Welcome to

MrsMegaByte's Home

Ugly room
Pull up a chair...

...Make yourself comfortable and enjoy
a brutally bizarre bash with Martha Stewart,
a bus-load of Martha Stewart groupies,
and a generous bite of
Green Jell-O
Martha's Green Jell-O.

The swingin' evening's highlights include:

¥ A Ukulele solo by Martha Stewart

¥ An uncommonly vivid Martha Stewart dream sequence
that presents never before seen glimpses into the very soul of Martha Stewart.

¥ A galactic Martha Stewart tribute to Star Trek

¥ An unforgettable Martha Stewart sing-along
featuring pie-in-the-face laughs with guest of horror: Martha Stewart

¥ Never-before seen candid party photos of Martha Stewart

¥ An illustrated explanation of Martha Stewart's "fusion" style of international cuisine.
What is a wasabi, anyway?

¥ Gobs of green Jell-O

¥ EEK!

Enter The Party!

This Party is Definitely An All-Nighter.
So, if you don't have a lot of time, be sure to check out these (better and newer) pages first. Enjoy!

Martha Stewart "Does Lunch" with President Clinton

Meet the Stewies: Martha Stewart's Most Devoted Fans

Martha Stewart In The News

Tour Martha Stewart's Private Museum & Odditorium

The Paparazzi at Their Best:
A Sneak Peek into Martha Stewart's Personal Home Life

Check Out The Deluxe Site Tour

Celebrity Testimonials: "I Laughed So Hard ...That Milk Blew Out My Nose!"

Zaniest Martha Stewart Links on This Planet

View Martha Stewart's Personal Candid Party Photo Album

This Site's Amazing Awards

Please, let MrsMegaByte know
exactly what you think about Martha Stewart and this demented Martha Stewart site:
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Updated January 23, 1999

For More Topical Humor, Check Out Where "Martha Does Lunch With the President" is Now Featured: