I hope Willy himself has a chance to see this site...the site that all his fans come to share their thoughts.

Krystal (Mew&Willy's Truly devoted #1 fan of all!!!)

Lalita + Willy, I'm ya biggest fan eva!!! I love you guys the most!! Can't wait till da drama!!! Its gonna be da bomb!! I'm ya biggest and # 1 fan only!! Love all the dramas that has both of ya in there!! You guys are my one and only truely greatest item in the whole damn world!! Keep up the good work. Me and my friends are all waitin for you guys to come back. Hurry up please!!!! I love all da pictures of theirs! Please add more soon alright. Lalita, I noticed it looking more beautiful every year, and as for willy, he's looking more handsome!!! You guys look hella tight together!! Keep up the good work in acting ..ect. Love ya site a lot jenn, best of willy eva!!! Please add more story summary, and pictures soon. Thanks a million!!! Much love, krystal (Mew+willy's truely devoted # 1 fan of all!!)

jenn wrote:

Thanks for sharing your thoughtful thoughts. Hope Willy and Mew read this message, and realize that how much their fans mean to them.

Deara (Willy/Joy big fans)

Willy is my idol. I love him more than any other male star. I love him in Ruk Deal Kong Jenjira with my favorite star, Joy. I always wish him and Joy to be together in real life. I still love watching all his drama with others. I cannot wait to watch the new one with Mew, and I want Willy to know if he read this, I will love him and support him forever.

Jenn wrote:

That would be nice to know that you are a big supporter. I hope Willy can read all the messages from his fans and know how much his fans feel about him.

From Marla (Willy fan forever)

Here's my thought: Willy is very very cute. Does anybody know the better word than cute for Willy? His acting skill is very professional. I have my great admire to his looks, his acts and his character. I'm glad to join with those of his fans opinion that he's enough of everything for us to love him. I love to be one of his fans 'til he quit his acting career, which i hope it wouldn't happen. And yes, he looks best with Mew. Every drama he acted with her, i can tell that he is very close to her personally than other actresses. And of course, to my opinion, his girlfriend doesn't look bad at all. She's simply nice and seems very close to him too.

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for making such a good view of Willy. I totally agree with you.

Melina Noun (Lalita/Willy fan for life)

I'd like to say, I really big fan of Lalita panyopas Mew and Reungrit Mcintosh Willy. I love watch them all the time. I like your summary story. Pleasee can you place one for lalita and reungrit new Lak-orn. would like so much to read about it. I don't see movie with reungrit and khung, update it please also. I never haven't see eterneal love finish it to please.When it come out anyway? I cannot found it here. Wish to watching it then read. Lalita, she play more when new lak-orn is finish? I want she to play more when this new lak-orn done with reungrit. I watching them over ten yeer now. Lalita look more so prety, willy more cutes.they could do more lak-orn togeter, I love watch them play with togeter. melina noun -lalita and reungrit/ oldest and fan for ever life.

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for joining your thoughts about Lalita/Willy. I wish i would know the story of their new drama to share. Hope we will get it very soon. "Eternal Love" came right after the drama Willy acted with Jintara. It was a miniserie. I know that most of Willy fans missed this one. And of course, i will post the summary as soon as i receive it from my friend, Sofia. (she's the one who contribute her time to write).

Pin (Willy big fan)

Here's my thoughts: Willy is hot and sexy. I didn't mention about his skillful in acting, talking and perfectly professional hosting shows. I love to watch his Saranae show. It is very funny. I'm so excited to hear that Willy is back to act again. Cannot wait to watch his new drama with Mew Lalita, and hope he will act more after this.

Jenn Wrote:

Yes, Willy is multitalented. I do agree with you. Thanks for being a big fan of Willy, and send your thoughts to share with those of his fans.

