Grégory Cotelle - 11/28/00 13:10:50 Location: France Fav Movie: The crow | Comments: I'm a french student, I love what you have made on mister Van Dien. Congratulations ! Yours. |
jacquie - 11/21/00 02:08:31 My Location: australia Occupation: school Pets: dogs Fav Movie: starship troopers Boxers or briefs?: why? | Comments: i rekon casper is sexy |
Mirjam - 11/17/00 19:48:07 My | Comments: Oh!!!!!!!! Casper van Dien forever!! Lots of kisses Mirjam If you know any websites of Casper, please M@il me! |
Brandl - 11/16/00 02:59:17 My URL:http://IDontKnow My Location: Rock Spring, GA Occupation: Retired-Student Pets: none Fav Movie: Dead Man's Walk Fav Musical or Play(or both): N/A Boxers or briefs?: Fruit of the Loom | Comments: I just think Casper is really a goog actor, on eof my favorites. Yet, I have only seen him in StarTroop, Tarzan and a Tv show. I want to see the Border! Thanks for your site, you really got a great gallery and info. |
Sonja Krese - 11/10/00 13:41:17 Location: Slovenia, Europe Occupation: student Pets: Casper | Comments: This Guy is the most beautiful i have ever seen in my all life. Casper, you're the best. I love u!! |
Dixie Kimsey - 10/30/00 13:44:29 My Location: Hineville, GA Occupation: Vet Tech Pets: Sheltie named Charlie Girl Fav Movie: Modern Vampires Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet/ Cats Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I love your page! The pics are great. I love Casper. He is so handsome. Let me know if you get anymore pics. He was great in Modern Vampires. I loved "fly-away" hair. |
Babs - 10/25/00 18:49:50 My Location: Montreal Occupation: Student Pets: Ferret Fav Movie: Every After Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: |
David Cashen - 10/22/00 15:08:44 My URL: My Location: Ireland Occupation: Producer/Director Pets: Dogs, Lucy&Holly Fav Movie: The Matrix Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: Boxers! | Comments: Casper Van Dien is starring in an upcoming film, Fullmoon, along with newcomer Chad Egan. The film is a post-apocalyptic zombie horror adventure (Phew!) and will be filmed next year, 2001 and released in 2002. I'll keep you posted. |
Natasha Daine - 10/16/00 22:41:33 My Location: Cocagne Occupation: Student Pets: dog Fav Movie: Every movie is my favorite Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: HE IS THE HOTEST GUY AND HIS ACTING IS PERFECT AND i LOVE HIM IN TITANS HE IS JUST A BABE |
garry bloodworth - 10/07/00 15:27:37 My Location: romeoville,illinois Occupation: bank teller supervisor Fav Movie: American Beauty Fav Musical or Play(or both): Butterflies are Free Boxers or briefs?: SPONTANEOUS(either) | Comments: Just wanted to say It is cool you started this page. Casper has got a RAW DEAL for a while in HOLLYWOOD they never let him use his full potential. He's smart,poised,and looks Like a GREEK GOD!!! MAYBE TITANS WILL BE HIS TIME TO __SHINE!!!! KEEP ME POSTE !! GARRY |
Brooke - 10/05/00 16:15:36 Pets: 3 dogs, 3 cats Fav Movie: The Omega Code | Comments: |
Angel - 10/05/00 01:15:59 My Location: Indiana Occupation: student Pets: dog, Mocha Fav Movie: East of Eden or Rebel Without a Cause Fav Musical or Play(or both): See The Jaguar Boxers or briefs?: Briefs (for guys, of course( | Comments: I first saw Casper Van Dien when he played my favorite actor, James Dean. He brought such life to Jimmy, and not many actors could do something like that. He is very talented (not to mention extremely sexy). Hey, maybe it's fate that he played Jimmy? ight? Who am I kidding? |
Rachel - 10/04/00 17:52:12 My Location: Arkansas Occupation: High School Pets: 4 dogs, 3 cats Fav Movie: Sleepy Hollow Fav Musical or Play(or both): Much Ado About Nothing Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: This webpage is da bomb. Casper Van Dien is such a hottie. This webpage was well constructed and looks good. |
Siti - 10/04/00 08:57:20 My Location: Singapore Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: I juz luv Casper he's sooo cute. Liked this page, has lots of great pics of him |
jelena van der beerk - 09/11/00 00:51:23 My Location: longueuil city Occupation: student Pets: dogs and cats Fav Movie: GI movies Fav Musical or Play(or both): german song | Comments: casper van dien is very cute boy!!! he got beautifull eyes and smile... |
jelena van der beerk - 09/11/00 00:48:37 Pets: dogs and cats Fav Movie: GI moviea | Comments: |
DONNIE PACE - 08/24/00 19:23:18 Location: ALABAMA Occupation: MANAGER Fav Movie: PHANTASM Boxers or briefs?: BRIEFS | Comments: STARSHIP TROOPERS IS A GREAT MOVIE I HOPE THEY COME OUT WITH A PART 2 |
DONNIE PACE - 08/24/00 19:20:43 | Comments: |
alice batlle - 08/22/00 19:05:10 My URL:http://none My Email:none Location: your bed room Occupation: architect Pets: boa constrictor Fav Movie: tarzan and the lost city Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: none i sleep naked | Comments: you are sooo hot.i wish that i could be with you sucking your dick and licking your balls.and licking honey of your sexy body. |
Helena - 08/11/00 16:56:42 My Location: Sweden Occupation: Healthcare Fav Movie: dirty dancing, your movies. Fav Musical or Play(or both): Musical. | Comments: I like you alot.You seem to be a very nice guy. I havent seen Starship troopers yet. I am gonna watch it pretty soon. Love you. A great big fan of yours from sweden. Write me back if you have the time. See ya. |
serena kreekel - 08/02/00 12:36:18 My URL:http://www. geocities. com/cgi/-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry My Email:RCM kreekel@chello. nl Location: holland Pets: dog Fav Movie: starship troopers Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: |
Bonnie Moir - 07/30/00 10:12:27 My Email:Barbara_Moir@hotmail Location: Australia Occupation: Various Pets: Southpark Bubblegoose Fav Movie: your photo Fav Musical or Play(or both): LesCruxFaux Boxers or briefs?: Found u[u box;u r brief] | Comments: Hi again, Keanus' page is the universal line; wanna write?There is some good news there from people thought dead. But u have to know a bit of the story 'to get it' and no letting cats out of bags ,Squealer. I hope filming will keep getting more inspiring-feed on the script - don't let it eat u up; u e it to let out the ways u have felt. i look forward to seeing u raw; and i mean hurting infront of everyone as much as your past can let you. There are some areas where the script may look simple but u can put a lot into it!!!Method the worst!?i have been bumming around the house; writing sm king; talking to u today; u r getting better again!!What is it like?The ghosts are not letting me talk, but all is great. i have not yet sent any snail mail to THE STUDIOS, I HAVE NO RESUME' but i have scripts - if u are quick to Ben's or K's page; some of my ugly humor esoterically hangs on the board. i have been single for so long; because one year becomes another & u do not miss something u can't remember.Plus i do not meet people with brains; there are no people except ghosts helpful to me; so what is the point of moving out of the house? !No point, please do check my comedy; it was written for u too; ok! & no man is an island - do not believe limiting thoughts - everyone is having that "I'm closing down feeling" Affirmations! Affirmations! will keep the water out [thistle+vitB] otherwis the head hurts - pretend u r at home - u were happy untill one month ago - are u listening to people? Remember; the black satanic jacket? Wear it; glare and be snobby untill everyone sooks around...or better buy a new one; even more evil than the last. Make it velvet-the minister look truly keeps people away; then one can get away with eyeliner. Well that look gets me, standard IS boring - if u were asking.[bon writing] i am stuck in dark mode; black eyelin r, brown lips .Go over diaries cos the things are trying to erase memories - best to go Genre; u have done the work; might as well show it; why not? Nothing can stop me, why can it stop u? Oh, the kind of movie i would like to do ; is play myself doing psychotic killer/avenger type movie - killing with style; not those fake blood bag explosions; they gotta get the gore right - i would never watch it though. i hate horror. Cause it goes to far; i'd like to play a killer on the loose ; who runs thru he city to the kills she finds psychically. It is all vengence for her True Love - who tells her about his past; when he was raped by a man; and the tail is of the requitement of her heart by vengence. Because her love has become a cripple.[ |
Michael Rohr - 07/28/00 12:35:58 My Location: Ny, NY Occupation: Sales Pets: None Fav Movie: Clueless Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: Biefs - white - CK | Comments: Have you seen this month's Jane magazine....HOT pics of Casper!!! |
Bonnie Moir - 07/22/00 07:14:00 My Email:Barbara_Moir@hotmail Location: Brisbane Occupation: Ghost & psycho Pets: Ghosts Fav Movie: UberBayern& 1 zigarette Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: rabbit ears or sunglasses | Comments: Hi! Jean Luke;Wie Geht Sie? Hat Casper das madchen gekommt uberaus; spaten? Guess what!Du kommst heir nun!Casper sind sieben; und dir hat ihn getreffen aber noch nicht mir.bin ich wach; Ja und du habst es gesprechen; uns gefallen.sich! Ich bin Trauben, Schlaflich;cuber wach. mine echte' name bist Bonnie Moir-Haar-wiess;gelb & rose' to middle.5'6" Metal altar;5 Leura avenue,Brisbane,Australia. Sich beantwortet mir,Sahr? Das gut ein, er sind nich menchen; sehen Sie ihm; nein; du siest ih , mir. nicht Gluck? Wie ist das english? Das Opera? Ich tun das; aber modern, und scribt; wan es sind fur Deutshe Bild; eines Tage - vieliecht mochten Sie - ES. Mine Deutsche' is rude-apparently i swear a lot?? I love u heaps for helping me; memories of t e dreams are difficult - u have been reminding me of my acting coaching, directing & screenwriting - i did not know i did these things - in my dreams - visiting peeple, peeping people; voyeurs, But that is leading onto sex again. Off that topic is profess onal; Right? work work work!!So how is your writing - i know u do that. i want to write 'Auf Geregnett' in Germ. "outside has rained" maybe that will be when you are sleeping over - tho not asleep - now u really are casper!! And now you are helping me with my problems - which are very similar to the problems u had before u made it into film art, u say u are heading me that way. I don't kinda believe it; but i am doing whatever anyone says, cause it is fun & fullfilling. So Thankyou so much - Angel. |
Kristen Eads - 07/21/00 17:34:16 My Location: Peoria, IL Occupation: HS student Pets: dog Fav Movie: Dazed and Confused Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Casper is incredibly gorgeous! This site was fantastic and the pictures were amazing! Definately a great site, and I thank you. Keep doing all that you have been and let's see some more sexy pictures of this luscious guy. |
Kristen Eads - 07/21/00 17:33:03 My Location: Peoria, IL Occupation: HS student Pets: dog Fav Movie: Dazed and Confused Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Casper is incredibly gorgeous! This site was fantastic and the pictures were amazing! Definately a great site, and I thank you. Keep doing all that you have been and let's see some more sexy pictures of this luscious guy. |
Phu Huynh - 07/16/00 20:37:37 My Location: Omaha, NE (USA) Occupation: programmer/annalyst Pets: fishes Fav Movie: romantic Fav Musical or Play(or both): i love music (always) but not playing it, sorry! Boxers or briefs?: briefs!!! | Comments: Thank you for the fab web page you have. Thanks for those fab photos. Take care and keep a good work!... PH. |
alli - 07/14/00 07:33:01 My Location: san diego Occupation: student Pets: cats Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera | Comments: hey kids...just wondering...does anyone out there watch soaps in the afternoon? if you watch passions, like i do, then i'm sure you've seen the commercials for the new show on nbc this i alone in thinking that it's my man casper in those comme cials? could it be true?? he's gonna be starring in a tv show? possibly a soap that airs daily??? if anyone has any info on titans...please email me and let me know. thanx |
shauna kelley - 07/11/00 05:18:23 My Location: pennsylvania Occupation: school student Pets: cat:arlo dog:heidi Fav Movie: modern vampires Fav Musical or Play(or both): titantic Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: I think that Casper Van Dien is the cutetest most talented person alive. |
Glenice - 07/08/00 15:31:50 Location: South Australia Occupation: Mommy to one... Pets: 1bird and 2 goldfish Fav Movie: Never Been Kissed Fav Musical or Play(or both): Pass Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Thanx 4 the nice piccy's of Casper...He is such a honey...Lucky Jane March being able to cuddle up to him in TARZAN..... |
Ashley Nicholas - 07/08/00 08:49:18 My URL: My Location: Puyallup WA Occupation: Student and Website Maker Pets: Odie Dog and Max Cat Fav Movie: Anything with action Fav Musical or Play(or both): Lion King Boxers or briefs?: Boxers...with Casper in them | Comments: Hey wonderful site on Casper and I can't wait to add you to my page links. |
Chantel Schuster - 06/28/00 21:36:14 My Location: baton rouge,la Occupation: admin. assistant Pets: puppy and 2 cats Fav Movie: labaryth Fav Musical or Play(or both): hamlet/mid summers night Boxers or briefs?: depends | Comments: love it!!!!!!! |
Ken Hada - 06/27/00 05:30:11 My URL: My Location: California Occupation: Webmaster Pets: Upmann Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Drums Boxers or briefs?: Please...boxers | Comments: I like the site, although I wish it was updated a bit more. Some of the info could be corrected as well. Keep up the god job. |
Me - 06/24/00 06:56:16 My Location: Kali Occupation: student Fav Movie: nun Fav Musical or Play(or both): nun Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: I think Casper is 1 of the FINEST men in the world.I don't give a **** what all u haterz say......he is DA BOMB.If hev reads this ...ever,he should know that he is very much loved by me (Brittany).WEll nice website P.s dont listen 2 those non-lovers.They just dont see how beautiful he is. Bye e-mail me |
austin farwell - 06/20/00 17:45:42 My Location: orlando Occupation: student/actor Fav Movie: american beauty Fav Musical or Play(or both): king lear Boxers or briefs?: neither | Comments: for what it is worth, i just finished doing a film with casper in the philippines called "going back" about the vietnam war.. i found casper to be a gentleman of the highest order, and taught me many things about camera acting, and i hope, somewhere along the road, we shall act again..keep up the page...and good luck..sincerely, austin farwell |
jessica - 06/14/00 23:54:23 My Location: tennessee Occupation: dont no Pets: poodle and her name is fefe Fav Movie: shark attack Fav Musical or Play(or both): shitty shitty bang bang Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: hey nice site its is cool and i love it to sorry i dont have much to say ok thanks dick sucker |
lynda - 06/14/00 06:53:32 My Location: yahoo Occupation: dont no Pets: 2 dogs and 7 cats and my dogs names are bisket and chichi and my cats names are lion tigger boots smakers pooh tigger bob cat prisscla pigglet eor owl Fav Movie: the omaga code Fav Musical or Play(or both): pink Boxers or briefs?: nether | Comments: hi my name is lynda and i love your shows like shark attack and the omaga code and pastor paul crouch is my pastor and did you ever see him p.sand this is for casper thanks, lynda |
