-The Apple Tree-

Directed by J. David Powers

Cawthra Park Secondary School
November 25, 26, 27 1999.

On November 25, 26 and 27 (as mentioned in blue above), Cawthra Park S.S. will be presenting a fabulous new production of the timeless (?) musical "The Apple Tree" by Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick. If you've never heard of 'em, good. Neither have I. There is nothing here about them. We all, however, are familiar with The Apple Tree's esteemed director, Mr. Dave Powers. Under his leadership, we hope to achieve something more than those hippy-freak writers had intended and take "The Apple Tree" to the next level, into the pantheon of great musicals. So meanwhile, feel free to click one of the little icon thingees below or discuss stuff (like gossip) on the Message Board. Also make sure to Sign the Guestbook or at least View the Guestbook So have fun and remember to vote in the poll below.

...................... .................... Michael Mandziuk
                                     Michael Mandziuk
                                       The Star of this Damn Show

-The Cast-

-The Music-
Updated Nov. 11!

-A Brief Synopsis-
Updated Nov. 11!


-News and Rumors-
Updated Nov. 11!

-Other Various Fun stuff-


-E Mail us-

-Mr. Dave Powers-

Exciting Poll

This site and all content within is property of Michael Mandziuk and thus, cannot be used without permission of the aforementioned
individual . Any opinions found on this web site are not necessarily those of Mike Mandziuk, unless he's stupid enough to say so.
So please don't suspend me if you read something nasty. Also, I'm trying the best we can, so please don't make fun of me.
I have a crappy computer and limited skill when it comes to web page design. Thank You.
 © 1999 Michael Mandziuk