Welcome to Casey Becker's SCREAM Site!!!!  


Hello! Welcome to Casey Beckers’ Scream Site! This site is meant as an homage to the greatest horror movie known to man….SCREAM! This site is directly from a fan’s mind only and I am in no way connected to dimension films, the company that brought you Scream




That face leering at you in the darkness is enough to give ANYONE the creeps….. Especially when you don’t know WHO is behind the mask!! Who could it be, peering out at you from those ironically sympathetic, empty looking eyes? Could it be your supposedly loving boyfriend? Your supposedly trustworthy best friend? What about her wierdo boyfriend? Maybe it’s your horror movie buff friend? How about the deputy of your town? The sheriff? The Principal? How about that nosey tabloid journalist…How desperate IS she for a story? It’s up to Sydney Prescott to figure out such mysteries in her normal average life in Woodsboro, California…. Well, it USED to be a normal life!!



Could it POSSIBLY be one of THESE innocent young kids that committed these murders?!?!?!?!? Let's look at their yearbook photos, shall we???


There seems to be a couple extra people in THIS photo. Could it be them???

Well, Has everyone been following the rules???

1.Never have sex.

2. Never drink or do drugs.

3. Never say, "I'll be right back!!"

Now you can vote for your favorite SCREAM character! Just click the link below!

What is YOUR favorite SCREAM Quote??

Visit the Scream Picture Gallery!

Are you interested in some SCREAM facts and references?

Hey!! Ok, here are the links to the SCREAM trailers!


Well, has everyone seen SCREAM yet??? No? Why not? Well, I have! I have also seen SCREAM 2!! That was a GREAT movie! I think that this sequel has done an excellent job in keeping up with the example that the original movie has set! My Scream 2 page can be visited by clicking the link below. Please join my new SCREAM club by clicking HERE!

Please email me if you have any questions, comments or trivia questions you want to stump me with.Thank you to all of the wonderful people who have mailed me!! Please mail me. I would LOVE to hear from you. Also, Please sign my guestbook!! If you have a website please feel free to sign the guestbook and leave a link there!


Please visit these extraordinary sites while I work on mine!!


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This CASEY BECKER WEBRING site is owned by
Casey Becker.

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