Amanda Szymecki - 05/29/00 18:37:48 My Location: Eire PA Occupation: veternarian Pets: 2 cats 4 ferrets 1 boyfriend Fav Movie: The Glenn Miller Story Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Great website! I have been looking all over for great pics and found nothing until I came to yours. What a breath of fresh air! So thanks for all the yummy casper pics, I'll be sure ti stop by again! |
Mark Vincent - 05/22/00 21:12:56 My Location: IRELAND Occupation: CHEMICAL WORKER Pets: BASSET HOUND Fav Movie: FIRSTBLOOD Fav Musical or Play(or both): CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG Boxers or briefs?: BOXERS | Comments: Hi I am a great fan of casper van diens ex wife carrie mitchum who was in a documentary called hollywood kids. do any 1 have a fan address of carrie mitchum |
madiha - 05/20/00 11:44:24 My Location: asia Occupation: somputer scientist Pets: you... Fav Movie: on the border | Comments: i like this page a lot. but you can add something that write one word comment in front of the movies name so that we can come to know what type of movie is this e-g horror, parental guide etc |
Sherri Foschini - 05/19/00 16:10:47 My Location: Clearwater, Florida Occupation: Executive Assistant Pets: 2 dogs (don't tell them) Fav Movie: Tombstone/Last of the Dogmen/Somewhere in Time/Tarzan & the Lost City/Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: neither!! :o) | Comments: Casper is such a wonderful actor (not to mention he's easy on the eyes!!)!! I have not yet had the opportunity to see "The Omega Code" but I am very anxious to do so. I only wish Casper would have more "big part" or leading roll opportunities so we cou d enjoy his work and see him in action even more!! The first time I found your site here devoted to him, I was thrilled. Thanks for all the hard work, effort and time you've put into it - it's on my fav list, for sure!!!! |
Mr. Friendly Reminder - 05/18/00 02:29:26 | Comments: Um.....update?? |
Jason - 05/01/00 13:15:23 My Location: Ohio Occupation: College Student Pets: Cat Fav Movie: Best LittleWhore House in Texas Fav Musical or Play(or both): Annie Get your Gun Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Really Cool web Page Thanks |
Jaylene McGough - 05/01/00 02:12:26 My Location: New Zealand Occupation: student Pets: cats:Zeus,pepsi,snowbelle,lowie,and fleur. and 1 dog Tina Fav Movie: I have two many Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I have just watched Tarzen and the lost city and I enjoyed that so much that I thought I'd go on the internet and find stuff about Casper. I would like to know if Casper gets the time to read the guest book or if he knows it even exits. But if you do happ n to read this Casper good luck for the future and I hope that every film you make is sucessful. |
Samantha - 04/29/00 03:05:19 My Location: California baby! Occupation: Student Pets: three Fav Movie: Any Casper van Dien movie Fav Musical or Play(or both): Damn Yankees Boxers or briefs?: Bikini cut | Comments: I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO love this page! It has the most pics that I have seen. It also has great 411 and is well presented! This page completely rox! ~*hugs n kisses*~ |
Easton - 04/29/00 01:56:45 My Occupation: Student Pets: Dogs! Fav Movie: Rocky Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: ¦¬Þ |
- 04/26/00 17:58:05 | Comments: |
heidi - 04/14/00 18:13:09 My URL: Location: canada Occupation: high school Pets: dog named mickey Fav Movie: here on earth Fav Musical or Play(or both): Fame | Comments: Kool site! come visit mine! |
sheelam - 04/14/00 11:49:07 My URL: My Location: london Occupation: model Pets: none Fav Movie: Clueless Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Make a screensaver!!!! |
Christie Polous - 04/11/00 21:03:23 My Location: Florida Occupation: College Student Pets: Dog Fav Movie: Dirty Dancing Fav Musical or Play(or both): NONE Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: Casper is the finest thing I have ever seen...I wished he were mine.I would never let him out of my sight! |
Kirree - 04/11/00 15:44:50 My Email:Kirree_Dragan Location: Canada Occupation: Student Pets: cat Fav Movie: Tarzan Fav Musical or Play(or both): eh... Boxers or briefs?: boxer briefs | Comments: Mmm...Casper Van Dein..... |
maryann - 04/05/00 22:36:29 My Location: fitzgerald,ga Occupation: house wife Pets: 2cats& 2 dogs Fav Movie: hope floats | Comments: i like your site. i like casper's movies. he's a good actor. |
Sunniva - 04/04/00 09:09:52 My Location: Oslo,Norway Occupation: Student Pets: None | Comments: Hello this is a great site! Keep up the good work! Love from Norway |
dana - 04/02/00 19:14:36 My Pets: thor puppy Fav Movie: starship troopers! Fav Musical or Play(or both): the king and i Boxers or briefs?: i'm a freakn' girl! but i guess boxers | Comments: dude wiked cool website keep it up! i first fell in love with casper when i saw the omega code which was after i saw starship troopers. at first, starship troopers made neil patrick harris my fav, but now i realize neil's such i big fruit! anyway, i'm a n w fan of him and dude he's so fucking hot! so strong, so sexy! grrrrrr! anyway, i want everyone who reads this to e-mail me a.s.a.p.!!!!!!!!!!! |
Sheyla - 04/01/00 07:42:16 My URL: My Location: Spokane Washington Occupation: Receptionist/Office Manager Pets: 2 cats-Peanut Butter and Cinnamon, 1 Dojo Loki-Grandmaster Lee Fav Movie: Deep Blue Sea,Mortal Kombat, A Better Tomorrow Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease, Little Shop of Horrors Boxers or briefs?: whatever my husband is wearing! | Comments: Nice site but needs to be updated more. Don't know much about Casper Van Dien but have seen him in several movies & thought he was an excellent actor. Saw him in the Omega Code and he looked so familiar so had to do a search to find out what other movie I had seen him in - and I found this site! Keep up the excellent work...but update this site more often. Please!!!!! |
Bernadette - 03/30/00 04:46:43 My URL: My Location: CA Occupation: receptionist/student Pets: none Fav Movie: Titanic Boxers or briefs?: I prefer men to wear boxers | Comments: You have a nice site. Real well put together. Keep up the great work. Pls. visit my page sometime. Thanks. |
claire - 03/26/00 13:33:03 Location: britain, halifax Occupation: student Pets: goldfish Fav Movie: starship troopers Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: |
joe carl parfitt - 03/16/00 18:37:23 My Location: Wales UK Occupation: I'm amazing Pets: none Fav Movie: The Craft Fav Musical or Play(or both): Sunset Boulevard Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: I just wanted to find out who Casper was, as i'm watching a video with him in tonight. |
? - 03/16/00 06:00:21 My Location: california Occupation: lots of things Pets: cats 3 Fav Movie: American Pie Fav Musical or Play(or both): lots Boxers or briefs?: um I'm a girl so boxers.....just kidding | Comments: Casper van Dien is soooooooooooooooooooo hott thanks for the page that you devoted to him I LOVE IT soooooooo much well have a great day and so on bye e-mail me if you like just to talk or whatever ok bye |
Tamra - 03/15/00 22:15:21 My URL: My Location: Ohio Occupation: Student Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I Love Casper Van Dien and have since I first saw him in Starship Troopers. He is one of the finest guys out there!!! I just hope that you update this site soon. It is a really good site, it just needs updated!!! |
Andrea - 03/15/00 21:34:51 My URL: My Location: Brescia - Italy Occupation: Student Pets: No Pets Fav Movie: Free Willy Fav Musical or Play(or both): Pop Music Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: My sister Laura told me to visit this website 'cause she would like to look at some photos of Casper Van Dien... in her opinion is a scary cool! |
Toni Haanen - 03/13/00 17:52:52 My Location: Asquith Occupation: none Pets: Cat | Comments: My friends or so they say(nat and Van) think hes hot |
Kathleen Caswell (Kat) - 03/13/00 06:41:44 Location: Buena Park , CA Occupation: MOM/Cashier Pets: 3 cats, 3 lizzerds, 1 rat Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): the Merical Worker | Comments: met Casper at comic con. '97 hope to see him again. he is nice & cute. I really Love his ass!!! |
Kathleen Caswell - 03/13/00 06:32:33 Location: Buena Park, CA Occupation: MOM/Cashier Pets: 3 cats, 3 lizzerds, 1 Rat Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Merical Worker Boxers or briefs?: My Husbend weres briefs | Comments: I met Casper at comic con. 1997 He is very nice, & cute. I like his ass. Hope to see him again someday. |
Katherine Peterson - 03/12/00 05:24:54 My URL:http://None My Location: Dosen't matter. Occupation: No Matter Pets: All Kind's Fav Movie: EVERYONE With Tom Cruise&Nicole Kidman in it.Like Interview with the Vampire,Jerry Maugire,To Die for.Ect.. Fav Musical or Play(or both): Both Boxers or briefs?: Nither | Comments: Hi Well in a way.I think u are ALL Crazy,Casper van dien is Rude.Wake up girl's!! U have a Better Chance At meeting Tom Cruise Then casper.I LOVE Tom Cruise.And I know I really shouldn't say this much less put my e-mail downBut I KNOW TOM CRUISE!!! Me and Him are PAL'S..Yes I know His E-mail To.Well anyway cool Website,P.S. Get soo Pic's of him in Morden Vampire's |
Marcus - 03/11/00 00:26:03 My | Comments: Good page, "CBcnre"..........but you are becoming the owner of the type of page that you don't like: the kind that are not updated very often. It's a cool page, it just needs to be brought up to speed.........peace! |
sherry abotossaway - 03/10/00 16:37:32 My Email:cherla_1 Location: Occupation: homemaker Pets: a cat named Soap Fav Movie: pitch black Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: panties | Comments: great website there chickie!!!! adieu |
Her Royal Highness Princess Naya of Castleland - 03/05/00 23:40:14 My URL: My Location: The Kingdom of Castleland Occupation: Royal Princess Pets: 5 thoroughbred horses, 2 Labradors Fav Movie: NONE that features CASPER Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Nutcracker Boxers or briefs?: Neither!! | Comments: This is about Casper's wife Catherine Oxenberg..What is WRONG with this woman??? Out of all the people to marry! Eww! There are pleny of nice, decent and goodlooking royals and nobles out there for her, but she chooses CASPER and before that Robert Evans DISGUSTING!) low life Hollywood trash. Well, that's what she is so I guess it's OK. It's a shame she has the blood of Danish Kings and Russian Czars running through her veins. Many more people are more deserving of such and honor!! |
janice - 02/29/00 22:02:06 My Location: mexico Occupation: student Pets: my brother Fav Movie: broke down palace Fav Musical or Play(or both): uh Boxers or briefs?: uh | Comments: i love casper van dien and im glad there's a page dedicated to him !!!here in mexico is not very well known but i like him anyway!!!bie! |
Wendy Bercier - 02/23/00 16:24:36 My Occupation: student Pets: german shepard Fav Movie: Starship Troopers! Fav Musical or Play(or both): ?? Boxers or briefs?: huh? | Comments: I am like Caspers biggest fan! I absolutely worship him, but not to the point where I'm psycho! I just wanna thank him for being a great actor, for loving his fans, and most of all just being him! |
Maayan - 02/18/00 07:37:29 Location: israel Pets: none Fav Movie: "10 things i hate about u" Fav Musical or Play(or both): pop and rock Boxers or briefs?: none of your bissnuss | Comments: casper van dien is really really hot! i cant belive hes already married. how do they say "i was born too late" oh the wrong place my school we got someone even hotter than casper...:) if youre here casper just like to give you :x (kiss) bye bye |
michael garcia - 02/16/00 06:32:47 My Location: manila, philippines Occupation: student Pets: dogs Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): r&b Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: i've watch the film of van dien then i was absolutely attracted with his good looking face. I have a crush on him hope u will not ignore my comment and i need his real answer regarding with his life if he could answer this. I am so obsessed with him thanks miko |
annie - 02/02/00 11:28:52 Location: Kranj, Slovenia, Europe Occupation: student Pets: all died Fav Movie: cannot remember Fav Musical or Play(or both): big food mama Boxers or briefs?: none | Comments: it is a very good page.... do you know where Slovenia is? No? You are not the only one... see ya |
ELLIE - 01/23/00 20:10:51 My Email:KECHELRO@TOTALISE.NET Location: ENGLAND Occupation: STUDENT Pets: WHY ? A CAT Fav Movie: DIFFICULT ? Fav Musical or Play(or both): I LIKE GARAGE- AND POP Boxers or briefs?: KNICKERS - WHY ? | Comments: I think casper is an amazing guy with talent in acting and specially looks, sexy as eyes, and a to die for body, hunky cheek bones, almost 100% perfect, all i need to know is his personality( good i bet)- i wish i could..... meet him, oh well life is one ig wish after another !!! lots of love eleanor |
Ana Patrícia Moreira - 01/22/00 15:56:13 My Email:Ana.Patrí Location: Portugal Occupation: Student Pets: 1 fish and a turtle Fav Movie: Starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Pop, Rock | Comments: No comments! |
Edea - 01/20/00 11:20:06 My Location: Australia Occupation: School and part-time work | Comments: Alright, two, make it 3 1) What is with the questions with signing this guest book? and 2) When was the last time you upgraded this site? 3)do you even read this guest book? (if you wanna answer these question's, please email me.......) anyway, i've only seen Casper in Starship Troopers, and that was a kick ass movie. This is a cool site, 1) cause it's the only site i could find on him, 2) cause it really is good. lol anyway, keep updateing! have a good one. Edea |
- 01/19/00 15:32:34 | Comments: Hi, I am also a big fan of Casper Van Dien. Unlike yourself I have had the pleasure of meeting him in Toronto. I met him at the down town train station, along with one of my friends where he was filming his T.V. movie "Time Shifters" on TBs the Superstation He came over and started to talk to us. We took pictures of us with him and I also got his autograph. He is the most nicest human being alive. Just thought that I would tell you. |
vernonder - 01/12/00 17:17:20 My Location: PA Occupation: state employee clerk Pets: dog Fav Movie: on the border Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: your page is great, I'd like to see more pics, especially shirtless or his butts |
- 01/09/00 09:31:14 | Comments: Good site but needs to be updated. |
Melodi - 01/07/00 21:04:28 My Location: South Africa Occupation: Scholar Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 budgie Fav Movie: City of Angels Fav Musical or Play(or both): None Boxers or briefs?: Huh? | Comments: I like Casper, but I like Brad Pitt more. What can I say? I go for the more famous actors. The only movie of Casper's I've seen is Starship Troopers. Very good movie. Keep up the good work, Casper!!! |
Katherine - 01/07/00 18:56:04 My Location: Williams Lake,BC,Canada Occupation: poet, song writer, & a singer Pets: none Fav Movie: Modern Vampires, stigmata, & Blade | Comments: I love Casper Van Dien I think he's hot and Very good actor, Especially Modern Vampires.I would love to meet him.I would like a poster of him but in my city they don't posters of him, And I would love a poster of him with out a shirt a big one. |
