A land in turmoil cried out for a hero.
She was Xena.
A mighty princess, forged in the heat of battle...
The power...
The passion...
The danger...
Her courage will change the world.
This page was done by me, Matty.
It is dedicated to the legendary show Xena: Warrior Princess.
I've got heaps of to-the-point info, pics and sounds in store for you so kick back and enjoy.
Thankyou for visiting Matty's Xena page
If you have a cool sound or pic please send it to me.
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Then you'd probably like to know that ALL pics and sounds on my
page may be used in your own Xena pages if you want them!
But please follow my guidlines page?
And, using one easy form send me
your URL too. You might even win an Award!
No screen pixels, be they red, yellow, blue or a combination of the three were
harmed during the production of this page.
If you've got no idea what I'm talking about you're obviously not a real Xenite!
You'll find
Macareana rip-offs, a Barbie Girl rip-off, loads of hillarious sounds and heaps more!!
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Xena (Lucy Lawless) Index
The Legend of Xena
Just how did this legendary show all start?
Who is Lucy Lawless?
Where was Lucy born, how old is she....
Sounds of Lucy Lawless as Xena
Want to hear Xena's battle cry or other of her famous sayings?
Gabrielle (Reneé O'Connor) Index
When Xena met Gabrielle
How did Gabrielle get mixed up in all this? Who is Reneé O'Connor?
Where was Reneé born, how old is she....
(Includes a nice little animated GIF I did of her all by myself!)
Sounds of Reneé O'Connor as Gabrielle
Hear her in action. The Gabrielle Rap!
Reneé on VIBE - the interview and GabRap! E-Mail Reneé
Tell Reneé how legendary you think she is!!
What else is on my page?
The Xena Ad Rotation
The best way to advertise your Xena Page... and its free!!
(Not on this page but run by me!) Xena Chat
Chat for as long as you like to other Xenites about the best show on earth.
(Uses JAVA so it may not work on Win3.x) Xena and Gabrielle Pics
All the pics, backgrounds and animated gifs I've used on my page! Xena: Warrior Princess Links
Beacause of low server space I can't upload many more sounds or pics so I'm trying to make the Ultimate and Biggest Xena links page!
(It won't open in the frame because it's too large) Webrings I'm In
Browse the xenaverse! Xena News
Up-to-date news on Xena: Warrior Princess from a couple of mailing lists I'm in. My Awards
Winners of the ever sought after Xena, Lucy Lawless and ROC awards. Sign my Guestbook
Tell me what you think along with any ideas or suggestions. View my Guestbook
See other people's thoughts and suggestions. E-Mail Me
Send me your thoughts or suggestions of my page along with any cool Xena pics or sounds you may have.
Web Ring Stuff
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See who is in the queue to be added.Xena Animated Cursors
A legendary guy going by the name of
PNX2 sent me four Xena Animated
Cursors that he did all by himself!
I can't look at them because I'm using Windows 3.1 but maybe you can...
Download PNX2's four Xena Animated Cursors
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