Wannarie (Willy big fan)

I think Willy is something special.I love his talent in playing many different roles. To me personally, I don't care much about the actress as long as he's in. Of course he looks good with Mew, but the drama he played with Ann Thongprasom is my favorite. It's a pure romantic love story. When I get into it, I realized that I love Willy more and more. I love many scenes in that drama, like when Willy took off Ann's engagement ring, kissed her hands, told her that he had nothing to give her for the engagement, but with his pure heart....and more ...sad and sweet while they were together as husband and wife. It makes me think that Willy is a pure gentleman in his real life or in the screen, and of course he is.

Jenn Wrote:

Yes, I totally agree with you. About the drama, I know that the story is kind of hard to understand, but it turn out to be so good. I'm very sensitive. It made me cry a lot. I don't know why.

Samantha Y (One of Willy big fans)

Hello Jenn, My feelings of Willy McIntosh...Let's see, I hella think he's handsome and I can't believe he has a girlfriend. But she is beautiful. I watch a lot of his movies. I only watch Thai movies that star Willy. I don't really know my feeling of him but I do know that many of my friend like him. Actually they love him a lot and one of them actually want to get married with him. I have many friends that want to go to Thailand just to see him. He's the hottest Thai movie star and hopefully I get to go to Thailand and see him in person. He seems to be a really great person and his girlfriend is really lucky to have him. Well that's my true feelings about him. I hope you respond to me... Samantha Y

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for signing Willy Guestbook, and then sent me your point of view about our favorite star "Willy". It's such a sweet thoughts.

Suthida Nopinkya

Willy is my sweetheart. He's the #1 in my list. I'm happy for him and Yelly. I know some people mind Yelly. That's them. I trust Willy and i'm sure Yelly has something special for him. Enjoy watching your shows, your dramas. You're multitalented.I'm waiting for your new drama with Mew. Hurry back Willy!!

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for sending your special thoughts toward Willy and Yelly. Hope Willy and Yelly have a chance to read this compliment.

Ruth (Owner of Actors & Actress home page - one of Willy's fans)

I'm a great admirer of Willy. I think he is a great actor. I love his ability to play so many different roles and display a variety of emotions. I'm watching Dream to Reality right now and I think its a pretty good attempt towards the supernatural. I thought it was somewhat confusing but as you get into the story it becomes more clear. Plus I'm glad to see that Thai lakorns are covering a lot more issues than just the usual. It's creative.

Jenn wrote:

Thank you Ruth. I totally agree with you. Willy is a great actor. The drama he acted with Ann is kind of different from others. It's very interesting.

Yan (Kalayann) - Big fan of Nook/Willy/Mew

Do you know that I go to your page almost everyday to check out news about Willy? but I never got to sign your guestbook. Willy and Lalita are my other favorites star besides Nook. I am so looking forward to see news about their new lakorn. Although I read in your guestbook, some people aren't as excited as I am about the news. I'm so excited that after a long period of time there back together again. I tape almost every movie that they play together. Willy is so fine and Lalita is beautiful. I wish one day Willy would play in a lakorn with Nook but I know it's never going to happen, she only starr in lakorn with RS guys.But I can't stop hoping this will one day come true. Gosh, I sound so cornery.

Although I love seeing Willy and Lalita together, the movies I love Willy in most was the one with Jintara, Willy look so cute ! I love his smile. I also like the one with Ann Sirium, it was so funny. Again, Willy is so cute. I just have one more thing to say about Willy, I love him in Follow the heart. He was so cute , you might think this is weird but he look so cute when he was mean to Lalita. Do you have more info on their new lakorn, such as the title or what it's about?

Jenn wrote:

Thanks Yan for your thoughtful messages. May your wishes about Willy/Nook come true. Good Luck...(Yan is going to make a home page for Nook. So,in the near future, we will have Nook home page to visit)

Pop (Willy #1 fan)

I love Willy. To my opinion, I think Willy looks good with his girlfriend, Yelly. All the actresses are o.k. but Mew is fine with him too.

Jenn wrote:

Thanks for sending your thoughts. Willy will love your opinion


Here's my thoughts: Willy is my forever star. No one can compete Willy. I know too many stars in this competition field, but Willy is the best. One more thing to add: He looks good with every actress and of course with his girlfriend.

Jenn wrote:

That's a fair thought for all the actresses. Thanks Sovanna for sharing your thoughts.

Kate (one of Willy/Tao and Joy)

I love Willy. I wish he would have another drama with either Joy or Tao after Lalita. Please, please your fan a favor, I love you so much. If you read this, please know i'm happy to see you have a happy life with Yelly, But I want to see you with Tao/Joy on screen one more time. And then, I'll be happy to see you with matter who.

Jenn wrote:

Hope you still love Willy even though he doesn't have a chance to act with Tao/Joy.

Sofia (One of Willy & Lalita fans)

" I love willy..he is my dream guy.. I love seeing him on screen with Mew Lalita Panyopas. Wish him and lalita was back together....(sorry yelly) But if he is really happy with yelly..then I guess he should stay with her then...cause all I want is for willy to be happy. I hope Mew makes another movie after hers and willy is done..does anybody know if she is making anymore? And me I think Mew and Willy makes the best couple ever...just my opinion k. Mew is my favorite actress while willy is my fav actor..these two are at the top of my list. They look great together!!! I wish they make many more movies after this one is done..they've made a lot of movies together already.... I really want them to star in more movies..with other characters too....or they can make another one together if they want...cause well..I don't really mind who they star with as long as they are still making movies for all of us to enjoy. " And how old Yelly is? Her mom should be happy for her daughter to be with Willy.

Jenn wrote:

I heard from my friend Tu, Yelly's mother likes Willy too. She just thinks that they both should wait a little longer.. In my opinion, Willy and Yelly should stay singles for a couple more years....I'm afraid that Willy will be leaving the star carrer after married.....Furthermore, most of stars who got married, their popularity usually go down....Oh no....I hope this doesn't happen to Willy. I want him to make many more movies.......

About Mew....if anybody knows please share!!!

Anita Ching - Long Beach, CA

As I said in Willy's guestbook, it's an excellent site of Willy. Does anybody know about how Willy and Yelly first met? She's the lucky lady. Please share if you know the information about her romantic life with Willy.

jenn wrote:

I wish I would know something about Willy and Yelly love life to share. As I talked to Pam of Pratana Web Channel earlier, their love's life should have been written.

Sue Prak of ARS:

Willy is so cute. I viewed all the pictures in this home page and found him so attractive. Yes, even the pictures are not clear...still he's very lovely man. My personal wishes is I want to meet him someday.

Jenn wrote:

Good luck Sue. I wish I would meet Willy in person too. Jenn


Willy is so cute! Did you know my dog was named willy? That way I can hug and kiss him anytime i want. =) hahaha..just kidding, but my dog's name is Willy named after willy. Because Willy is so cute! =) Well, just wanted to say your page is really cute. =) -Lisa

Jenn wrote:

It's nice to know that your dog was named after Willy. I bet he must be a cute dog.

Beatrice (Bea):

Just want to let everyone knows that P'Willy is simply the best. He has the nicest personalities. His acting is awesome. And he also has a great & beautiful sister (P'Mam) and who could forget P'Willy's cutest girlfriend(P'Yelly).

Jenn wrote:

On behalf of Willy, I take a liberty to thank you for your great compliment. Yes, he is my admirable role.

Saovaly of "Willy McIntosh" Home Page

P'Jenn ja...I love you and Willy so much...I know that if he saw all these things you are doing for him...he will be so happy!!! You are such a devoted fan...Willy for life!!! Wow...Mam and Willy are the two siblings that makes the most is so cool. Rich brother and sister...

Hey...I didn't read anything with Willy moving out with Yelly...well, that is cute anyhow...k...

Jenn wrote:

Thanks very much my dearest internet sister....You've helped me with this page more than anybody else. You're always with me when we talk about Willy McIntosh.

Pam of Pratana WebWorld Channel

dEaReSt JeNn,

i love your pics of willy so much! he is so cute and so are jelly and mam.

Jenn wrote:

Thanks Pam for admiring Willy, Mam and Yelly pictures.

one Luonghot:




Reply by Jenn:

About Willy's getting marry, I believe that's just a rumor. It has spreaded out for awhile. If anybody know for sure, please share the information.