David - 01/07/00 03:14:27 Occupation: writer Pets: none Fav Movie: Star Wars Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Very nicely done. I had the pleasure of meeting Casper two years ago. He's a very nice and down to earth guy. Great page! |
JIMMY RAMIREZ - 01/04/00 20:39:27 My Email:SSNET@// Location: SAN DIEGO Occupation: BUM Pets: NONE Fav Movie: STARSHIP TROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): JUVENILE Boxers or briefs?: NONE | Comments: I HAVE A FEW COMMENTS 1.DO YOU LIKE DENISE RICHARDS 2.CAN YOU COME TO MY HOUSE 3.WHATS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Chris Fodrea - 01/01/00 23:46:43 My Location: Portland, OR Occupation: Trainer Pets: 4 Cats Fav Movie: Breakfast Club Fav Musical or Play(or both): Sound Of Music Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Great Page!! So many people out there still get a 5 min explanation on just who Casper Van Dien is! Thanks for all the pics and your time devoted to the page! |
junejimenez - 01/01/00 18:11:23 My Location: Puerto Rico Occupation: college student Pets: dogs (cooker-spaniel) Fav Movie: Titanic Fav Musical or Play(or both): Cats | Comments: I love the page on casper van dien. I am interested in buying some pictures you have in the page. Please email me how i can get them, I am willing to pay for the photos. Please, Please, write me as soon as possible Thanks |
zelda - 12/28/99 06:50:06 My Location: South africa Pets: cat Fav Movie: starship troopers | Comments: |
.:.mysti.:. - 12/27/99 00:16:01 My URL: My Location: AL | Comments: I don't think you know that Casper was in a movie released in 1999 called Modern Vampires in which he also co directed I think or directed one. He plays a Vampire called "Dallas". |
Mark Conrad A. Maramag - 12/24/99 05:32:58 My Location: Philippines Occupation: student Pets: dog Fav Movie: starship troopers! hehehe Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: your web page is actually nice. I hope u continue doing that. Pls. e-mail me so I can know more about you and casper van dien. Merry Christmas and Happy Millennium! |
Danny Zubiate - 12/22/99 22:55:53 My Location: prefer NOT to say... Occupation: student Pets: 2 dogs Fav Movie: Rocky Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: ???? | Comments: Just makin' the rounds, man. |
FEP3 - 12/22/99 04:41:50 My URL: My Location: Colorado Occupation: student Pets: Tiny, Bubba and Ice Fav Movie: STARSHIP TROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): n/a Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I LOVE CASPER VAN DIEN AND THIS SITE ROCKS!!! |
Jennifer - 12/19/99 22:27:57 My Location: Rogers, AR Occupation: student Pets: 2 dogs Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: I think Casper Van Dien is so hot! I'm shocked there aren't more sites out there dedicated to him! He is such a great actor and has a really great body. He should be the king of the internet sites! |
Laura Mayfield - 12/17/99 17:48:34 My Location: Austin, Texas Occupation: Sales Representative Pets: two cats Fav Movie: Somewhere in Time Fav Musical or Play(or both): Street Car Named Desire Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Hi, Well honestly in the past I had heard of Casper Van Dien but not until recently have I become a very big fan of his. I've seen several films of his lately and have loved everyone of them. He's played some diverse roles and has portrayed each one very well I must mention his physical appearance as well. I've never seen someone with better bone structure and facial features, not to mention his perfectly shaped and toned body!! It seems to me that I also heard he was married to Catherine Oxenberg. If thats t e case, God I'm jealous. If some fans in this guestbook have had the honor of meeting him, please tell me what he's like. Hopefully he's not too conceited. Also if anyone knows what his future projects are, please email me and let me know so I can watch o t for him. Would love to have the experience to actually meet him in person one day. |
Allison B. - 12/11/99 18:19:44 My Location: Nj Occupation: Student Pets: 2 cats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, duh Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: None! | Comments: He's really hot, ain't he |
Maria Laloussis - 12/10/99 11:22:05 My Location: Greece Occupation: student at university of aegean Pets: 1 cat,2 birds,1 turtle Fav Movie: Casper the friendly ghost Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliette | Comments: Casper,I would like you to know that you are simply the best!!! |
Whitney - 11/30/99 19:27:21 My Location: Tyngsboro, MA Occupation: Student Pets: dog Fav Movie: dont have one Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: |
Shedevil - 11/29/99 05:01:36 My Location: Cape Breton Pets: German Shepherd Fav Movie: to many to count | Comments: love the page if you decide to get Casper Van Dien wallpaper or themes can you let me know I can't find one *pout* |
Sumon Aye - 11/29/99 01:56:26 My Location: Australia Occupation: A BBA(bachelor of Business Administration) student at the University of Canberra Fav Movie: Pride & Prejudice, Cruel Intentions, Valmont Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera | Comments: Hello ! I'm Sumon. It's nice be in this page 'cause it has lovely pictures of Casper. I really like those pictures you've got here. Especailly the last picture page. Casper is soooo sweet! My opinion for him is that he looks nice in Sci-Fic films but I'm sure he'll also look very handsome in historical films. His face looks like a handsome Medieval knight to me!! |
jennifer - 11/27/99 09:26:51 My | Comments: i am watching the craig kilborne show at this moment and casper is on right now. i thought i would look him up and here i am. i met him about ohh... 5 years ago at a local celebrity softball game to raise money for our police station. we were supposed o stay behind the ropes but i went into the dugout and took pictures with him. each inning when they were up to bat he would say.. come over and hang out with me.. he was so very nice, so handsome and very sweet to a 14 year old who thought she was in lo e. good luck with this web page, you couldn't have devoted it to a better looking gentleman! |
Wheng - 11/25/99 13:31:26 My URL: My Location: manila, philippines Occupation: data inputer Fav Movie: starship troopers | Comments: |
Alan - 11/25/99 05:07:03 My Location: Wa Occupation: writer Pets: Lots Fav Movie: Starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): all kinds Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Love the photos can't wait to see more! |
- 11/24/99 22:28:19 Location: L.A. Occupation: Bodyguard Pets: Cat Fav Movie: Footloose Boxers or briefs?: panties-on my girl | Comments: Casper, you rule dude. Too bad you got axed (no pun intended) so quickly in Sleepy Hollow. That Anthony Mark White dude that signed below is a sick homer and needs to get his sick, faggot ass KICKED!!!!!!!!!! |
Sarah - 11/24/99 16:01:09 My Location: Syracuse, NY Occupation: student Pets: 2 cats, and a little brother Fav Movie: Cocktail Fav Musical or Play(or both): Pippin Boxers or briefs?: I buy boxers for Jamie... | Comments: I just saw Casper Van Dien on Rosie and he is sooo hot!!! This is a really good page. See ya |
christi johnson - 11/24/99 06:43:39 My Email:blueangel_618@hotmail Location: CHester, CA Occupation: student Pets: none Fav Movie: to many Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I just Saw Casper's new movie the Omega Code. Everyone needs to see it. Try to gey information about that movie when you can. |
Ami J. Wickham - 11/24/99 02:50:52 My Location: columbus,ohio Occupation: nurse Pets: bassett hound puppy Fav Movie: ??? | Comments: |
Anthony Mark-White - 11/21/99 00:25:25 My Location: New York, New York Occupation: Struggling Actor Pets: Two cats Fav Movie: Heathers, Terms of Endearment Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease, Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Boxers or briefs?: Boxers for me, wet briefs for my man! | Comments: Casper Van Dien is incredibly hot. That ass of his is a work of art unto itself. God must have made it on a Saturday night because even the Good Lord would want to take a day off to admire it! All I wanted to do while watching "Starship Troopers", "Tarz n", and "Night Eyes 4" was to bend him over and fuck his sweet ass until he forgot his name... Here's a view of his career: P.C.H. (1995); Night Eyes: Fatal Passion (1995); Beastmaster 3: The Eye of Braxus (1995); Orbit (1996); Casper: A Spirited Beginning (1997); Nightscream (1997; TV); James Dean: Race with Destiny (1997; TV); Starship Troopers (1997); On the Border (1998); odern Vampyres (1998); Dream True (1998); Tarzan and the Lost City (1998); Romantic Moritz (1999); Partners (1999); The Omega Code (1999); Meltdown (1999); Shark Attack (1999); The Collectors (1999); The Time Shifters (1999; TV); Sleepy Hollow (1999); The Tracker (2000); Python (2000). I can't wait to see more of that tight butt and hopefully more. To see him in "ST" in basic training with jogging pantsl, wearing no underwear, was a sight worthy of a trip to Heaven. |
JSUC - 11/20/99 04:15:39 My Email:You know it already Occupation: school Pets: don't like em Fav Movie: matrix Fav Musical or Play(or both): N/A Boxers or briefs?: Boxer Briefs | Comments: Hey, what's up B? Just checking your webpage. |
Lizette - 11/19/99 21:48:52 Location: Ridgefiel,NJ Occupation: student | Comments: Im from the town that he lived in when he was younger...i've always wanted 2 know if he went to our school...but now i know he went to that academy..thanks for clearing that up.Nice Page |
Daniel Kasdan - 11/15/99 14:24:19 My Location: Florida | Comments: Oh, and I almost forgot...the website is terrific! Keep up the great work! |
Daniel Kasdan - 11/15/99 14:22:03 My Location: Florida Occupation: Security Guard/Writer Pets: 2 Yorkshire Terriers Fav Movie: Any movie by Casper Van Dien Fav Musical or Play(or both): "Cats" Boxers or briefs?: Whatever my lady likes | Comments: I have been a fan of Casper's since I first saw him in the TV show "Freshman Dorm". He's multi-talented (actor, producer & poet) and a breath of fresh air amidst all of the pollution (i.e.: Sean Penn, etc.) I recently saw him in "Modern Vampires" and he p oved he could handle comedy as well as drama and horror. He's excellent in "The Omega Code" and I'm hoping he's just as good in "Sleepy Hollow". Here's to CVD and, someday, Oscar! |
cole - 11/12/99 02:32:40 My Location: oklahoma Occupation: actor Pets: shi-tzu Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): girl crazy Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: This is really a gret website. Keep up the good work. casper is in a lot of frun films.. The omega code was really good. There are some great pics of him on here. any one can write me. |
Ed Friedlander - 11/12/99 02:17:27 My URL: My Location: Kansas City Occupation: Physician Pets: Rats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Big Casper fan. I was glad to see him taking part in an explicitly Christian movie ("Code"), though I was sorry that it was sawdust-trail (fears of a world-government dictatorship, pronunciation "evil-ution", a Roman Catholic priest as archvillain, prophecies from the Hebrew that work only as English-lan uage puns, and so forth.) There was much more genuine goodness and decency in "Tarzan" and "Starship Troopers". Hope Casper will consider making another (better) Christian movie soon. |
Adolf Hitler - 11/11/99 10:47:16 Location: Russia Fav Movie: Jeff Strykers underground | Comments: Casper Van Dien-=—our mutial friend!Jeff Stryker—our mutial friend!Hurra! |
teri - 11/09/99 14:02:54 My Location: canada Pets: no Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): backstreetboy Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: he is so hot i would love to meet him |
Jamie - 11/09/99 11:20:29 My Location: MAine Occupation: student Pets: 8 cats 1 horse 1 dog lotz of fish Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, Selena Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo & Juliet & Annie Boxers or briefs?: briefs Im a gal | Comments: Ok so hes the deal I absolutely LUV ur website cause Casper is one of my favorite actors the other one is Corey HAim! LOL I taped Time Shifters and I think it is a great movie I have seen Time Shifters and Starship Troopers ove a billion times. My Grandma has the omega code and bout a gazzilion others I think casper played Tarzan awesome! Well G2G |
Joel R Jordan - 11/09/99 04:28:47 My Location: Marshall, Texas Occupation: computer operator Pets: dog named "Bogie" Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Seven Brides For Seven Brothers Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: I have been following Caspers career since I sat in the theatre and watched "Starship Troopers" 10 times. You can always expect TBS to reshow there tv movies often. Plan to see "Code" soon if it comes around here. |
Kerry Johnston - 11/06/99 11:25:52 My Location: South Africa Occupation: I'm still in school !!! Pets: 2 dogs 2 cats 1 bird Fav Movie: She's all that Fav Musical or Play(or both): Music of the Night | Comments: Stunning sight, but needs more pics of the stud muffin !!! Casper is so cute but I can't say I'm obssessed with him though !!!! |
Line pettersen - 11/04/99 08:53:28 My Location: Norway Pets: Horse, dog, cat Fav Movie: Starship troopers, face off, con air, | Comments: Hi!! I'm a norwegian girl at the age of 17, and I Just love Casp :) |
Katherine Ann Ballard - 11/03/99 03:12:33 My Location: Waukesha,WI Occupation: Teachers aide Pets: No Pets Fav Movie: Tarzan and thelost city Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: Nether | Comments: Hello Casper! I loved you in "Tarzan and the lost city!" It must of been cool to run around in a loin cloth. You looked Awsome! |
Nicola Rice - 11/01/99 00:59:52 My Occupation: Student Pets: Dog Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Sound of Music Boxers or briefs?: briefs....or my boyf's boxers! | Comments: I think that Casper Van Dien is the biggest babe in the world and Starship Troopers is the best movie ever made. He was so fantastic and cute in it. I'm really lucky cos my boyfriend even lookks like Casper!!!! Fantastic Web page guys....but I was thinking, maybe you could start a Casper Fan Club or something??? |
brooke - 10/30/99 08:40:24 My | Comments: Hello- I know that Casper Van Dien stars in a "B" movie called Modern Vampires, It is pretty bad but my friends, who are crazy about Casper, just had to see it. Thought you might want to know, no body lists it on the movie list. Later |
Danny Zubiate - 10/28/99 01:55:17 My Location: Planet Hollywood Fav Movie: Rocky | Comments: I just wanted to say "hi" to Chelsea. |
Melinda Curry - 10/25/99 16:33:18 My Location: Houston TX Occupation: Legal Secretary Pets: No Fav Movie: Legends of the Fall/Titanic Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: |
Hope&James - 10/24/99 18:54:13 My Email:JDHDCD@CS.COM Location: CLAREMORE OKLA. Occupation: HOMEMAKER/MACHINIST Pets: DOG Fav Movie: THE OMEGA CODE Fav Musical or Play(or both): GREASE | Comments: Casper you play the part in omega code excellent. My husdand and I were very excited to go see the movie I praise god for that movie. It also helped us understand better about the end time. keep on make this films. god bless you Casper. |
