
Red Dwarf Friends Queen Michael Jackson Austin Powers

Welcome to the land we have come to know as....


May 162pmAlton Town Gardens
June 612noonThe Hawkley, Hawkley
June 198:30pmThe Shepherd & Flock
July 412noonThe Queens, Selborne
July 97[ish]A tent in Binstead!


Congratulations (and undulations), you slag, you have found the almighty page of Bohemia. This page is dedicated to a few, how should I put this, friends (so to speak)
At the moment this page has not much on it. Please Email me with ideas and pictures (attach them to the Email).
If you haven't been to my page before then why not look at the other stuff available on the main page

For those of you who have sound on your computer then how about clicking here for old times sake. You can download it by right-clicking and put it on your home computers!


Well, here are the three I have so far. Sorry about the quality but I had to scan in from a colour photocopy...
If you have any photos you'd like here then just send the to me by post (if you haven't got my address then just email me).

"The Banned that were Band"

"You're not having any of my chips!"

Thanks to:

-for providing the photos

- for scanning them in

Sombrero Soda - try it now!!!!!

It's cool, it's refreshing and you can only get it from Ptolemy Direct.

"You don't know what you're missing out on!!!!"

Now a word from our sponsor ...