"Family" members during the break. From l to r, Barton Yarborough "Cliff", soundman Floyd Caten, organist Paul Carson all serious in their attempt to solve the Sunday Times crossword puzzle. Next the lovely Barbara Fuller "Claudia" studying her script as Dawn Bender "Margaret" marks hers. The gentleman with the pipe is Tom Collins "Nicky" and behind Tom is J. Anthony Smythe "Father Barbour".
Candid Shots
I remember it as if yesterday. After my flash bulb went off Bernice Berwin "Hazel", said "Oh no, you took me with my eyes and mouth wide open." Dix Davis "Pinky" is at the left looking on. Michael Raffetto "Paul" is completely relaxed with his feet on the table. Visiting the program that day is his daughter Pam. She's standing behind him holding a script. And I have no recall as to the identities of the two ladies on the right.
Smile, You're On UnCandid Camera
To make amends to Bernice Berwin I asked her to strike a pose so I could capture her more natural beauty, and I did. Barbara is still reading but this time it's the Sunday paper and Dawn Bender is now in conversation with J. Anthony Smythe (hidden behind Bernice Berwin) Janette Nolan is seated chin in hand to the right.
To Radio and Teenage Years