Christian Parker - 10/23/99 21:45:46 My Location: TCU Occupation: student Fav Movie: Wizard of Oz Fav Musical or Play(or both): Cats Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I needed to know info and now I know |
Jenny - 10/18/99 14:17:59 My Location: Ohio Occupation: Support Staff @ Allstate Pets: Dog: Bailey Fav Movie: Ton Gun or While You Were Sleeping Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I saw Casper in the TV movie "The TimeShifters" and he was great and very gorgeous. |
neil - 10/15/99 04:32:11 My Location: orangeville, ON Occupation: hospitality Pets: 3 cats Fav Movie: Blair Witch Project Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables Boxers or briefs?: COMANDO!! | Comments: I heard that Casper is married to Catherine Oxenberg. True or false? Great sight! Keep the pictures cumming!! |
beek - 10/15/99 04:11:10 Location: orangeville, ON Occupation: hospitality Boxers or briefs?: neither | Comments: I heard that Casper is married yo Catherine Oxenburg. True or false? |
matt - 10/14/99 16:29:16 My Location: nm Occupation: Nurse Pets: dalmation Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): alternative Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: casper is my favorite actor |
C-Pat - 10/11/99 23:24:30 My URL: | Comments: Well there is a new movie coming out .Everyone should go see this movie.Its called the Omega Code.It stars Casper Van Dien ,Michael York,Michael Ironside,and Catherine Oxenberg |
carol luttmer - 10/09/99 09:33:14 My Location: Shasta lake,california Occupation: uh,,,,,a house Pets: 8 cats Fav Movie: Ever After Fav Musical or Play(or both): I just love the theater,and acting.I dont really have a favorite play or movie.I kinda love them all. Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I LOVE CASPER WITH A PASION PUT TO USE.HES GREAT AT WHAT HE DOES AND HES GOT A TALENT THAT YOU DONT ALWAYS SEE IN EVERY DIFFERENT ACTOR OR ACTRESS.HES SERIOUSE AND STRONG MINDED.THOSE ARE THE FACTS I CHERISH SO IN HIM.HES ALSO VERY CUTE, BUT SOMTIMES YOU HAVE TO LOOK PAST ALL THAT AND SEE THE REAL PERSON INSIDE,,,,,HES STILL VERY CUTE. |
Clayton Peet - 10/07/99 06:50:04 My Location: Australia Occupation: Chef Pets: 2 Cats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Funny Girl Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Love the site! It's about time someone gave Casper the recognition he deserves. He's just so cute! |
Lesley - 10/06/99 23:24:17 My Location: California Occupation: Student Pets: dog, 2 cats Fav Movie: don't have one Fav Musical or Play(or both): don't have one Boxers or briefs?: naked | Comments: |
dana - 10/05/99 08:05:38 My Location: United Kingdom Occupation: College Student Pets: none Fav Movie: The sond of music Fav Musical or Play(or both): everything except heavy metal Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Greeting from UK, I find your homepage interesting. But I think you have to make some more color. Anyway, I saw Casper's latest movie in Shark Attack and he was so handsome. So I hope you'll keep up the good work on making this page tribute. |
A Fan - 09/29/99 08:29:30 Location: Tarzana, California Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: Casper must do dinner? Next week? OK |
Jamie Cerretelli - 09/29/99 08:22:50 My Location: UK Fav Movie: starship troopers Boxers or briefs?: boxers!!! | Comments: will there be a starship troopers 2? |
Danny Zubiate - 09/28/99 01:43:11 My Fav Movie: Rocky! Boxers or briefs?: Either | Comments: On the Border hits video stores 10/19. About time! |
Sarah Olivia Maharaj - 09/24/99 23:30:54 Location: Trinidad,W.I Occupation: student Pets: none at the moment Fav Movie: Star Wars Epesiode 1 Fav Musical or Play(or both): I don't have one Boxers or briefs?: NONE!!! | Comments: I think your'e a GREAT actor. I only heard about you when TARZAN AND THE LOST CITY was relased.All the best in the future and take care in life. Cookies and more!!! |
My - 09/23/99 00:19:01 My Location: Nantes (France) Occupation: student Pets: yes cat & dog Fav Movie: too much to have only one fav Fav Musical or Play(or both): every kind | Comments: In France we don't know much Casper and it's a pity. Of course he is gorgeous but the most important, at least for me, is to know the way he is in life. As I will never know it, I just would like to wish him a very big success cause he's a great actor and he deserves it |
Rachel; Crane - 09/21/99 18:40:17 My URL: My Location: So Cal Occupation: Student Pets: one unfriendly kitty Fav Movie: 12 Monkeys Fav Musical or Play(or both): Nightmare Before Christmas Boxers or briefs?: bikinis | Comments: I got a photo of Casper at the San Diego Comic Con this summer. He's such a flirt! This site is the best Casper VanDien fan page I've found. I'm linking, k? |
Lisa Låureejn Sørensen - 09/14/99 15:42:37 My Location: Glasgow, Scotland Occupation: Student Pets: 2 cats, Claudia and Gray Fav Movie: Titanic, Braveheart Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Misérables Boxers or briefs?: oooohhh briefs | Comments: I love this page, I love Casper, I love Starship Troopers!!! I love all you fellow Casper fans...Take care, from Lisa in Bonnie Scotland XX |
lisa - 09/11/99 04:39:22 My Location: toronto Pets: dog Fav Movie: notting hill Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera | Comments: Does anyone no of the movie that casper was filming in hamilton at copps collisuim? It's called thrill seekers. email me and let me know please. |
JudyLynn - 09/06/99 14:13:49 My URL: My Location: Elmira Occupation: Fun Pets: 2 great dogs Fav Movie: anything with Joe Dallesandro or Billy Wirth Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: None, thank you! | Comments: Just saw Shark Attack and Casper was gorgeous!! Enjoyed the face, the bod, and the voice. Good site you have going!! |
Flora - 09/02/99 20:32:10 My Location: Moscow, Russia Occupation: student Pets: dog Fav Movie: so many... Star Wars, Seven, 9&1/2, Basic instinct, Twin Peaks, Total eclipse... Fav Musical or Play(or both): Miserables Boxers or briefs?: what? | Comments: Hey, super page, KEEP ON THIS WAY!!! Truly, I'm not a Casper's fan, but I think he is one of the sexiest guys in the world!!! I like his perfect face & charming tatoo! It was nice to look at the pictures... |
Jennifer Lopez - 08/17/99 04:16:56 My Location: new york Occupation: diet technican Pets: none Fav Movie: starship troopers, because of casper Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease, beauty and the beast Boxers or briefs?: briefs that are long like boxers and are tight | Comments: If only I could meet casper, I would be in heaven. |
Jennifer Lopez - 08/17/99 04:16:41 My Location: new york Occupation: diet technican Pets: none Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease, beauty and the beast Boxers or briefs?: briefs that are long like boxers and are tight | Comments: If only I could meet casper, I would be in heaven. |
Jennifer Lopez - 08/17/99 04:10:09 My Location: new york Occupation: diet technican Pets: none Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease, beauty and the beast Boxers or briefs?: briefs that are long like boxers and are tight | Comments: I have sent you an email. |
Michelle Tootle - 08/13/99 02:55:47 My Location: Biloxi, MS Occupation: none Pets: Bird and dog Fav Movie: The 6th Sense Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: He is one of the finest people on the face of this Earth in my opinion. |
Stefano Nurchi - 08/07/99 21:16:53 My Location: Italy Occupation: Student Fav Movie: Star Trek VI Boxers or briefs?: Both them :-) | Comments: |
- 07/23/99 05:14:37 | Comments: |
mollie m. - 07/23/99 03:49:49 Pets: horse, dog , cat Fav Movie: star ship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): fav music | Comments: |
Charissa - 07/20/99 02:55:38 My URL: My Location: Sumwhere..^^ Occupation: Student Pets: umm....Fish Fav Movie: Ever After, Cruel Intentions Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables Boxers or briefs?: boxers....hehe | Comments: Great Page!! Casper Van Dien Rockz...Keep up da awesum work!! |
LENIN - 07/16/99 08:43:20 Location: RUSSIA | Comments: Casper Van Dien - hurra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Rinoa Heartily - 07/16/99 07:16:57 My URL: My Location: Indy Occupation: student Pets: guinea pig Fav Movie: STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent | Comments: Dude, your page is like the best. Your pics are some of the coolest ever. Thankx for making this yosh site. P.S. The web site I wrote isn't mine. It's my best friend's. I don't have my own site yet. |
AnnaRae Taylor - 07/15/99 23:03:24 My Location: Phoenix, AZ Occupation: Dancer Pets: none as of yet Fav Movie: Gone With the Wind Fav Musical or Play(or both): too many to name just one Boxers or briefs?: Boxers.......or anything casper is in! | Comments: One of these days I'll meet Casper and when I do....well there's no telling what i'd do!!! he he he |
AnnaRae Taylor - 07/15/99 23:00:51 My Location: Phoenix, AZ | Comments: |
Salma - 07/13/99 22:38:45 | Comments: Who is the blond girl with casper under other pics |
Lisa - 07/13/99 08:49:03 My Location: Hamilton, Ontario Occupation: student Pets: Iguana's Fav Movie: Notting Hill Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserable Boxers or briefs?: t-bar's | Comments: Just wanted to let everyone know that Casper Van Dien just finished filming a movie here in Hamilton at Copps Collisium about four weeks ago. It's called thrill seekers... I was an extra in the movie. Keep your eyes open it's coming out as the movie of t e week on the television in October. |
Carly Thaggard - 07/12/99 09:28:57 My Location: Palmer, Alaska Occupation: student Pets: cat | Comments: This is the best site on casper that i've seen! |
Adolf Hitler - 07/09/99 15:01:42 My Location: Russia | Comments: Casper - superpups.Jeff Stryker - superpups! Heil Hitler!!! |
Stef - 07/06/99 04:09:59 Location: Toronto Occupation: Student Pets: One noisy cat Fav Movie: The crow Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Great site. An impressive amount of pics. The most i've seen so far!Keep up the good work. |
Yesenia Martinez - 06/23/99 14:35:38 My Location: Puerto Rico Occupation: student Pets: cat Fav Movie: Star Wars; Episode 1 | Comments: |
Nunya Bizzness.........damn straight - 06/16/99 00:49:18 My Location: Nunya DAMN Bizzness Occupation: Still Nunya Bizzness Pets: Yup, Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: "The Invisible Man" Fav Musical or Play(or both): Nunya! | Comments: |
sara - 06/15/99 16:56:01 Location: pakistan | Comments: excellent page esp. th pics are real cool |
Nunya Bizzness........damn straight - 06/05/99 00:00:57 My Location: Nunya Bizzness Occupation: Nunya Bizzness Pets: Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: The Invisible Man Boxers or briefs?: My woman's bizzness | Comments: |
Nunya Bizzness........damn straight - 06/05/99 00:00:14 My Location: Nunya Bizzness Occupation: Nunya Bizzness Pets: Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: The Invisible Man Boxers or briefs?: My woman's bizzness | Comments: |
Nunya Bizzness........damn straight - 06/05/99 00:00:06 My Location: Nunya Bizzness Occupation: Nunya Bizzness Pets: Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: The Invisible Man Boxers or briefs?: My woman's bizzness | Comments: |
Nunya Bizzness........damn straight - 06/04/99 23:59:59 My Location: Nunya Bizzness Occupation: Nunya Bizzness Pets: Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: The Invisible Man Boxers or briefs?: My woman's bizzness | Comments: |
Nunya Bizzness........damn straight - 06/04/99 23:59:52 My Location: Nunya Bizzness Occupation: Nunya Bizzness Pets: Nunya Bizzness Fav Movie: The Invisible Man Boxers or briefs?: My woman's bizzness | Comments: |
will lockwood - 05/31/99 18:16:43 My Location: torpoint Occupation: retired Pets: a dog Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): oliver! Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: i enjoyed casper van dien in starship troopers and wondered if there was any websites on this talented,yet unknown actor. luckily i came across this gem and my thirst was quenched. person who did this website:prepare for an e-mail from me v.soon. if any o you van dien lovers out there want to e-mail in return, do it at |
Farah - 05/28/99 09:05:07 My Location: Malaysia Pets: Fish Fav Movie: Star Wars,Episode 1:The Phantom Manace | Comments: No comman!!!!!!!!!! |
asher - 05/23/99 01:04:47 My Location: Los Angeles Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent/ Phantom of the Opera | Comments: cool web site. friends and I enjoyed it! Good job! |
Daniel Zubiate - 05/19/99 15:12:48 My URL:http://www.Idon' My Location: ??????? Occupation: Student/Producer Pets: 2 dogs (both female) Fav Movie: Rocky! Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story/Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Boxers or briefs?: ¦¬Þ | Comments: ¦¬) |
Erin and Hug again - 05/19/99 02:39:09 Location: South Central Occupation: students Pets: 12 dogs 1 Freddie Fav Movie: Gone With The Wind Fav Musical or Play(or both): Guys and Dolls Boxers or briefs?: Gone With The Wind | Comments: We love you country! We are very excited to be here! Finally, a webpage devoted entirely to new york musicals, thank you very much girl who does page! |
Erin & Hug - 05/19/99 02:32:51 Pets: Freddie and Casper | Comments: Can you say obsessed? You are 2 steps away from becoming a stalker!! Have a good day! |
Jane - 05/08/99 02:53:58 Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rock n' Roll/ Heavy Metal Boxers or briefs?: on Casper briefs, or none | Comments: I just want to say that I think Casper makes me feel like I'm in Heaven every time I see him. He makes me feel like I'm in the clouds and his face is like an angel's face. He is simply gorgeous. |
Raye Jacobs - 05/01/99 20:57:03 My URL: My Location: AZ Occupation: School Pets: 6 dogs 2 cats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Mulan Boxers or briefs?: neither | Comments: Casper RULES!!!!!!!! |
Linda Smittenaar - 04/17/99 20:20:40 My Location: Holland Pets: cat Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, Meet Joe Black, Saving Private Ryan. Fav Musical or Play(or both): The only one I love is Casper van Dien!! Boxers or briefs?: boxers is Casper them wearing to!? put a picture of it on you page -pllleeeaaasseee!!!!!!!!!?- | Comments: Casper van Dien is a really hot boy, youre webpage is very cool, but could you answer me a quastion!? Is Casper born in Holland!? I heard something about it........ I'm looking forward to your answer. E-mail me!!!! I LOVE CASPER VAN DIEN 4-EVER!!!!!!!!!! |
Linda Smittenaar - 04/17/99 20:17:02 My Location: Holland Pets: cat Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Casper van Dien | Comments: Casper van Dien is a really hot boy, youre webpage is very cool, but could you answer me a quastion!? Is Casper born in Holland!? I heard something about it........ I'm looking forward to your answer. E-mail me!!!! I LOVE CASPER VAN DIEN 4-EVER!!!!!!!!!! |
Bambi - 04/17/99 03:56:28 My URL: My Occupation: None Pets: Cats preferably Fav Movie: Interview with the Vampire,The Mask of Zorro,Blade,While you were Sleeping,etc. Fav Musical or Play(or both): Miss Saigon,Les Miserables Boxers or briefs?: yes!!! | Comments: Hi! I'm truly amazed to find out that i'm not theonly one who loves this cute actor and dying for this one of a kind hearthrob. To introduce, my real name is Joanna Minerva Gungon(kinda long isn't it!).I'm from Malabon MM and studying at CEU.Don't worry i m kind and loves to have acquaintances all over the globe 'coz that everyone is a peculiar person. Well, i guess that's all for know.Just e-mail me at my e-mail add or you can write me at #50 Sanciangco St. Tonsuya,Malabon MM 1470 Philippines. LOVE, BAMBI |
