Jenny Murphy

This is my friend Jenny. She's hilarious. She's quite the equestrian. She has a horse named Oliver. Right now she's at the University of Rochester.(she's rooming with my friend Elena who's really cool--you'll meet her later) She's majoring in Mathematics. (AP Calc...AAHHHH!!!!) Anyways, there was this one time in Theology class where my friend Elena, Jenny and I were discussing a little test which we had created with other friends of ours for the males in our lives to take. Purely a funny test...nothing more. Anyways...we came up with this interesting character named Edith-Ann Speigelman: S&M Mistress!! To tell you the truth she's the sweetest girl. She's great. There was also the story of our Sophmore Course 2 Math class in which I would purposely walk in late to just to see how late I can be without the teacher yelling at me. Jenny would always make fun of me for it. I got a record of almost 8 minutes! (and was never yelled at once!)