You are Foolish Mortal visit this site since: The Beginning Of Time...

Remember: I don't suffer from insanity...

I enjoy every minute of it!

Caps updated on 9/27/98!!!

The following page is brought to you by:

I know you are but what am I??? Hello kiddies! This is a sneak peek of my descent into madness! Come join the fun, won't you??? Along the way, we'll meet some old friends, have some laughs, and share a Heiniken...No, wait...that's a beer commercial. I'm always doing that!
Just stay tuned in for a show that's chock full 'o goodness AND obscure references!

And occasionally, I might even update the pages!!!

On to The Caps!!(updated:9/27/98)
My Caps!!(updated:10/23/98)
This Week's Star Capper!!(updated:9/27/98)
Meet the Fam!!
Deep Thoughts...
My 300ZX!!!

You KNOW you wanna Sign the Guestbook! You KNOW you wanna View the Guestbook!

Here's a few sites that are sure to offend as many people as humanly possible! Make 'em stop...

For the love of!!!!!!!!!

Insane links to other sites on the Web!!!(That's my daughter's eye...actual size.)

Artanas' Dementia!
E_B_A's Hip Hop N Crap
Caption This!
Pee Wee Herman Worship Page!
Pee Wee's Webhouse!
South Park Sounds!
South Park Archive!
Being for the Benefit of JAZZSODA
Scypha's Caption This! Hall Of Shame!
Starryeyed's Wonderful World!
They Killed Kenny, South Park Page!
Masters of Space and Time! (aka HanoverF's Page)
Mr.Tumbler's Wild Ride!

GOTHIX's State of Despair!
Buckfifty's Pocket Change!

Thanks for stopping by to witness this tragic display! Feel free to shower me with loving emails! Check back to see if I ever figure out how to create a REAL web page!
Oh, and hey...
Don't forget to sign the ol' guestbook!!!

© 1997

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