alexas - 04/16/99 21:48:45 My Location: texas Occupation: student Pets: one puppy and one kitten Fav Movie: cruel intentions Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: hi! well, even though i am a girl, i love boxers! ha! ha! i just wanted to thank you for your page. i think casper is so fine. he reminds me of my first love jason. i have been looking for some websites on him for the longest time. so thanx! |
Michele Almdale - 04/16/99 01:47:46 | Comments: |
ginny - 04/15/99 18:59:43 My Location: Bauxite, Arkansas Occupation: rodeo Pets: dog Fav Movie: Star Ship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Icp Boxers or briefs?: Neither | Comments: i am I female and i decided to sign your guess book because i love casper i even got the tattoo just identical to the one he has of casper Well if you find anymore great pics please send them to |
Tracie - 04/15/99 04:07:59 Pets: dog, bird Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Gone w/the wind Boxers or briefs?: boxers!!! | Comments: I absolutly admire Casper Van Dien. It annoys me that a lot of people don't even know who the hell he is. He deserves a lot of credit for his acting. And last but not least, he is very very good-looking!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Mandy - 04/14/99 04:52:07 My URL: My Location: NH Occupation: Day Care Pets: 2 dogs (buying a third) 2 cats Fav Movie: Titanic Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Casper, Casper, Casper....... he is so gorgeous. I love Casper. He is one of my favorite actors to. I also like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Ryan Phillippe, and David Duchovny. They are all so gorgeous. Anyway great job with the site. |
kelly - 04/02/99 21:43:50 My Location: england, (staffs ) Occupation: student Pets: dog Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): i like rave music Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: i love casper ! ! ! p.s. i was drunk when i wrote this |
Erika - 03/30/99 19:32:52 My Location: New York Occupation: student Pets: 6 dogs (no joke) Fav Movie: Legends of the Fall Fav Musical or Play(or both): Miss Saigon Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I love Casper Van Dien. I only discovered his actual beauty recently when I saw Star Ship Troopers, and now he's reeled me in. Great Page by the way. |
Sabine - 03/26/99 14:34:29 Location: Wateringen-THE NETHERLANDS Occupation: on school Pets: 2 parakeets, hamster Boxers or briefs?: ;+) | Comments: HI your site is FANTASTIC..really! I had a boyfriend who I still really love, he looks likes Casper and he is SO sweet.. I love your pictures..they're Great ;-) Greetings Sabine..from HOLLAND.. |
VICTORIA GIBBONS - 03/23/99 11:51:31 | Comments: |
Danny Zubiate - 03/23/99 02:16:02 My Location: Sunny Southern California Occupation: This and that Pets: 2 dogs (both girls) Fav Movie: Rocky Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Nice work, Chris. |
IAN CHINN - 03/20/99 04:50:56 My URL:http://IANCHINN My Email:CIRRAN@TM.NET.MY Location: MALAYSIA Occupation: STUDENT Pets: DOGS,FISH,TORTOISES Fav Movie: STARSSHIP TROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): STAR TREK | Comments: WAY A GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jenny - 03/19/99 14:01:33 My URL: My Location: Sweden Pets: two fishes Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: This is the kind of man you could give up everything for. He is really my dreamman!!! Love! |
- 03/15/99 03:31:25 My Location: EGYPT Occupation: under graduate | Comments: lovely site ,you can make it better 00 \/ |
jheuve - 03/11/99 03:43:43 My Location: philippines Occupation: student Fav Movie: Forest Gump Fav Musical or Play(or both): LesMiserables | Comments: hello! your page is really cute...pls. tell me when theres some changes you've to see it. |
Jenn - 03/09/99 23:28:47 My URL: My Location: UK Occupation: Student Pets: None Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, Titanic, The X Files Movie Fav Musical or Play(or both): Oliver Boxers or briefs?: Boxers on Casper!!! | Comments: I think that this web page is sooooooo goood!!! It is excellent well done. The pics are just sooo cute. Keep up the good work!! Jenn |
Jette Idland(female) - 03/08/99 18:52:36 My Location: 4330 ÅLGÅRD,Norway Occupation: partying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pets: no Fav Movie: several,but if I should pick3,it would be Star Wars,MIB &Gone With The Wind Fav Musical or Play(or both): I think it has to be Erasmus Montanus,it's a Norwegian one. | Comments: Your page was really great,I love Casper, mostly cause he reminds me of a guy I used to love(maybe I still do?)But I have to admit that Caper is prettier(yes I really think he's pretty,not cute) Well thats all I had to say! |
Michelle Iniquez - 02/19/99 04:39:27 My URL:http://IMONWELLFARE My Location: Santa Paula Occupation: Student/I HOP employee Pets: Cat-Peanus Fav Movie: Kid in king arthurs courte Fav Musical or Play(or both): titanic Boxers or briefs?: winnie the pooh boxers | Comments: i am the next selen im glad the stupid bitch died in the first place, im better even though im flat chested and hairy |
Simon Ekelund - 02/18/99 22:23:44 My Location: Denmark Occupation: rhetorician Pets: non Fav Movie: Breaking the Waves Fav Musical or Play(or both): La Traviata Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: How about that butt-shot from Starship Troopers...? |
Ken Webber - 02/17/99 02:54:23 My Location: Littleton , CO Occupation: Refinery Operator Pets: dog Fav Movie: King Kong Fav Musical or Play(or both): Joseph's Amazing Dreamcoat Boxers or briefs?: breifs | Comments: Nice pae. I found a couple of Casper pix to add to my collection. Do you have the interview with him done for a Burroughs fanzine by James Van Hise? If not, I do....just ask... Ken |
gerardo - 02/17/99 02:25:45 Fav Movie: cant hardly wait Fav Musical or Play(or both): our town Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: he is cool! |
Gabbi Gillespie - 02/15/99 04:16:00 My URL:http://I have B.O. My Email:B.o. Location: Ventura Occupation: student/cheddar Pets: dog-Tiago Fav Movie: Little Rascals Fav Musical or Play(or both): Beauty and the Beast Boxers or briefs?: Panties | Comments: HI EVERY ONE! MY NAME IS GABBI GILLESPIE, I GO TO SACRED HEART SCHOOL AND I SMELL. I ALSO HAVE NO FRIENDS, IM UGLY AS DEATH, AND I STUFF MY BRA! OH I ALMOST FORGOT IM A LIAR TOO. |
Bob - 02/14/99 05:32:11 My URL: My Location: Santa Barbara Occupation: Surfer Pets: monkey- Angel Fav Movie: Show Girls Fav Musical or Play(or both): What The...... Boxers or briefs?: I dont where either! | Comments: Hey all u Girlz who think Casper Van Dien is hot can blow me cuz iv'e seen better looking guys coming out of my but! so u guys are all prick teases |
Katie - 02/14/99 05:22:15 My URL:http://nonononono My Email:no Location: Los Angeles Occupation: actress Pets: dolphin Fav Movie: Something About Mary Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: BOXERS BABY!!! | Comments: IM SORRY BUT IM THE BUGGEST CASPER VAN DIEN FAN ALIVE. EVER SINCE HE WAS IN A BURGER KING COMMERCIAL IN 1976! SO U CAN JUST TAKE THIS WEB PAGE AND FLUSH IT DOWN THE TOILET CUZ IVE SEEN ALL THESE PICS AND MANY MORE! |
Laine - 02/14/99 01:37:27 Occupation: student Pets: 2 cats 1 dog Fav Movie: STARSHIP TROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): Cats Boxers or briefs?: :) | Comments: Casper Van Dien is so hot! I luv Starship Troopers! |
Alley Cat - 02/10/99 02:28:39 My Location: Sydney Occupation: Student Pets: Dogs Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): None Boxers or briefs?: None | Comments: We Love Casper Van Dien !!!!!!!! |
Bethany Chalfant - 02/08/99 19:46:49 My Location: laddonia Pets: none Fav Movie: gost Fav Musical or Play(or both): hamlit Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: |
Jennie Nygren - 02/05/99 16:05:11 My Occupation: Student Pets: a dog name Lady Fav Movie: FUcking Åmål Fav Musical or Play(or both): clawfinger | Comments: |
Zora - 02/05/99 01:06:52 My Occupation: Internet Fav Movie: StarShip Troopers | Comments: With glasses, he'd be more crazy . |
Buffy Stars - 02/01/99 01:41:41 My Occupation: Student Pets: Dog--Tammy Fav Movie: The Big Hit/Disturbing Behavior Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Hi, My name is Buffy and I am 16 years old, and if any one like Casper and would like to be an email friend of mine, feel free to email me anytime because I think Casper was very hott in Tarzan and Starship Troppers. See-Ya Buffy |
Danny Z - 01/31/99 18:07:57 My URL:http://don't have one My Location: Sunny Southern Caliornia Occupation: This and that Pets: 2 dogs (females) Fav Movie: Rocky, Goodfellas Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Hey Casper...I'm STILL the construction worker! |
robyn - 01/25/99 20:32:46 My URL:http:// nope- NONE!!! My Location: jo'burg Occupation: sales assistant Pets: 4xdogs, 1xhorse Fav Movie: "The Lover" Fav Musical or Play(or both): "ThePhantom..." Boxers or briefs?: y-fronts-mm,yes | Comments: can't you put in a picture of johnny and dizzy in the tent when they finally get it together after all the messing around? that would really make my day!!! mmmmmmm...what a body he has!!! |
anni - 01/20/99 20:07:20 My Location: Los Angeles, Ca Occupation: student Pets: one dog named Cy Fav Movie: Grease Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: I like the boxer/brief's. | Comments: Hey dude, I can't believe you actually had all those pictures of casper!!!! That just totally made my day, THANX!!!! PLEASE let me know the second you put another picture of him up!!! I"ll be sure and tell as many people as possible to view youe site! your bud, Anni |
Hayley Lane - 01/18/99 10:59:10 My Location: London England Occupation: Student Pets: Dog Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Saturday Night Fever Boxers or briefs?: Knickers | Comments: Great Page with great pictures. Must admit best page on the internet |
Nikki Song - 01/09/99 01:41:05 My Location: Ohio Occupation: Student Pets: A furry Kitten Fav Movie: S>S>T, Event Horizon, The Big Hit, and Rush Hour Oh I can't forget The Prince Of Egypt Fav Musical or Play(or both): Anything that doesn't SUCK Boxers or briefs?: VICTORIA'S SECRET | Comments: I LOVE CASPER!!! FUCK THAT DUMB ASS BEEOTHC DENISE RICHARDS, SHE AIN'T NOTHING BUT A SLUT ASS HOE.... |
Fazira - 01/04/99 07:05:23 Location: Malaysia Occupation: Student Fav Movie: Titanic | Comments: Well done! Your site is interesting.Casper is cool, too.Keep up the good work ! Thanks |
Véronyke Benoit - 01/02/99 19:52:53 Occupation: sport Pets: Cat Fav Movie: Les Patroulleur de l'espace | Comments: Salut J'aime super gros le film les patrouilleur de l'espace je l'écoute 3 fois par jour . Casper es super beau et c'est pour ça que je regarde le film si souvent xxx |
Beverley Smith - 01/01/99 18:32:44 My Location: Essex, England Occupation: IT Manager Pets: 2 Cats, 1 parrot Fav Movie: Men in Black Fav Musical or Play(or both): On the Town Boxers or briefs?: Pardon! | Comments: I first saw Casper in Starship Troopers and couldn't keep my eyes off him. He is one gorgeous bloke! Well done for putting this site together. |
Tim - 12/24/98 16:29:53 My URL: My Location: Belgium Occupation: Single Fav Movie: Starschip Troopers , Tarzan The lost City Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Visit my website and get NUDE pictures of Casper Van Dien!! 10/10 ALL FREE!! |
Elle - 12/22/98 08:42:48 My Location: Baghdad Occupation: Stripper Pets: Vibrator Fav Movie: stripptease Fav Musical or Play(or both): Hair Boxers or briefs?: G-string Gucci style | Comments: hi anyone who whants his dick, bad luck it's mine. I'll fuck his prick any day. |
Chanel - 12/22/98 08:35:31 Location: Melbourne Pets: Horse Fav Movie: 187 Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: He's a sexy mother fucker |
Rhonda - 12/21/98 06:22:11 My Location: Australia Pets: 2 cats, Casper and Thomas and 1 fish, Rhyssmadill. Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, Alive and Titanic. Fav Musical or Play(or both): Oliver. Boxers or briefs?: I'm female-what do you think? | Comments: Fantastic site! Great for a first timer!! |
Cort - 12/21/98 00:32:12 Location: Alberta (it's in Canada if you don't know) Occupation: Animal Technician Pets: Shelter Mutt, and a spaz siamese Fav Movie: Blade, The Untouchables, don't know what else Fav Musical or Play(or both): Live in Canada, small town, don't get many of those, except Andrew Lloyd Weber stuff at the Boxers or briefs?: Panties on me, Boxers on men | Comments: Hi there, I didn't even know who Casper Van Dien was until a couple of weeks ago. My friend and I went out and rented a whole bunch of movies that have our fav actors in em and one of her fav actors is Casper. I thought he was pretty cute so I thought I would check out any sites about him. LIKED YOUR SITE......BYE |
Sanna Kukkonen - 12/12/98 08:43:32 My Location: Finland Occupation: Student Pets: One almost 12-year-old Golden Retriever called Rico - had two dogs, but our almost 9-year-old Rottweiler called Allu died about two weeks Fav Movie: Far and away, Starship troopers, The Untouchtables, Interview with the Vampire, Dangerous Liaisons Fav Musical or Play(or both): West side story, Oliver Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Casper Van Dien is definitely one of the most handsome men in this universe! He has so beautiful eyes, too! I loved him in the "Starship troopers". |
danielle - 12/10/98 18:53:00 My Location: Vancouver Occupation: none Pets: Gerbil, cat Fav Movie: Star ship troopers!!!! also interview with the vampire | Comments: Hi!!!! I became a big fan of his when he starred in star ship troopers! i think he is an awesome actor!!(AND A HOTTIE!) This site is great, i think it has a good collection of pictures and the rest is neat! If anyone wants to email me to be email pals, your welcome too! I'd love to meet other casper fans!! also i have a list dedicated to him and if you want to join just go to may have to register first) and put in the find list CASPERFANS and you should find it!! See ya!! |
Seranne and Alexandra - 12/09/98 10:17:22 Location: Gaborone Botswana in Africa Occupation: Student Pets: Dogs,Cats,Fish,Tortoises Fav Movie: Titanic,Armagedon and Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rave and dance music Boxers or briefs?: Neither | Comments: My friend and i think that you are drop dead gorgeous.We enjoyed all of your movies especially Starship Troopers. LUV Seranne and Alexandra |
sarah b. - 12/01/98 21:42:54 Location: venice Pets: casper van dien,2dogs, 1cat,8fish, 1newt,G.pig Fav Movie: STAR SHIP TROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): FIREBIRD Boxers or briefs?: ANYWAY YOU LIKE IT. | Comments: IF YOU STAY WITH ME I'LL GIVE YOU ANY THING YOU WISH ,BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT,oH AND I HAVE GREAT HANDS. |
felisa - 11/29/98 22:52:16 My URL:http://kool bitch My Location: home Occupation: student Pets: dog (chance) Fav Musical or Play(or both): the nutcracker Boxers or briefs?: string/ bikini | Comments: So far so good!!!!!! great job!!!! alright enough sun shine blown up your ass. i can't wait for more. stay kool CASPER RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE |
Sabrina Crear - 11/29/98 00:12:51 Location: Cary Occupation: Park District Desk Att. Pets: A Doberman Fav Movie: Great Expectaations Boxers or briefs?: Boxers on guys | Comments: Casper should be in more movies!!If I were a director he would be in all of my movies!!! Hopefully his son is as hot as he is so I can marry him.(Sorry Casper, you are too old for me) |
Sabrina Crear - 11/29/98 00:08:29 | Comments: |
Kristel Hellemann - 11/28/98 03:41:37 My URL: My Location: Mexico Occupation: Student Pets: 3 dogs and 3 beetles Fav Movie: City of Angels Fav Musical or Play(or both): Bon Jovi´s music. | Comments: Hey, this homepage is rally great, I think you could help me do mine. I hope you never stop updating it. Have luck!!! You don´t know me, I don´t know you, but I admire you. Your friend: Kris |
Rusty Gaul - 11/26/98 21:16:33 My Location: Anchorage Alaska Occupation: Systems Technician Pets: cat Fav Movie: Bug's Life Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: |
Tess - 11/22/98 01:09:51 My URL: My Location: Australia Occupation: Student Pets: 4 cats, 1 dog Fav Movie: Starship Troopers, Scream 1 & 2 Fav Musical or Play(or both): n/a Boxers or briefs?: BOXERS!!!! | Comments: Well, I just love Casper, he is sooo sexy!! And I love the way this page is set out, good job!! If anyone wants to email me, I'd love to hear from you!! |
Louise - 11/17/98 19:54:41 My Location: Denmark Occupation: In the gymnasium! Pets: Dog Fav Movie: Star Wars, Starship troopers, Titanic! Fav Musical or Play(or both): The strangest storie Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I think Casper Van Dien is the most adorable guy I have ever in my intire life seen! If I one day should meet him, I would faint, right on the spot! God, he´s a stud! I really like youre paiges, they are great. If some other fans would like to write to me they are welcome! CASPER VAN DIEN! |
Heather Konicki - 11/16/98 18:31:56 My Location: rhode island Occupation: Nanny Pets: cat Fav Movie: forrest gump, starship trooper Fav Musical or Play(or both): sound of music, grease Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I love casper he is such a great actor and guy......he is the sweetest man.......i would love to meet him someday..... |
Imran - 11/15/98 19:40:39 My Occupation: Student Pets: 3 dogs & 1 parrot Fav Movie: Starship troopers | Comments: Its a great page,especially the pictures are great.I think you have done a great job.Thank you |
Jodi - 11/15/98 04:08:13 My Location: Canada Occupation: Manager Fav Movie: Rebel without a Cause...many more Boxers or briefs?: Definitely boxers!! :-) | Comments: Wow, really great web page! Casper reminds me of James Dean, one in which I'm infactuated with. Let me know if u hear anything about that movie, "JAMES DEAN, RACE TO DESTINY" I can't wait to see it!! There's a guy at a local bar here that looks just li e Casper. Casper's a Sagitarian, I know what there like as I'm one too. Good guy, likes his freedom!! |
Jodi - 11/15/98 03:59:04 My Location: Canada Occupation: Manager Fav Movie: Rebel without a Cause...many more | Comments: |
Laura Stanton - 11/08/98 20:44:06 My Occupation: student Pets: dogs, cat, chincilla, bird Fav Movie: braveheart Fav Musical or Play(or both): cats | Comments: i really like the site. Especially the person named Casper van dien. |
Kelly - 11/07/98 17:03:28 My URL: My Location: Toronto Occupation: Student/Part-time worker (Blockbuster) Pets: Bunny (Billy), Hamster (Cleo), Golden Retreiver (Shanty) Fav Movie: Too many to choose from! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent | Comments: I like your page! The pictures are great as well as the information, I didn't know he was married and had a child! Anyway thanks! Visit me sometime! |
Rich - 11/01/98 09:56:23 My Location: Manila, Philippines Occupation: Businessman Pets: Dogs Fav Movie: Evita, Titanic, Starship Troopers, and Gattaca Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables, Cats Boxers or briefs?: Bikini Briefs (of course) | Comments: I love the sexy body and ... butt! See 'ya pal! |
Rich - 11/01/98 09:48:30 My Location: Manila, Philippines Occupation: Businessman Pets: Dogs (Poodle and Labrador) Fav Movie: Evita, Titanic, Starship Troopers, and Gattaca Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables, Cats Boxers or briefs?: Marks and Spencer (St. Michael) | Comments: After watching Starship Troopers in video, I can say that Casper Van Dien is a good actor and he is very sexy! I'm hoping to meet and talk to him someday... anywayz please inform me through my e-mail if there is something new news about Casper. By the way is he a theater actor? ... If anyone has a nude pictues of him, please send it to me. Thanks and have a nice day to all of you! :)SMILE! |
Tara Shannon - 10/30/98 11:17:47 My URL:http://www.20th Century My Email:Tara@20th Century Location: Central London,UK Occupation: Studio Manager Pets: 2 cat's(Mulder and Scully) Fav Movie: Gone with the Wind (also Starship Troopers!) Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Blue Room(with Nicole Kidman) Boxers or briefs?: Hopefully CVD's Wearing boxers! | Comments: Firstly what a wonderful site.Casper would be delighted!(Although the photo's could be a bit bigger, just a suggestion!) My friend Scott-Lee recommended the site(thank u Scottie!!!!!!!) Casper is the most good looking man round at the moment, He carries a charm and respect on screen so many actors can't do(In my job you see a lot of them)so hopefully more companies will be approaching him with work. Shame he's married, but all I can say is that she's a very lucky women! Incidently Casper(according to two friends) was considered for the role of Batman to replace Val Kilmer, he was mentioned 3 times to the producers but was piped at the post by Geogre Clooney. Anyway keep up the good work and I'll be visiting soon so get some more juciey gossip!!!!!!! Love and Kisses TARA XXXXXXXXX (To Casper of course!!!!!!) |
Scott-Lee Nichol - 10/29/98 13:34:26 My Location: London Occupation: Student Pets: Goldfish! Fav Movie: STARSHIP TROOPERS! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Evita. Boxers or briefs?: Niether!!!!! | Comments: Casper is the sexiest man on the silver screen.Long may he reign!!!!!!! |
Terry Jones - 10/25/98 04:49:09 My Location: Kentucky Occupation: Hospital, materials management Pets: toy poodle named Wakoda | Comments: |
Nicole - 10/25/98 02:30:59 My URL: My Location: Canada Occupation: student Pets: cat, dog, bird, fish, turtles Fav Movie: Good Will Hunting Fav Musical or Play(or both): uh... Boxers or briefs?: I'm a girl | Comments: Hey there, great page! My friend is totally in love with Casper, I'll definitely pass on this web page address for her! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Jennifer A. - 10/14/98 17:20:22 Location: Davie, Fl Occupation: Customer Service Pets: 2 dogs Fav Musical or Play(or both): Jekyll & Hyde | Comments: I met Casper Van Dien at Epcot in Orlando Florida. He was on vacation with his family. He was really nice and posed for a picture with me and my friend. He was even better looking in person!!! |
Ligia Lopez - 10/13/98 18:24:05 My Location: Windsor,Ontario Occupation: High School Student Fav Movie: R&B | Comments: Need more info about his life before an actor. More about hi age, bitrh date etc. |
Alexandra Osborne - 10/12/98 15:14:56 Location: Africa Botswana Gaborone Occupation: Miner Pets: 2dogs 3cats 8fish 2tortoises Fav Movie: Titanic scream1&2 STARSHIPTROOPERS Fav Musical or Play(or both): 7wives FOR7MEN Boxers or briefs?: neither | Comments: Quite good but you don't give any info e.g his birth day age etc |
liz - 10/08/98 09:08:48 My Occupation: student | Comments: casper is an absolute babe and a half!! |
Warat Wiseswong - 10/06/98 04:11:45 My Location: Thailand Occupation: High School Student Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Boxers or briefs?: (Briefs) | Comments: |
cunt - 10/02/98 16:59:28 Pets: Cock Fav Musical or Play(or both): Bler | Comments: fuck him fuck him kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
Mary-Lynn - 10/02/98 04:10:10 My URL: My Location: Western IL University!! Occupation: penniless college student :) Pets: A dog--Snoodles--and a beta--Pishie Fav Movie: hmm..tough one! How to Make An American Quilt or City of Angels Fav Musical or Play(or both): PHS production of Carousel :) Boxers or briefs?: umm...panties??? | Comments: Hey Christopher!! Just returning the favor bub!! *hugs* Miss ya! |
Zero - 10/01/98 15:40:52 | Comments: Casper is to fuck all day long and there is no stoping i have meat him and his two children and thay are gust preshos. |
Nicole - 10/01/98 07:38:09 My Location: Australia Occupation: Woolworths Pets: 2 dogs and 1 cat Fav Movie: Armageddon, Cant Hardly Wait, Starship Troopers and Independence Day Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I love Casper Van Dien so I think your page is pretty cool. Good Work |
Carmen - 09/29/98 14:08:04 Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: Very good home page you have but dou you have his address or email ?? Thank you ! |
Cindy - 09/29/98 07:24:35 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Deanne M - 09/20/98 02:28:36 My Location: Lancaster, PA Occupation: escort Pets: dude, sandy, pudder Fav Movie: anything with Casper Fav Musical or Play(or both): any Boxers or briefs?: boxerbriefs | Comments: Casper Van Dien is hotter than anyone I can think of. I would LOVE to meet him one day. |
Joen Redd Legislador - 09/18/98 09:45:23 My Location: philippines Occupation: pharmacist Pets: dogs Fav Movie: The Fugitive Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: |
Nan - 09/17/98 14:20:54 My Location: montreal Occupation: student Fav Movie: The Rock Fav Musical or Play(or both): everything | Comments: Hi Casper Van Dien! Althought I am a guy, I think you're a really good looking guy. I really loved Starship Troopers, especially your character Johnny Rico, he's so brave. What's are your next films? One of my dream, is to see you as Superman or Spider an. You could easily play those superheroes. You have the Superman look. I think you are better than those M. Leonardo Dicaprio or M. Matt Damon. Are they your friends? Will you play in an Starship Troopers2? I really want to see you as the next Holl -Wood new young leader. I know it can happen, you're so talented. Anyway, I hope to see you as Superman and good luck in your career. Stardom is your destiny! If you read this, E-mail sometimes. NightStar. |
- 09/14/98 18:57:32 | Comments: |
Ashley Richardson - 09/13/98 15:23:17 My URL: My Location: Melb. Australia Occupation: Student Pets: Kitten!! Fav Movie: Scream Fav Musical or Play(or both): Titus Andronicus Boxers or briefs?: Casper's Boxers! Hehehe | Comments: Very good page, love the pics!Keep up the good work!! -Ashley x x x |
becky - 09/13/98 02:13:23 My Location: Edmond Occupation: student Pets: yes 6 2 rats 2 hamsters 1 dog 1 guinea pig Fav Movie: anything with brad pitt tom cruise or casper van dien Boxers or briefs?: depends who's wearingem' | Comments: cool site |
Keith - 09/11/98 20:34:14 My URL: My Location: New York Occupation: Bum *lol* kidding, i'm in school Pets: hamster named speedy Fav Movie: mallrats Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease and west side story Boxers or briefs?: boxers. :) | Comments: Cool site. --Keith |
vero - 09/07/98 05:08:53 My Location: beloeil Occupation: cinema Pets: yes Fav Movie: why u want to know that?? Fav Musical or Play(or both): :o) Boxers or briefs?: ;O) | Comments: Hi casper do u remember me ?? Why u band me on the e-mail ?? That is not correct. It's TWeeTY18 u talk with!! so ... ok bye vero |
Kim - 09/06/98 23:56:15 Location: Orlando Occupation: Student Pets: 2 dogs Fav Movie: Armageddon Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom Of The Opera Boxers or briefs?: depends...who's wearing them? | Comments: |
Dirk Middendorf - 08/31/98 21:53:49 My URL: My Fav Movie: Starship Troopers | Comments: This site - though still in its beginnings - looks promising. If you put more work in it it will soon be quiete admirable. I like it already - so keep it coming! |
Danny Zubiate - 08/31/98 20:16:57 My Location: Oxnard, CA Occupation: Film and TV Pets: 2 dogs Fav Movie: Rocky Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: Either or | Comments: Casper- remember me? Danny Z? I never got my autograph!!! |
Kat - 08/31/98 09:24:08 Location: Lakeside, CA Occupation: Mother/rabbit breeder Pets: lots Fav Movie: BeastMaster 1,2,3 | Comments: love to Casper! |
Kat - 08/30/98 10:17:21 Location: Lakeside CA Occupation: Mother/Rabbit breeder Pets: rabbits,rats,mice,turtles,doves Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Macbeth Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: I met casper at comic con 97, he is so cute, I got a card from starship troopers thet he signed. And got to talk to him alittle. My favoret scene in ST is the shower scene because I got to see his nice ass!!! He dos not look that much older than me, I 23 in sep. I hope I see him again sometime!!! |
liney - 08/28/98 18:29:34 Location: L.A Occupation: student Pets: none Fav Movie: princess bride Fav Musical or Play(or both): ragtime Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: well nice job and i can say is yuuuuummmmmmmmyyyy keep up the good work. |
Laura Tsunehiro - 08/28/98 04:22:04 My Location: Hilo, HI Pets: dogs Fav Movie: Casper Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Casper is really hot. He is so cute. I love the tattoo. |
Nichole Bruce - 08/27/98 23:27:37 My Location: St. Peters, Mo. Occupation: Houseparent for Deaf Institute Pets: 2 tabby cats Fav Movie: Star Wars Triology Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: boxers! | Comments: |
Grace - 08/27/98 22:42:52 Pets: puppy Fav Movie: wild things | Comments: I can't believe casper is married and has two kids |
Marcy Mitchell - 08/27/98 21:20:03 Location: Tennessee Occupation: student/college Boxers or briefs?: definitely briefs | Comments: This page is wonderful. I would love to see more pix of CVD. Keep them coming! |
Jennifer - 08/25/98 13:47:30 My Location: at school Occupation: student Fav Movie: eh... starshiptroopers perhaps!!! | Comments: Yes, he really is beautiful. These pics are really evidence for that!!!!!!!! |
Cass Anne - 08/25/98 09:10:43 My Email:don't know Location: Australia Occupation: school Pets: dog , cat Fav Movie: starship troopers & titanic Fav Musical or Play(or both): none Boxers or briefs?: n/a | Comments: this web page is okayneed more pictures |
J - 08/24/98 10:38:17 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:38:13 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:38:09 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:38:05 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:38:00 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:56 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:53 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:49 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:45 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:34 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: nude! |
J - 08/24/98 10:37:10 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: i agree with everyone else and get some nude picture great site ill be back |
J - 08/24/98 10:12:24 Location: Florida Occupation: 10th grade Pets: hot dog Fav Movie: s.s.t. Boxers or briefs?: lol, breifs | Comments: Damn the boy's fine you have got to get some nude pics but God's sakes dont make it to where we use credit card #'s. |