About Paston, I'm afraid I don't have any info about him, but if someone out there know, please tell Jone.

Any Comments from Others? Please answer by E-mail me at

Tu (My internet sis):

I think willy is a great actor.. not just only he's handsome, but he's brillant!! I like to visit Willy homepage.. ..nothing much for Willy ..cos he's always good!!

Jenn wrote:

I agree with you Tu. Since I start to be his fan, I've never heard any bad thing about him in newspapers or magazines. He's my role model...he's an idol. I hope I won't be dissappointed to support Willy.

Any Comments from Others? Please answer by E-mail me at

Sara (Her view of why tv3 put Willy to act with the same actress too many times)

I'm a big fan of Willy. I think TV3 should read viewer comment about their stars and lakorns. I think the more viewers you get, the better the business. don't you think so?

Any Comments from Others? Please answer by E-mail me at

Daisy (her opinion about his girlfriend/others)

About Willy girlfriend. She look pretty but i prefer Willy with Sirim (Billie's wife) she is more prettier than Yelly. But, I think that Willy and his sister looked good together. It is to bad they are sister and brother (hehhehe). Well.... if you have any new picture of him can you email me some, cuz i love him to much :-).

Any Comments from Others? Please answer by E-mail me at

Molika (One of Willy's big fans - Her view toward Willy & his GF)

Willy is a true gentlemen I've ever seen in real life, even though in drama he acted as a player. So please, don't ever have an evil thought...just know that he's kissing up to only ONE girl...just one girl. Willy is a one woman man. He's faithful to her, he's happy with her, he seems to enjoy being with her, and most of all, he seems so in love with her. That makes all the difference in the world. Willy's fan should be proud to see that he has stuck by with one girl for so long...even if it's not exactly the person that many people think he looks better with. Maybe if Willy and Yelly played a lakorn together, more people will see what Willy has seen in Yelly for so long. But from what I remember, Yelly said that she doesn't want to get into acting, she just wants to stick to her modeling career. However, she did play one lakorn with Johnny A. Unfortunately, the movie was not good at least I didn't think so. It was a war movie, and it was kinda weird. I know some of Willy fans are disappointed, but we can't help it that they feel that way, and I'm pretty sure that we won't be able to change their minds either. Willy is a human, he cannot be a single for his fans. He needs life too.....However, there are so many others that want to know everything that goes on in Willy's life....and especially about his lady in real life. I'm sure that many people who are his true fans like to see pics of Willy and Yelly.......................

Any Comments from Others? Please answer by E-mail me at


Sawasdee ka. My name is Jone and I think I wrote to you twice and you never did write back. I really enjoy your web sight. I think you did a great job updating them. Most of the people never update their stuff and I think that is really boring. I love to watch Thai movie and I love Willy McIntosh and Katherleeya, his sister. I think they're such a cute brother and sister. I adore them two. I want to know more about--Katherleeya Gros, Pete Thongjer, TongChai-Bird, and Saksit Tangthong. I want to know how they're doing and when are their new movie coming out. I think I talk to much already, sorry.... If you have time, I would not mine reading your letter. your new member-jone

Jenn wrote:

Sorry for not replying your mail...In fact...I might be busy that time...and I've thought that I mailed back to everyone by then... To tell you the truth...I haven't followed up with those stars beside my favorites (stars whom I've made the page for)...I just want to concentrate with those to update my page....even though I am interested with Bird, Mos, Tang (actually, you can visit Saksit at my friend, Tu, who made an excellent page for him...(we kindda share the info)... Again, thanks for visiting my "Willy McIntosh World" home page....Come again....I still have some more pic and news about willy and his update when time allows...(if you're Willy fans also) from JENN (Request Picture of Sirinya Cindy)

I think you have one of the best webpages out there! I visit it at least once a week. I wanted to ask if you know or have any pictures of Sirinya Cindy Winsiri that I can put on my page? Thanks a lot.

If anybody have it, please E-mail me or E-mail direct to

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