Jen - 08/21/98 00:31:46 My URL: My Location: Canada Occupation: !?!?!?!?! Pets: Dog Fav Movie: Adam Had Four Sons Fav Musical or Play(or both): Lullaby Of Broadway Boxers or briefs?: undies | Comments: i luv casper! that's so cool that he was married to Robert Mitchum's (luv him) grandaughter!!! keep it up! |
Jen - 08/20/98 18:32:35 My URL:`http:// My Location: Sac Town Baby! Occupation: I don't work, I play Pets: One adorable dogge SUNNE and two annoying cats Tucker and Sox Fav Movie: Star Ship Troopers, Meet the Deetles, Ever After, and Sleeping Beauty Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Secret Garden Boxers or briefs?: Briefs for me Boxers for guys | Comments: This is a tight web page, but you should definatley make some of the finer pics of my man and make them bigger so we can see the hottie more closely! |
alvin laxamana - 08/19/98 17:04:24 My Location: philippines Occupation: student Pets: dogs Fav Movie: basic instinst,etc., etc., etc. Fav Musical or Play(or both): cats Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: great page! keep on loading. |
crystal - 08/19/98 12:14:59 Location: universe Occupation: godess Pets: 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 bird Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): piano Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I LOVE CASPER VAN DIEN MORE THAN OTHER PERSON IN THE WORLD, UNIVERSE, SPACE AND BLACK HOLE |
Natalie (age8) - 08/19/98 02:53:58 My Location: Australia Occupation: school Pets: 1 cat,2 birds Fav Movie: starship proopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): spice girls | Comments: Hi Casper I like your movie starship troopers & could you write back to me & tell me how many other movies you have done. Love natalie. |
Ceecee - 08/18/98 02:06:46 My Location: pa Occupation: student Pets: too many! Fav Movie: duh! starship troopers! Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: if its on casper, it doesnt matter! | Comments: i love this page! it is awesome. casper is so amazing. all my friends yell at me because i go around saying Casper Van Dien is a god. well its true! I LOVE HIM!! |
Alyson - 08/15/98 17:24:58 My Location: md Pets: dog,rabbit,birds,and fish Fav Movie: starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): play | Comments: dear casper,i am a very big fan of yours.i think you are a big hunk.i have pictures of you on my acted very good in starship troopers.But carmen in the movie stole you from me just kidding .you are greatest looking man alive.i haven't seen you in tarzan but i am am shore you were da bom.please right back.yours truley luck with your acting. |
Carmen - 08/15/98 01:00:12 Location: new york Occupation: model Pets: 2 dogs Fav Movie: Tons Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I once went on a date w/ him. He's awesome !!!!ILOVEHIM!!!! |
Carmen - 08/15/98 00:58:08 | Comments: |
Debbie - 08/12/98 03:41:43 My Location: Brisbane, Australia Occupation: UNI Student Pets: Corgi & Bichon Frise Fav Movie: Too many to chose from! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Hmmm.....? Boxers or briefs?: Either depends on the mood I guess? | Comments: As soon as I saw Casper Van Dien I feel in love, he has the most intoxicating eyes and smile which just turn you to jelly!!! Thanks heaps for creating this site, now I can grab some gorgeous pics of one of my most favourite actors - if not my most favourite!!! |
Lady Made - 08/11/98 15:47:36 My Email:umm...none Location: Earth Occupation: Student Pets: cat, dog, bird, fish. Fav Movie: Star Wars Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables Boxers or briefs?: On Casper....boxers definately | Comments: this a great site. It has gorgeous pics. Good info, and interesting questions in the guestbook. by the way, PETS? Why pets? Anyway, Casper is a greek god. |
Marina - 08/09/98 21:50:48 My Location: ohio Occupation: accounting student Pets: 1 fish named Oscar Fav Movie: Starship Troopers and Titanic ALL THE WAYS BABY!!!! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Evita Boxers or briefs?: Boxers on Casper!!!!! | Comments: This web page is the greatest i have ever seen by far. I think casper is the SEXY MAN ALIVE!!! Casper, I think you are a HOTTIE!!! I Love You. |
Katelynn - 08/09/98 16:33:54 Location: Illinois Occupation: College student Pets: 4 Cats and 1 dog Fav Movie: Starship Troopers (like everyone else), Top Gun, and Backdraft Fav Musical or Play(or both): Guys and Dolls Boxers or briefs?: On Casper...BOXERS!!!! | Comments: This truly is a great work of art! Casper Van Dien has got to be the hottest, and most sexiest man alive! And the most adorable tattoo of Casper the friendly ghost on his enormous, gorgeous bicep. WOW! He kinda takes your breath away, doesn't he? Wha more is there to say...but....WOW!!!!! Thanks a bunch for the web don't know how many people appreciate it!! Hey Casper--thanks for truly are a sweetheart....stay sweet and god bless. =0) Katelynn |
kitana and sonya - 08/07/98 21:59:52 My Location: Belgium Occupation: school, man!!! Pets: 1 dog, 5 cats and a lot of chickens and fish Fav Movie: Terminator2,Titanic,starship troopers,... Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: hello!!! we saw starship troopers yesterday and it was great! Casper van dien is such a cutie, he beats Leo all the way!!!!!! By the way,GREAT website!!! |
Irmelinn Revheim - 08/07/98 20:05:35 Location: Norway Occupation: home Pets: two rabbits Fav Movie: Starship Troopers,Alien Ressurection Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet,Les Miserables,Phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: None! | Comments: I think that Casper is a hottie,and I love Starship Troopers.This was a very good site,keep it like this! |
Alicia - 08/07/98 17:22:52 Location: Brooklyn Pets: Iguana Fav Movie: Starship Troopers,selena,Soul Food, Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet | Comments: YOU ARE A GREAT ACTOR AND YOUR VERY HANDSOME AND YOUR A HOTTIE WITH A BODY! |
Alicia - 08/07/98 17:21:32 Location: Brooklyn Pets: Iguana Fav Movie: Starship Troopers,selena,Soul Food, Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet | Comments: YOU ARE A GREAT ACTOR AND YOUR VERY HANDSOME YOUR A HOTTIE WITH A BODY! |
Alicia - 08/07/98 17:19:11 Location: Brooklyn Pets: Iguana Fav Movie: Starship Troopers,selena,Soul Food, Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet | Comments: YOU ARE A GREAT ACTOR AND YOUR VERY HANDSOME |
Chris - 08/06/98 19:57:11 Location: Paris, France Occupation: tech crew(theatre), on tour Pets: a dog that died 4 months ago Fav Movie: Armageddon Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: |
Rama Salinger - 08/02/98 17:05:08 My Location: kibbuts kfar ruppin,israel Pets: dog named dvash Fav Movie: starship troopers | Comments: it is a great site!!!!! I want casper!!!!! |
- 08/02/98 13:22:04 My Location: Sydney, Australia Fav Movie: Shawshank Redemption Boxers or briefs?: None! | Comments: Great site thanks for the superb pix of Van Dien |
Alisha - 07/31/98 20:53:43 My Location: N.M. Occupation: school Pets: 4 dogs Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent and Westside Story Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I think Casper is a hottie. I would rather have him than Leo. This is an awesome website. Try 2 make the pics a lil bit bigger -k- Bye |
Alisha - 07/31/98 20:49:26 My URL: My Location: N.M. Occupation: school Pets: 4 dogs Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent and Westside Story Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I think Casper is a hottie. I would rather have him than Leo. This is an awesome website. Try 2 make the pics a lil bit bigger -k- Bye |
john riko - 07/31/98 07:42:03 Location: spore Occupation: student Pets: my family Fav Movie: the future movie of me!! Fav Musical or Play(or both): skid row extreme x.japan Boxers or briefs?: DON'T WEAR!!!! | Comments: i must said u do have the figure n looks but still sad to say,steve macca is still better than u...anyway all the best to ur me at 92694883 s'pore if u need a great actor!!!do u know there's a god up there???bless u...johnny RIKO |
Michelle Ong - 07/31/98 03:41:32 My Location: Hawaii Occupation: student Pets: cat Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: I like men in both | Comments: This page is totally cool. Casper Van Diem is totally hot!!! |
soccerpal - 07/29/98 22:45:20 My Fav Movie: good will hunting Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease Boxers or briefs?: boxers! | Comments: ever since i rented starship troopers, i have fallen in love with casper van dien; thanx for making a site devoted to my new fav actor! |
morgan - 07/27/98 05:52:19 Location: ut Pets: 2 birds Fav Movie: now and then Fav Musical or Play(or both): joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat Boxers or briefs?: both | Comments: i love casper! he is a great actor and he is sexy for his age! |
Joe Spinelli - 07/27/98 00:40:40 My Location: Fremont,Ca Occupation: Hair Stylist Pets: English Bulldog Fav Movie: Grease Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: Hey great site |
Joelle L. Park - 07/26/98 22:36:24 My Location: Beaufort, SC Occupation: Accountant Pets: 1 Dog , 2 Cats Fav Movie: Aliens and Tombstone Fav Musical or Play(or both): Xanadu Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: |
Adelia - 07/26/98 02:46:38 My URL: My Location: Singapore Occupation: Student Pets: 2...Cat & cat...*L* Fav Movie: The Wedding Singer Fav Musical or Play(or both): None Boxers or briefs?: Er...No comment =o) | Comments: Your page is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY COOL!!! I LOVE IT!!! Especially the pics part...ohh...yummy...*L* Well, Keep up the great work...Casper Van Dien RULZ!!! |
Chezarie - 07/25/98 20:09:00 My Email:none Location: San Jose Pets: none Fav Movie: Grease 1 Fav Musical or Play(or both): none | Comments: I think this is a cool site. Casper Van Dien is so cute I saw Starship Troopers like 5 times |
Devon - 07/25/98 00:34:20 My URL:http://www.angelfire.come/de/shivon My Location: B.C., Canada Occupation: Student Pets: Dog, birds, lizard, fish. Fav Movie: ...........too hard to pick one!!!! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Sound of Music Boxers or briefs?: Well, I actually prefer boxer-briefs!! | Comments: You have a WONDERFUL page, congrats, and keep it up!! |
Samantha - 07/25/98 00:20:08 My URL:http://www.Pretty Woman My Location: New york Occupation: none Pets: Dogs Cats Fav Movie: Titanic Fav Musical or Play(or both): Lion King Boxers or briefs?: I'm a girl I have none | Comments: I think you are the cutist boy I ever saw! |
Lindsey - 07/24/98 03:55:29 Location: Honolulu, Hawaii Fav Movie: Sound of Music Boxers or briefs?: Briefs or nothing at all! | Comments: Yeahhhhh.....babyyyy!! Great job, keep up the good work. And Casper if you're out there, keep up the good work and GREAT BOD! Stay grounded too!! |
Ask Casper! L.O.L. - 07/23/98 20:45:47 My URL:http:// ???? My Location: ?? Occupation: livin' off my daddy-o Pets: don't even ask! =) Fav Movie: Starship Troopers =) Fav Musical or Play(or both): For get that Boxers or briefs?: I'm a chick! | Comments: Hello all!! Just to let you know no matter how much you like him, I love him the most!!! He's gonna be mine one day!! I have his pics all over my walls!!!! I love him and I'll fight anyone for him!!!! If you have any pics, links, or info on him. E-mail me at: Thanx, Angel Baby (_!_) (_/_) (_\_) (_!_) Shake your booty!! |
Ask Casper! L.O.L. - 07/23/98 20:39:34 My URL:http:// ???? My Location: ?? Occupation: livin' off my daddy-o Pets: don't even ask! =) Fav Movie: Starship Troopers =) Fav Musical or Play(or both): For get that | Comments: |
DMZ - 07/23/98 19:03:19 My Location: Dallas Boxers or briefs?: Who needs underwear? | Comments: You might want to check out:,+Casper Some good stuff on Casper there. |
Jamie - 07/22/98 17:40:17 My Email:you know it Location: chi town Occupation: being me | Comments: hey buddy great job email me soon....thanks. love ya, jamie |
Audrey - 07/22/98 08:58:55 My Email:Only if you're Casper!! Location: Guam Occupation: Marketing Assistant Fav Movie: Silence of the Lambs Boxers or briefs?: Briefs!!! | Comments: Great page. Got any more pics or gossip? Casper if you're out are one MAJOR HOTTIE!!! |
Meredith Soileau - 07/21/98 19:57:52 My Location: Ville Platte,LA Occupation: Student Pets: dog (Girbaud) Fav Movie: Sixteen Candles Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom Boxers or briefs?: none | Comments: |
Meredith Soileau - 07/21/98 19:55:14 | Comments: |
The Witcg - 07/21/98 15:55:17 My URL: My Location: Ontario, Canada Occupation: House wife Pets: Cat Fav Movie: all Boxers or briefs?: briefs or nude | Comments: Hi it's The Witch. I just love your site. Good work, and keep up the good job....The Witch |
Nicole - 07/21/98 02:10:49 My URL: My Location: Canada Occupation: student Pets: dog, cat, bird, guinea pig, turtle, fish Fav Movie: Good Will Hunting Fav Musical or Play(or both): Ragtime Boxers or briefs?: i'm a girl | Comments: Hi, I like your page, Casper is cool! |
Danny Zubiate - 07/20/98 19:13:37 My | Comments: Comments? Well, I always thought my He-Man figures from back in the day always kicked ass. Seriously, just wanted to add, his last name "Van Dien", is a stage name he adapted from the street he used to live on as a kid: Van Dien Lane. |
Danny Zubiate - 07/20/98 17:28:35 My Location: Dallas, Texas Occupation: Film/Television Pets: 2 Dogs Fav Movie: Rocky Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Hey, now here's a page worth signing! Keep up the great work. Casper should be honored. I had the chance to work with him and meet him, and I know he would just eat this up! Rock on! |
DanelleMoore - 07/20/98 00:40:27 Location: Murfreesboro,TN Occupation: none Pets: (1)CAT (10)FISH Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Oklahoma Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: |
michelle ordonez - 07/19/98 21:18:52 My Location: miami Occupation: student Pets: dog Fav Movie: starship troppers Fav Musical or Play(or both): my heart will go on | Comments: please email me when you cfan i will always love you . email me bye love ya!!!!!!! |
Anne of Dirt - 07/18/98 20:28:56 My Location: SW FL Occupation: You don't want to know! Pets: 2 psychotic cats! : )~ Fav Movie: Highlander Fav Musical or Play(or both): MacB..."The Scottish Play" Boxers or briefs?: Nothing!...or a kilt! | Comments: A well-crafted site indeed! But hey, Casper Van Dien is some great material to work with, eh?! Gotta love those Sagitarrian men!! ; )~ |
wouln't you like to know!!! - 07/17/98 23:26:10 My Location: Arizona Occupation: uh?? Pets: 2 parots,2 dogs,15 other exotic birds. Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Romeo and Juliet Boxers or briefs?: I'm not gonna tell you I'm a chick! | Comments: Hello All, I just wanted to say that I love Casper Van Dien!!!! I don't care what anyone says I LOVE HIM THE MOST!!!!! And If any one has any nice pics of him send them to me!!!! I Love ya Casper!!! Plus if anyone knows how I can meet him let me know!!!! Mail e any info or pics at Thanx, Angel Baby |
wouln't you like to know!!! - 07/17/98 23:20:59 My Location: Arizona Occupation: uh?? | Comments: |
wouln't you like to know!!! - 07/17/98 23:20:06 | Comments: |
Kelly - 07/17/98 16:32:08 My URL: My Location: Urbana,IL Occupation: student Pets: a rotten puppy named Ted Fav Movie: Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade Fav Musical or Play(or both): Summerstock(it's an old MGM musical) Boxers or briefs?: Well I like my men in boxers :) | Comments: Hey Chris, Pretty good page! I did put up a pic from the party. You have a great page but then again I never pass up pages dedicated to goodlooking men ;) Keep up the good work! |
Veronica - 07/16/98 22:13:43 My Email:Yeah right! Location: Yeah right! Occupation: school Pets: 5 cats, 1 guinea pig, 1 hamster, 1 gerbil, 1 fish, 1 frog Fav Movie: As Good As It Gets, Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Casper is one sexy man! He comes in second place on my list! |
"Wood" I.....? - 07/15/98 04:25:33 Location: Guam Pets: Pitbull Fav Movie: Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: On Casper? G-STRINGS!!!!! | Comments: LOVEEEEEE....your page!!!!!!It's about time!! Mr. Van Dien is soooo....HOT!! How about more info on his next flicks? Come on, I waited this long, FEED ME!!!!!!!!! |
Dunstan - 07/14/98 01:18:24 My Email:dunstan_c Location: Guam Pets: 2 cats, 1 MUTT Fav Movie: Gone With the Wind Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miserables Boxers or briefs?: Briefs baby!!!!! | Comments: I've just seen S.T. on video recently.....FABULOUS!!! It's about time they did something "different". Thanks for the great articles on Casper. Got any "behind the scenes" to post? Oh, and great pictures too. Hope Casper Van Dien knows he has some fans out here in Guam!! |
Becca - 07/12/98 05:15:43 My Email:No way! Location: No way! Occupation: freelance screenwriter Pets: cat and greyhound Fav Movie: The X-Files Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I appreciate you making a website for Casper. He's my cousin. He was happy to hear that people liked him enough to do what you did. THANKS!!! |
Nam Vu - 07/10/98 21:18:14 My Location: California Occupation: Student Pets: Fish Fav Movie: As Good As It Gets Fav Musical or Play(or both): A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Boxers or briefs?: Briefs | Comments: You are very creative and I enjoyed what you have done with your page dedicated to Casper. I'm a male who envies his work. Keep up the great job, and lucky you, Europe huh? I know you'll enjoy it! |
Jessica Romack - 07/10/98 15:03:20 My Pets: dog-Genger&Shian Fav Movie: Undecided Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: |
Jennifer.M - 07/09/98 23:03:38 Location: SanDiego, California Occupation: High School Student Fav Movie: Any movie with Casper and any movie with Ben.Affleck Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I just wanted to say you have a great page. I totally love Casper. I've looked every where for a site about him. The others didn't have but one or two pictures. Thank You for all the great pictures and information!!! CAsPer is hot! Jennifer |
Liz O. - 07/09/98 01:45:21 My Email:coconnor04@SNET Location: connecticut Pets: Dog, Rabbit Fav Movie: Good Will Hunting Fav Musical or Play(or both): Le Mis Boxers or briefs?: niether | Comments: Casper van Dien is sooo cute and maybe next time I can see him with less then a loin cloth on!!!! |
Kristy - 07/08/98 16:26:30 My URL: My Location: North Carolina Occupation: High School Student Pets: two dogs, two cats, a bunny rabbit and getting a beagle! Fav Movie: TITANIC, Twister...many more...see my page Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: Preferable I wear undies...but on a guy I'd say boxers! | Comments: Hi there. I really love your page. There isn't much about Casper on the net and I am glad I found something...I am going to start a small page about him until I know more about him. He's a good actor and soo cute. Please email me and check out my homepage ...It's got Leo, Ben Affleck, and Roark Critchlow (from Days of Our Lives). I also have pages on my favorite tv shows: Dawson's Creek, Mad About You, FRIENDS, Days of Our Lives and apage about myself and my pets....please check it out! |
Tommy Morris - 07/06/98 01:56:31 My URL: My Location: Thorofare, NJ Occupation: 8th Grade Student Pets: 2 dogs, 1 lizard, 1 rabbit, 2 hamsters, and an unknown number of mice Fav Movie: Back to the Future Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Great job on the page! Please visit my page and sign my guest book! |
Melissa - 07/04/98 04:31:07 My Location: USA Occupation: student Pets: big lab, Toby Fav Movie: too many to count! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: Boxers! | Comments: Hey, your page is very well done... And sounds like you've done your homework on Casper. Thanks for all the great pics and info; I'll have my own page soon; hope it can follow after yours! Do you know what Casper's nationality is? I can't find it anywhere and "Van Dien" could mean any of a number of European countries! I've got a bet with a friend on which it is; do you think you could help me out? ^_^ Thanks again, and keep it up! |
Jan - 07/02/98 22:54:19 My Location: Mo Occupation: school Pets: 2 cats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Grease Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Hey I just wanted to say that I am a major fan of Casper too. Nice page. |
Erin - 07/02/98 05:40:54 Location: chicago Fav Movie: Starship Troopers and Scream Fav Musical or Play(or both): grease and the Rocky Horror Picture Show | Comments: Casper Van Dien is a god and should have his own holiday! |
page - 07/02/98 05:04:37 My Location: california Occupation: none Pets: none Fav Movie: starship troopers and empire records! Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I love CASPER VAN DIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so hot! I love his voice and he has a totally nice butt, thanks to starship troopers for that awsome shower scene! I think hes such a good actor and he should get more attention. matt damon gets alot, an casper is way cuter so he should get more! |
page - 07/02/98 05:03:23 My Location: california Occupation: none Pets: none Fav Movie: starship troopers and empire records! Fav Musical or Play(or both): phantom of the opera Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: I love CASPER VAN DIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so hot! I love his voice and he has a totally nice butt, thanks to starship troopers for that awsome shower scene! I think hes such a good actor and he should get more attention. matt damon gets alot, an casper is way cuter so he should get more! |
André Schäfer - 06/30/98 18:18:42 My Location: Göttingen, Germany Occupation: Student (Medicine/Chemistry) Pets: Big Spiders Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): TECHNO Boxers or briefs?: BRIEFS | Comments: Hi, ich bin echt froh, dass ich zu den unter 3000'n gehöre. Ciao, Aens |
Amy - 06/28/98 22:04:12 Location: Edmonton,AL Pets: Hedge Hog Fav Movie: I Know what you did last summer Fav Musical or Play(or both): Miss. Sagon | Comments: I just wanted to say that Casper is very very hot and I think the best movie he played in was Starship Troopers cuz he looks best in that! |
Jackie - 06/28/98 18:43:22 My | Comments: Great page, Great pics, Great Guy. What else can I say? |
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Levante - 06/28/98 05:57:17 My URL: My Location: S'pore Occupation: Dreamer.. Fav Movie: Point Break Boxers or briefs?: On him? | Comments: Nice page! Casper van Dien is a human dynamo, and he gives the most amusing interviews.. *grin* How about more articles? Nice collection of pictures. : ) |
lydia - 06/18/98 10:36:41 Location: asia Occupation: student Pets: hamster Fav Movie: Tarzan:The Lost City Fav Musical or Play(or both): Les Miz Boxers or briefs?: what the? | Comments: I LOVE CASPER VAN DIEN JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO! I think you did a great job! YOU"RE TOTALLY COOL! :) ;) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) |
KK - 06/13/98 07:15:18 My Location: Penang, Malaysia Occupation: IT executive Pets: N/A Boxers or briefs?: briefs | Comments: Great Page! Any nude shots of Casper Van Dien? Thanks. |
Missy - 06/12/98 00:53:05 My URL: My | Comments: Wow! You've got tons of amazing pics of Casper!!! Where'd you get them all????? Keep up the great work. |
Gwendolyn - 06/08/98 15:14:36 Pets: Lizard Fav Movie: Starship Troppers | Comments: Casper is really hot. I like the page |
rachel - 06/07/98 18:44:03 My URL: My Location: chicago Occupation: student Pets: none Fav Movie: only you Fav Musical or Play(or both): my fair lady Boxers or briefs?: briefs - "those boys need a home" | Comments: casper is so hot!! thanks for the pics!!! |
J.Rico - 06/07/98 03:13:57 Location: cali Pets: german shepherd Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Boxers or briefs?: Both | Comments: Awesome page Go to kinkos to scan pictures, It costs a few bucks but at least you'll be current. Try to get info on up-comming Van Dien films. (might be a cool topic) |
J. Honculada - 06/06/98 19:08:52 My Location: Wayne, NJ Fav Movie: Star Wars, Gattaca Fav Musical or Play(or both): Rent Boxers or briefs?: no comment | Comments: This guy is absolutely sizzling!!! I saw Starship Troopers yesterday and I can't get enough of Casper Van Dien. That chiseled face and fine good looks makes him a super-hottie-boom-body!!! |
Nala - 06/05/98 15:51:56 My URL: My Location: Chicago Occupation: student/waitress Pets: cat-furball Fav Movie: TITANIC Fav Musical or Play(or both): ANNIE, SOUND OF MUSIC Boxers or briefs?: BOXERS!! (on my boyfriend!) | Comments: Hey there hon, hope you are doing ok, your page looks great, keep up the work, i got some stuff to send you soon, get me your addy at sul if you can!! if not i will send it to your home. ok. well take care and email me soon!!! miss ya much!! love ya, jami |
Ayeeshah - 05/30/98 02:02:49 My Location: Melbourne, Australia Occupation: student Pets: Brutus my beautiful doggy Fav Movie: 80's movies like Sixteen Candles and Ferris Bueller's Day Off Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: boxers: you want a surprise don't you? | Comments: Fantastic page of Casper. My, my he is too good looking for his own good. Not only is he gorgeous but he seems to be a very nice guy. *Sighing* he's just perfect. |
Stevowino - 05/27/98 02:50:39 My Occupation: DRUG DEALER Pets: Mo dog forever Fav Movie: Debbie Does Dallas Fav Musical or Play(or both): J & H SP Boxers or briefs?: none | Comments: Fav site, wonderful work This Studmuffin will go places |
Erika Chan - 05/27/98 02:28:48 My Location: CA Occupation: student Pets: 2 birds, 2 dogs, a frog and a gecko Fav Movie: ones w/Casper of course! But other than that, Romy & Micheles HS reunion, and a lot more that I can't think of now Fav Musical or Play(or both): damn yankees Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Thanks so much for making a Casper web page! I love him! There is a Details magazine out right now for the month of JUly and Gillian Anderson (actress from X-Files) is on the cover and there are HOT pix of Casper modeling clothes in the back. 5 whole p ges! Well continue your good work! Bye! |
Regina Wolfe - 05/27/98 01:08:15 My Email:Regina3185@hotmail Location: Texas Occupation: Student Pets: 2 dogs and 2 cats Fav Movie: Starship Troopers and Forrest Gump Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Sound of Music Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: I love Casper Van Dien because he is so cute and because he is a great actor. So far I have seen two of his most recent movies and am planning to see all of the future ones. I love your page- It's the best! |
Raquel Quelch - 05/25/98 21:13:16 My Location: Toronto Occupation: Receptionist/Accounts Clerk Pets: None Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Sound of Music Boxers or briefs?: guess??? | Comments: Just to let you know, there are some amazing pictures of Casper in Details magazine. If I were you, I'd run right now and get it. |
Cynthia - 05/22/98 02:44:48 My URL: My Location: Paris Occupation: Student/Bum Pets: 2cats, 3dogs, many fish Fav Movie: Titanic! Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera Boxers or briefs?: silk boxers | Comments: Chris-cool page. This guy is such a hottie! Is this what you do in school when you don't go to class? :) |
Tea - 05/16/98 01:16:21 My Location: New Jersey Occupation: student Pets: dog and cat Fav Movie: Titanic & Grease Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of the Opera | Comments: This is so great! I love Casper Van Dien and whenever I looked for sites on him, I found nothing. But now I found your site and, it's just great! The pictures are great. The info's great. Everything's great. Job well done! |
Tarzan - 05/12/98 04:17:59 My Location: Canada Occupation: Desktop Publisher Pets: Turtles Fav Movie: Object of my affection Fav Musical or Play(or both): Josheph, Rent Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Cool site! Like to see more of Casper head shots. |
Avantika S. Chitre - 05/09/98 17:03:48 My Location: Los Gatos, California Occupation: School Pets: A Dog Fav Movie: Titanic Fav Musical or Play(or both): Alice In Wonderland | Comments: I am a fan of Casper Van Dien. He looks so cute in Tarzan. That's why I love this site. I get to see more pictures other than Tarzan pictures. |
Photon - 05/08/98 05:45:06 My Location: Toronto Ontario Canada Occupation: Cook/kitchen Helper/ Storeroom attendant/ Libarian Pets: Cat: Shadow Fav Movie: Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): West Side Story Boxers or briefs?: Boxers | Comments: Hi Love this site. |
JoSeph Sky - 05/07/98 23:55:14 My URL: Location: Lake Havasu City, AZ Fav Movie: Titanic / Starship Troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Evita Boxers or briefs?: Boxerbriefs | Comments: WOw, your page is really cool! I totally worship Casper, he is sooo gorgeous! Anyways, thanks for having some cool pics of him! |
katie mckenna - 05/07/98 20:48:55 My Location: marietta,ga Occupation: student,model,athlete Pets: dog Fav Movie: titanic Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: |
Kozy - 05/07/98 00:21:02 My URL: My Occupation: daycare Pets: bunny-trixie Fav Movie: titanic, starship troopers Fav Musical or Play(or both): Phantom of The opera Boxers or briefs?: Sorry-me being female this doesn't apply | Comments: This is a great page. I'm glad to see that Mr. Van Dien is starting to get some pages of his own on the web. I for one helped this along. =) I'm happy to see that others feel the same way I do that he is not only a great actor but he's not hard on the eyes either. Keep up the good work. |
emily anne - 05/06/98 19:42:24 Location: rifle Occupation: student Pets: dog name is-Casper Fav Movie: starship troopers Boxers or briefs?: boxers | Comments: Oh my god! I think Casper Van Dien is THE HOTTEST hottie around. Does anyone know about any upcoming movies? Besides Tarzan. |
Erin - 03/30/98 20:59:53 My URL: My Location: IA Occupation: Student Pets: Dog - Walker Fav Movie: Donnie Brasco Fav Musical or Play(or both): The Crucible Boxers or briefs?: Sorry, I'm not a man, so I couldn't fill in this category. | Comments: Hey!! Love the page! Be sure and tell me when there is more. Got this off of your e-mail you sent to me, and decided to take a look! Love the pic that shows up right away. I smiled, and had to show my friend (another fellow Casper lover) |
Nala - 03/27/98 04:52:21 My URL: My Location: Chicago Occupation: College Student Pets: 1 cat-Furball Fav Movie: Titanic, Scream, Hercules, Forrest Gump Fav Musical or Play(or both): Joseph, Annie | Comments: Great page buddy!!!!!! Keep up the good work!! Love ya, Nala |